Real Monkeys


First and foremost: it is important to note that monkeys and apes are very different things, though apparently not so important that the majority of the world cares. However I feel I would be doing you all a disservice by blithely ignoring this fact, so here are the main differences.



Gorillas, chimpanzees, orang-utans. They bear a closer resemblance to humans than monkeys do, and thus are more likely to be forced to wear hats for comic effect.



Baboons, macaques. Ground-dwelling monkeys with opposable thumbs, and the sorts of posterior which often cause schoolchildren to giggle uncontrollably. Native to Africa.



Spider, squirrel, howler, capuchin monkeys etc. Tree-dwelling, prehensile-tailed monkeys of the Americas.


Collectively, these are known as anthropoid primates (though that term also covers humans). Really, this book should be called The Anthropoid Primate (Excluding Humans) Guide, as apes feature prominently. But I prefer the current, snappier title.



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