The Digidestined

The Digimon
The Bad Digimon

The Digidestined

The Digimon
The Bad Digimon
Episode Guide 1-10
Episode Guide 11-20
Episode Guide 21-30
Episode Guide 31-40
Episode Guide 41-50

The Digiplex:03

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Episode 41 Pic

Digimon World tour pt.2 (Episode 41)
With the help of the DigiDestined, the Digimon who had appeared in Hong Kong and New York were finally removed to the Digital World. Meanwhile, the other children were fighting other problems all over the world.

Just the opposite of Japan, Australia was in the middle of summer and Joe and Cody were hard at work removing the Dark Spires that had overrun the country. The powerful being that aided the two in their troubles was a bathing suit clad Santa Claus!

Meanwhile in France, Tai and Takeru was partially frozen in the cold of night, TK's grandfather was supposed to guide them, but he hadn't shown up so the boys were by themselves. When he finally did arrive, he turned out to be a old man who rode around on a motorcycle!

Inside the Palace of Versailles, the group met the not-so-friendly Mamemon Brothers whom they instantly did not take a liking to.. Who would get the upper hand in this battle?

"It's inexcusable that these beans have taken over Versailles Palace."

Episode 42 Pic

Digimon World tour pt.3 (Episode 42)
America, Hong Kong, Australia, France. With the help of the DigiDestined, the digimon were finally able to return to their digital realm. All that were left were Mexico and Russia.

Ken and Matt followed some renegade digimon into some Mayan ruins. What awaited them down the dark passageway was a Mexican girl and her Gotsumon. The girl immediately took a liking to Ken and began to be all over him, causing Wormmon to burn with rage of jealousy.

Meanwhile in Russia, Sora and Yolei were having their own problems. It was great that they managed to meet some of the local children...but the problem was they didn't have a clue what each other was saying. Will Yolei be able to break the launguage barrier and communicate with these Russians?

Love's burning tug-of-war in ancient ruins and "Electric Borshch In the Skies of Russia" theme this episode!

"Interpret for me! It's time for children to be in bed."

Episode 42 Pic

Invasion of the Daemon Corps (Episode 43)
Marinedevimon, Ladydevimon, and Skullsatamon came into the fight and it took Imperialdramon changing to Fighting Mode to stop Skullsatamon... later on Daemon appeared and told Ken to come with him, but before they left Arukenimon intervened and forced Ken to come with her using a truck-load of kidnapped kids as hostages. So there wasn't much he could do but just go with them. The plot thickens during the next episode...

Episode 42 Pic

Dark Sun, Dark Spore (Episode 44)
that big creepy guy explains to Ken how he inserted a Dark Spore into him... which quickly spread throughout his system. The spore turned him into a great athlete and a genius. The guy told the truckload of kids that they could be just like Ken, but in order to do that they must get some of the "evil" from Ken. Meanwhile right behind them were Joe's brother, Davis, Cody and the others trailing them in a high speed car chase. What will happen to the kids in the truck?

Episode 45 Pic

The Dark Gate (Episode 45)
Owikawa and Daemon are meeting together while Davis and Veemon hide out watching above on the truck load of kidnapped children. After a disagreement breaks out, Daemon brings out arukenimon and mummymon, just then Veemon jumps down and digivolves to Exveemon. Just when they think it's impossible to defeat Daemon, Kari remembers the one place that could contain his power... the dark ocean. Summoning and facing his fears, Ken manages to use his dark D3 to re-open the portal to the dark ocean. With a combined attack of Silphymon, Imperialdramon, and Shakkuomon, they sent Daemon spirling into the void. Oh yeah...and Ken finally tells his parents about Wormmon. That's gotta be a shock.

Episode 46 Pic

Duel of the Wargreymon (Episode 46)
Ken's dad worked with Owikawa at his job, and brought back a file containing a company photo of him with the group... but with the recent action, he's disappeared and not returned for two days. The kids who had the dark spores implanted are now beginning to grow smarter and the other digidestined are trying to find them all to hopefully stop the spores from spreading. Also, Blackwargraymon has returned... but this time to the real world! Agumon and Gabumon told Tai and Kari that since they left, Blackwargraymon has been destroying the digital world since the balance of power has been thrown off. having discovered that Blackwargraymon was created from from Owikawa's dna converted to data, he suddendly has a "profound awakening" =) and decides that since they are foreign to the digital world... they must be destroyed. Just as Blackwargraymon is about to destroy Owikawa, Mummymon, and Arukenimon, Tai and Agumon step in with Agumon digivolving to Wargraymon... and a battle begins. High up above Highton View Terrace with a massive explosion of force, the digimon defeat Blackwargreymon.


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