

Domingo en Merida -- Every Sunday in Merida

Every Sunday in Merida, enjoy a stroll through the main plaza. You can experience Merida's real charm here, for while the streets are closed to traffic, there are many things to enjoy about the tree lined park.

Many Meridan locals in their best Sunday dress come to enjoy the park and men pushing carts full of tortas, (sandwiches) elotes (corn) and fruit drinks are there to serve the crowd. Small flee markets selling various local and handmade items of interest are also set up, but if this isn't your interest, perhaps you might like to sit back and enjoy a mariba or one of several concerts of folkloric dance performance and bands that offer interesting Yucatecan/Mayan music.

Mexican Night -- Every Saturday Evening in Merida

This fiesta takes place at the end of Paseo Montejo, (near downtown) every Saturday starting around 6 or 7pm. It is a jumble of food, music, dance and crafts, all based on Mexican traditions and customs. It is entirely in Spanish but interesting none the less and there are many things to buy! I bought a pure leather purse for only 60pesos and we also bought a lot of Christmas presents here. It is a party that you will want to visit!
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