PROTEST !!! CLICK HERE PROTEST !!! CLICK HEREProtect X-Files web sites...FOX has already taken down the sites of many dedicated fans. PROTEST! Click here to find out more.

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There is no doubt that the X-files has reached worldwide cult-status, and the thousands of net sites dedicated to the series is only a minimal indication of just how big the X-files is. This is my favourite show. : )

I wasn't too crash hot about the show when I first saw it either, but watch a few episodes, gain a knowledge of 'the background story' and of the characters, and I'm sure that you too will be hooked! I'm not one for shows that strike me with fear, and while the show has a habit of doing so at times, the X-files is so much more.

For those of you who don't know, the show is based on..well, it's kinda hard to explain really exactly what the show is about! The show revolves around FBI agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully and the various cases to which they are assigned, all of which are considered to involve anything but 'normality'.

FBI agent Fox Mulder

(David Duchovny)

FBI agent Dana Scully

(Gillian Anderson)



The X-Files Top Ten List, lists a variety of top ten things about the X-Files.

There are hundreds of personal X-Files homepages, and some of our neighbours at Geocities have great X-Files homepages. Here are some of them :

Jon's X-Files Home Page has great links, images and sounds.

This X-Files Page has the usual list of links, and also has a list of FAQ's. Check this page out for complete and detailed information on both Dana Scully and Fox Mulder.

Another great X-Files Home Page at Geocities. It includes pictures, sounds, links, and info on the X-files movies.

The Official FOX Siteoffers all the usual stuff you'd find on an official site. This is obviously the most detailed site, and the only site where you will not be bombarded by protests!

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