Banjo-Kazooie: Treasure Trove Cove

KEY for Map

  • - Bottles' Mole Hills
  • - Extra Honeycomb Energy
  • - Extra Lives
  • - Jinjo Locations
  • - Mumbo Token Locations
  • - Jiggi Locations
  • - Witch Switch
  • - Entrance

    If you've made it this far, you've at leastt 50 notes in Mumbo's Mountain, mastered the Talon Trot, and are ready for the next level. Accessible after inserting 2 Jiggies and having 50 notes.

    Green: Climb up the mast of Cap'n Blubber's ship to find him on the way top.
    Pink: On the far right shock spring pad pillar.
    Blue:Submerged in the water, under the pier you start on.
    Yellow:On a tree right below the lighthouse at the top of the mountain.
    Orange: On a narrow ledge next to the second pool from the wooden stairs.

    Bottles the mole teachs you 2 moves on this level, these include:
    1. Shock Spring Jump
    2. Flying

    1. Near the giant treasure boxes and out in the sea on a floating crate. Fly out there and fly back without landing to avoid the shark. 2. Facing Nipper, look to the right to see it underwater and along the cliff. you may have to drop down from the platforms high above to reach it without becoming shark food.

    1. Out floating on a crate beside sharkfood island.
    2. In a pond that sticks out from the mountain

    1. Go to the giant hermit crab nipper and rat-a-tap rap him in the eye three times. Collect the Jiggy piece inside his shell.
    2. Talk to Cap'n Blubber and he'll ask you to recover his teasure. Stomp the panel on the deck of his ship to go into the middle of the ship to find one of the treasures. Go back outside the ship and swim through one of the submerged cannon holes on the side of the ship to find another peice of the treasure. Go back to Cap'n Blubber and return his two treasures to be rewarded with a jiggy.
    3. Go to the mast of Cap'n Blubber's Ship to find a flight pad. Use it to reach a treasure chest high in a cave to the left which weilds another golden puzzle piece.
    4. At the mast of cap'n blubber's ship is the flight pad. Instead of going left to the treasure chest go right to another cave. Travel up the top of the mountain and into the lighthouse. use the shock spring pad to reach the Jiggy piece on top of the lighthouse.
    5. Use the crates near cap'n blubber's ship to reach the crossroads. On the other side of the crates there should a small platform with leakey the bucket and a shock spring pad. Shoot two eggs from your rear and into the bucket to have him drain the water. Then enter the sand castle and spell "BANJOKAZOOIE" by stomping on the appropriate letters. Once you spell that out destroy the black crab to get the Jiggy.
    6. Near the crates and on the crossroads there should be a group of pillars, each with shock spring pads. Work your way to the left by using the pads. The shock spring pads will help you reach a cave with a Jiggy piece.
    7. Right past the shock spring pad there should be a tower. use the circular patforms to reach the top of the tower. stomp the "x" on the top and use the flight pads to follow the arrow and find another "x". continue to stomps the "x"'s and follow the arrows until the "x" turns into a question park. Right near there should be a small island and on it should be the last "x", stomp it to reveal a golden treasure chests. stomp the treasure chest to discover the jiggy piece.
    8. Past the tower with first "x" there should be a group of wooden stairs. On the bottom platform follow a narrow ledge off to the right. Use the crates and platforms to reach the Jiggy piece.
    9. climb up the stairs until you reach a group of pools with mines in them. swim to the bottom of the first pool to collect a jiggy. 10. Find all five Jinjo's:

    The Witch Switch is located up around the side of the lighthouse. Once you stomped on it the Jiggi will be blasted out of a cannon and onto the ship just outside the entrance to Treasure Trove Cove (In the Witches Lair). You must Flip Flap onto the cannon that sticks out from the ship then jump onto the ship where the Jiggi awaits.

    4 - Entrance dock (4)
    12 - Platforms (16)
    3 - Rock pool with crab (19)
    12 - Ladders (31)
    11 - Rigging on ship (42)
    8 - On 2 palm trees (50)
    8 - Cargo hold (58)
    3 - Flight platform (61)
    4 - Jetty to tower (65)
    6 - Hexagon platform (71)
    5 - Treasure chest (76)
    1 - Entrance to lighthouse (77)
    3 - Spiral path to lighthouse (80)
    5 - Top of lighthouse (85)
    5 - Sandcastle in pool (90)
    4 - Inside sandcastle (94)
    6 - Inside Nipper (100)

    Start - Spiral Mountain
    Level #1 - Mumbo's Mountain
    Level #2 - Treasure Trove Cove
    Level #3 - Clanker's Cavern
    Level #4 - Bubblegloop Swamp
    Level #5 - Freezeezy Peak
    Level #6 - Gobi's Valley
    Level #7 - Mad Monster Mansion
    Level #8 - Rusty Busket Bay
    Level #9 - Click Clock Wood
    Level #10 - Grunty's Furnuce Fun
    Level #11 - The Final Battle

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