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Zelda theHYLIAN


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Spiral - prose

Her feet pounded, heels never touching the steps, her toes only barely making contact for a mere instant before they sprung away. She had been racing for a good day now, and she still couldn't feel enough. The surge of adrenaline would never give out, like she wished for it. There was still that unobtainable point of utter pain looming before her. It was for that summit that she fought ... arms pumping at her sides. She splayed the walls with her sweat and yet she was still unable to give any compassion to their pallid lull. Her toes thwaped against the edges of the stairs as she mounted another level and choked into the silence of years of self-absorption and abandonment. All of her senses were shot ... all except her perception of pain .. and still she wasn't there yet... still, she spiraled upwards in heaving, bloodied gulps of air ... and when she finally burst through the door and into the piercing gusts of wind that can only come from an enormous height …she was not affected ..and her mind screamed for something, anything to rupture her apathy ... and ................... nothing responded.

So .... instead of resting and surrendering to the desensitized thumping of her heart ... she jumped ... and spiraled downwards in one final attempt to feel the horror and the agony and the grief and the envy and the hopelessness and ... in turn ... find hope ... and faith.

Weight of a Seer

Spiral - poem

Spiral - prose

Snow - prose