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What up y'all. The name's kalious and I'll be helping out around here with the news and all kinds of phresh shit like that. Mad props to my homegirl Lemon for putting me on. Now onto the news...

Have y'all been wondering about who the guest appearances are gonna be on tha Green Book? Well it has been decided. and the special guest is none other than E-40! If you know anything about rap, then you know who E-40 is. If you don't know about rap then your in for a big treat once the Green Book drops. Y'all like how I be making it green everytime I say Green Book don't ya?
And over at, Violent J has his second installment of Weekly Freekly up and running so check that shit out here.
And you can get the lyrics for the new Twiztid  For tha Fam EP over at if you wanna sing along and shit.

Not bad for my first post huh? Well I'll holla at at y'all once some more shit happens. Peace out for now

Much Much Juggalo Love to y'all
You wont forget me now! MUHAHAHA!

Sup y'all. Just a little quick info for y'a. There's a little mini gathering goin on in Florida so you can hit up for more info on that. And either me or Lemon Lysol will fill you in when we find some more shit out. So until then I leave you with this. Never use the Shurshin in vain. Yeah, figure that shit out! :lol I'll holla at ya later juggaleezies!

Much Juggalo Luv


Well, fuck me and my bitch ass computer. I finally got on here. It's been months. To top of a slow computer, I got a fucked up keyboard and gotta copy and paste a bunch of shit. My fault for spilling Dr Pepper on it. Yeah, laugh it up you bastard. Well, there's my little rant and here's your news for Sunday., brought, just like promised, the official Green Book sampler! A little early, too. Now, make sure to go check that out, because...Damn. This just hyped me up more for the Green Book. I didn't think that was possible, but they did it. I sort of wish I hadn't heard it, because now I want the Green Book in my CD Player right motherfuckin' now! LOL Not too much longer to wait, though, Juggalos!

Now we changing to the color Purple...That's right. The 5th episode of the Purple Show is coming June 9. That's tomorrow motherfuckas! And I hope you've gotten the chance to check out the Purple Show DVD. Don't miss that shit!

Check this...

ATTEN: Juggalos and Juggalettes

We need 10 candidates for a film/documentary I'm making on Juggalos and juggalettes. On Saturday June 14, 2003 at 2 pm at Union Square Park in New York City, I'm having a screening for the film. You will be filling out forms and being taped so I can get a hold of you for future filming. This film is being conducted by Juggalos so expect faygo for the first 60 people who are interviewed if you come. To get in touch with me my email is or or you can reach me through AOL instant messenger my screen name is trashydaclown and mixiebx.

Email me for more info on the film I hope I see you soon MMFCL

If weather does not permit I will send out a new message for the new time and date.

One last thing...I want to tell y'all to go check out this phresh board, the Ninja Board. Click the logo below to check it out!

Some site shit...Welcome to Kalious, the newest staff member here. He's the one that called me Lemon Lysol...Damn him. LOL

Some more site shit...I need a Juggalo or Juggalette to help me out with the news, so if you're interested, contact ME. All my info is on the Staff page.

Well...fuck. I think I got all the news, but I could be wrong. It's almost 8 in the morning and I haven't slept at all tonight, so fuck it. I'll get anything I missed later.

Juggalos and Juggalettes, as always Much Much Family Love

Evil Lemon