While we risk sounding cliche by saying this, we just must...Australia is the best place on earth! Australia's beauty lies in it's endless white beaches, tranquil rainforests, burnt red center, and happening cities like Sydney. All this is one place...too good to be true you say? Well, without trying to sound like a corny travel brochure, Aus really is in a category of its own.

Check it out for yourself......



* The biggest event to hit Australia will be the 2000 Olympics. The official and the best site on the games is Sydney 2000. This also links to the logo site.

* SydneyCity offers a great variety of Sydney links and includes search engines, directories, indexes, lists, and many other Sydney guides. This site also links to other Aus links.

* Best of Sydney on the Net...is just that ! : )

* If you are interested in Australia or intend to visit, you'll find everything you need to know at About Australia

* For Virtual Guided Tours, Pictures, Travel Stories and a fantastic array of links on Aus, G'day Australia is one of the very best links on Aus.

* For any traveller, no matter what the destination, checking out Lonely Planet is a must. Destination Australia is as good as any Lonely Planet site and includes information on the environment, history, culture, and even economic profile of Australia. There is also great travel information, telling you all you need to know about getting here & getting around.

* Guide to Australia is published by Charles Sturt University and the Australian National Botanic Gardens, and includes indexes, facts on government, history, weather, communications, and geography. It also provides useful travel information and an array of general facts on Aus.

~ Tell us what you think about Aus, whether you live here, or have visited us. We'd especially love to hear your travel stories. Just drop us some & we'll compose a list of responses. Don't forget to tell us where you're from.

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NANDYA - weevil@hotmail.com

MAJA - rimad@ozemail.com.au


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