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Tarheel Intercollegiate Soccer Officials Association


NCAA Rule Changes for 2002
and Points of Emphasis from NISOA as requested by coaches

       Unfortunately, the NCAA rule books for 2002 are delayed in printing.  Since they might not get here before the season, TISOA is passing along the text of the rule changes for 2002 so no one is surprised at the beginning of the season.  The complete text of the rule changes is set out below.  They may also be found and downloaded from the NISOA web page located at www.nisoa.com.

       Also listed here is a reminder on the points of emphasis that NISOA referees are being directed to concentrate their efforts in rigorously enforcing.  These points were provided to the NISOA National Referees but NISOA was requested to emphasize these points of enforcement from the survey of college coaches and conferences.

 This seasons points of emphasis are briefly:

Deal firmly and consistently with foul tackles, foul tackles from behind, and other potentially dangerous fouls to the players’ legs.  There have been too many injuries suffered from this type of foul in recent years.

2.          Act to prevent if possible, and deal with if it occurs, unsporting behavior undertaken to delay free kicks such as encroachment, kicking or carrying the ball away, or other tactics designed to hinder a team who has been fouled from quickly and cleanly taking the free kick, particularly within striking range of the goal.

3.         Do not allow shirt pulling as defensive tactic.  Deal with it quickly and firmly.  Flagrant or repeated incidents will require cautions and perhaps even a send off.  However, stopping it early and clearly indicating by word and action that this will not be tolerated will be the most effective approach.

4.          Zero tolerance for offensive, insulting or abusive language.  If you hear language which you characterize in this category you must send off the offender.  If the language is profanity but is not deemed to be offensive, insulting or abusive it is still incidental profanity and must be cautioned.

 In your first earlier scrimmages and regular season matches, please remind the captains and the coaches of these points of emphasis so no one is unpleasantly surprised.

 Here are the 2002 Rule Changes:



BY: Kenneth G. Andres, Jr., Esq.

NISOA National Rules Interpreter

JUNE 3, 2002


            The NCAA Men’s and Women’s Soccer Rules Committee conducted its annual meeting February 5-7, 2002 in Indianapolis, Indiana and later conferred via telephone conference call approving certain changes effective for the 2002 playing season which are digested below.

 Rule Change

 3-2-d Pregame Timing

Sheet.                                       Teams will now clear the field for the introduction of participants and the National Anthem ten (10) minutes before the game begins.

 Comment: This change affords the teams an additional two (2) minutes for pregame organization.


3-4-c Substitution

Entry Options.                                       Add section c: On a team’s own corner kick; (Note: If the team in possession chooses to substitute providing the requisites of R.6-3 are met, the opposing team may also substitute up to 11 players at that time.)


Comment: This change permits the team in possession to substitute on its corner kick and is administered identically to the substitution process on a team’s own throw-in.  Since NCAA rules require the clock to stop during substitutions, the previous concern of time wasting is no longer valid and substitution opportunities are now consistent for the team in possession.


3-5 Substitution Conditions.        With reference to periods of play, substitutes are permitted as follows:

                                                 First Half: One reentry.

                                                Second Half: One reentry.

                                                Each overtime period: No reentry in the same period.

 Comment: This change permitting one reentry in the first half ensures consistency for substitutions in regular time and allows for increased student-athlete participation.



4-1-b Shinguard Rule.                             Players shall wear shinguards under the stockings in the matter intended.  Shinguards shall be professionally manufactured, age and size appropriate and not altered to decrease protection.

 Comment: This change strengthens the rule to require shinguards to be size appropriate. The committee is concerned about the trend of players wearing shinguards that are simply too small.  Pursuant to R. 4, any player wearing equipment not conforming to Sections 1-6 shall not be permitted to play in the game.


6-1 Assistant Referees.                          Delete the note which recommended the referee assigning the assistant referee with the greater game experience to the side where the coaching and team areas are located.

 Comment: The committee recognized the multiple factors which must be considered by the referee in assigning the assistant referees to their positions, including experience, field conditions and the respective strengths of the assistant referees.


6-5 Ball Person

Minimums.                                            It is recommended that at least four (4) ball persons be provided by the home institution.

 Comment: This increases the number of ball persons from two to four and should increase the actual time in which the ball is in play.


7-1 Duration of Game -

Overtime.                                              The following procedures shall be used when a game is tied after the regulation 90 minutes:

 A. For regular season games, two sudden-victory overtime periods of 10 minutes each shall be played.  A coin toss called by the visiting team will determine choice of ends of the field or the kickoff before the start of the first sudden-victory overtime period.  Teams shall change ends of the field to start the second sudden-victory overtime period.  If the score still is tied at the end of the second sudden-victory overtime period, the game shall be declared a draw.

 B. For postseason games, which include conference tournaments, play-ins and NCAA tournament games, two sudden-victory overtime periods of 10 minutes each shall be played. If the score still is tied, the game shall be recorded as a draw and the tiebreaker procedure of taking kicks from the penalty-kick line or spot, as set forth below, shall be used where advancement must be determined or a champion declared:

 Comment: The committee cited research indicating an increase in injuries and issuance of yellow and red cards during overtime periods as a rationale for shortening them from 15 minutes.  A consistent overtime schedule for all games will allow more time predictability which could lead to expanded television and media coverage.


10-10 Lightning

Safety Policy.                                        Play shall be suspended and seek shelter when lightning is 6 miles distant, or closer.  In estimating distance of a lightning strike, use the “flash to bang” method.  Count the seconds from the time lightning is sighted, until the accompanying thunderclap is heard.  If the time is 30 seconds or less, the distance is 6 miles or less.  Suspend play and seek shelter. Before resuming play, wait 30 minutes after the last lightning strike within the 6 mile limit.

 Comment: This is a simple, practical guideline promulgated by the National Severe Storms Laboratory providing uniform standards based upon scientific research for this safety and liability issue.



New for this season is a website which will address frequently asked questions regarding rules and interpretations answered by Secretary-Rules Editor C. Cliff McCrath at: NCAA.org. Go to Sports and Championships and follow the prompts to Interpretations to access this benefit.