The Digidestined

The Digimon
The Bad Digimon

The Digidestined

The Digimon
The Bad Digimon
Episode Guide 1-10
Episode Guide 11-20
Episode Guide 21-30
Episode Guide 31-40
Episode Guide 41-50

The Digiplex:03

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Episode 1 Pic

Enter Flamedramon (Episode 1)
Four years after the adventures of Tai and the others... The Digital World is once again in trouble as a new villian emerges from the digi- WAIT! This new villian is from the real world! His name is the Digimon Emperor and he is one of the Digidestined! His goal is to achieve total control of the Digiworld and the Digimon using his dark rings. Augumon tries his best to purge him of his acts but fails because he is unable to Digivolve. It looks like the end, but... Warp in the new Digidestined! Davis, a friend of Tai's, go to the Digiworld with TK and Kari to anwser Tai's (for some unknown reason he's in the DigiWorld) SOS. Will the new team ever win against this new villian?

Episode 2 Pic

The Digiteam Complete (Episode 2)
Davis and the others saved the Digital World and returned to the real world. Seeing how excited Davis was at his first victory, Yolei discontent at not being able to go to the digital world grew. Then the next day, Yolei, Cody and Davis, along with Izzy and Sora as guides, went to the Digital World. It seemed like a picnic to Yolei and she was very excited. But the Digimon Emperor had been waiting for them and suddenly began attacking with Drimogemon, Snimon (Pronounced differently for some unknown reason), and Mojyamon... Davis was defeated and captured by the Kaizer. When all she was able to do was leave Davis and run away, Yolei realized the harsh reality of the digital world. Can Yolei overcome her fear of fighting and save Davis? Yolei and Cody later find their digi-eggs in an abandoned temple, together, the old DigiDestined help the new ones adjust to their new surroundings. Yolei finds her digimon partner Hawkmon, and Cody finds his digimon partner Armadillomon. Together, they fight and defeat the Digimon Emperor, for now...

Episode 3 Pic

A New Digitude (Episode 3)
First Davis, then Yolei and Cody got the power to fight the Digimon Kaizer. But TK's and Kari's partners, Patamon and Gatomon, had their power to evolve sealed by the Black Digivice and were unable to even fight! As if to sneer at their powerlessness, the Kaizer concentrated his attacks on Patamon and Gatomon. Able only to run away as Davis and the others protected them, TK's and Kari's hearts were filled with chagrin and despair. But when they looked deep within a cave they happened to hide in, what they saw were two Digieggs with the Crests of Hope and Light engraved on them...

Episode 4 Pic

Iron Vegiemon (Episode 4)
In order to save the Digimon from his dominion, Davis and the others began battling the Digimon Kaizer. But, as if sneering at their efforts, the Kaizer used his Black Digivice and Evil Rings to further expand his territory. Then another town fell into the Kaizer's hands. With a fearless smile on his face and the Dark Tower at his back, the Kaizer looked down upon the village. With their town surrounded by the Kaizer's minions, the villagers had no choice but to obey his command. There was just one among them who watched for the Kaizer's weakness, Matt's partner, Gabumon. Gabumon planned to lead the villagers away while the Kaizer was away from the village. But what awaited him was Red Veggiemon's torture rack! Would Gabumon's SOS reach Davis and the others and Matt? And where is the Kaizer's accelerating madness leading...!?

Episode 5 Pic

Old Reliable (Episode 5)
In the frozen wasteland of the North, an unknown sound echoed. There the Kaizer forced the Gizamon to build him a huge prison. When Gomamon opposed the cruel plan, the Kaizer attacked him. Sensing Gomamon's danger, Joe threw down his test and ran to the computer room. In contrast, Cody let his kendo practice take precedence over the Digital World... Seeing Joe, will Cody realize what he needs to do? A hot battle has begun in an icy world...!

Episode 6 Pic

Family Picnic (Episode 6)
Today the computer club is going on a picnic. With their lunches packed and their bags over their shoulders they head for...huh? The Digital World!? Using Golden Week as an excuse, the children decided to go to the Digital World on a picnic. All the regular members, plus Mimi, just back from America, were all getting into a picnic mode. They spread out their lunches and passed the time, but one thing led to another and something unexpected happened... A strong enemy? The beautiful brotherly love of the Gokimon Brothers vs. the new combi of Yolei and Mimi! A storm of pink may be about to descend on the Digital World...!?

Episode 7 Pic

Guardian Angel (Episode 7)
The children fought to liberate the Full Metal City from the Digimon Kaizer. But as they were trying to escape from the enemy's attack, they were caught in an explosion and Kari and Gatomon were left alone in the Digital World! The two of them fought bravely against an army of Gardromon. Feeling responsible for being unable to protect Kari, Davis and TK hurried back to the Digital World. But just as they met up once again with Kari a new enemy appeared before them! It was their old friend Andromon, now controlled by the Evil Ring... On the Kaizer's orders Andromon attacked Kari! Did the Evil Ring deprive him even of the precious memories he had? Kari's bitter scream echoed through the Full Metal City...!

Episode 8 Pic

Ken's Secret (Episode 8)
At a soccer meet, Davis's was up against the boy genius everyone had been talking about, Ichijouji Ken. When Davis's slide prevented Ken from scoring, they both shook hands and admited each other's talent, but... After the game a Dark Tower suddenly appeared in Death Valley, the valley of death. When Davis and the others went to investigate, they fell right into the Digimon Kaizer's fearsome trap! Davis's friends were taken hostage and there was nothing he could do to resist. The Digimon Kaizer toyed with Davis, a ruthless smile on his face. But for some reason on the Kaizer's right leg was the same bruise that Davis had given Ken...!? The Digimon Kaizer's true identity is finally revealed! Now the Digital world must get past a new attack...!!

Episode 9 Pic

The Emperor's New Home (Episode 9)
The Digimon Kaizer's true identity had finally been revealed. The face that appeared under the mask was...the boy genius, Ichijouji Ken! Davis and the others were in shock from this unsuspected revelation. Meanwhile, Ken left behind the real world for good and began taking over more and more of the Digital World! In order to attain the power needed to control all of the Digital World, Ken went after a certain Digimon. That Digimon was...Tai's Agumon!! Using the Evil Ring, Ken filled Agumon with the power of darkness to make him evolve into Metal Greymon. But the evil power was too great and caused Agumon to go wild, resulting in unexpected consequences...!

Episode 10 Pic

The Captive Digimon (Episode 10)
The power of the Kaizer's Black Digivice caused Agumon to run wild and evolve into Skull Greymon. After destroying as much as possible, his strength was drained and he returned to Agumon. While Kari screamed after him, he was once again taken away by the Kaizer. Agumon had fallen into the enemy's hands. Before their eyes was the destructive power of a Fully Evolved Digimon. The children's hearts were shaken as the harsh reality was thrust before their eyes. Tai came along with the children to the Digital World, would that be enough to save Agumon? But the Kaizer continued his evil research to be able to control Agumon and finally...!?


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