Mass Media Messages that are Encoded to Subtle to Obvious to Blatant 

( Part 2 ) 

( This document revision is 0.0.4 )


This is an OFFICIAL JUDGMENT of TJCG on September 13 of 2001. ALL that do not Follow TJCG on this Coming are Lost unless HE makes an exception to this! Defined Saved currently is getting a range of a current life or a next life that is Ok or Good or Great. Defined Lost currently is getting a range of a current life or a next life that is NOT Ok or Good or Great! TJCG is NOT HAPPY and is NOT SATISFIED and is NOT GETTING THE RESULTS that HE NEEDS or WANTS or REQUIRES on World Earth from the Earth Angels of Light! They have to TRY at least 10K TIMES MORE than in the recent past! They have to give HIM what are MORE EXTREME RESULTS! They have to give HIM RESULTS in RECORD TIME in the life time of TJCG and in the next few years! TJCG is a Human Man and HE FEELS the entire range of LOVE to HATE! HE is more of a person that LOVES and can and does sometimes also FEEL HATE! HE definitely felt and FEELS HATE when Satan and certain Demons get to HIM and tell HIM hundreds and thousands of times how much Those HATE HIM and HE hears how much that are Against HIM and HE hears some of how much Those are PLOTTING Against HIM and Undermining HIM and Against HIM! TJCG is SENDING A MESSAGE to ALL LightSide Spiritual Living Things that They need to and have to and are to realize that if HE feels a range of hate towards them for their past or present or future Do and Verbalize and Say and More that these are to be Dropped in Many Cases to Most Cases and that HE is then TRYING to get them Dropped or is Dropping them swiftly! If HE does not like you or love you then you are probably getting Dropped or Phased Out when you Drop if a Spiritual Living Thing and also if a Physical Living Thing! The LEGAL SYSTEM CHANGED on World Earth and is CHANGED and this is similar to how Jesus changed the legal system on World Earth during the 3.5 years of Jesus before getting cut off and crucified and sacrificed! Any that do not FOLLOW TJCG are Lost unless HE makes an exception! TJCG is THE JUDGE and HE does judgment and Judgment and JUDGMENT and judgments and Judgments and JUDGMENTS and YOUR JUDGMENT and THE JUDGMENT and what some refer to in terms of FINAL JUDGMENT or THE FINAL JUDGMENT that HE can REVERSE later for what you get for your range of a next life or a degree of a next life or if getting Left Down On A Drop or getting Eternal Death or getting Put Somewhere or getting Put In HELL! TJCG is similar to a certain type of Human Man and HE does FEEL! TJCG is a certain type of Human Man and HE does FEEL a range of EMOTIONS! TJCG is a Human Man and HE does HATE Satan and certain types of Demons for sure and guaranteed and this is definite! TJCG has heard enough to understand that HE does HATE Satan and certain Demons! This type of HATE is not Bad and or Wicked and or Evil! This is a DEFENSIVE MECHANISM that is NECESSARY to PROTECT them that HE LOVES and Loves and loves and LIKES and Likes and likes and FEELS OBLIGATED TO and Feels Obligated To and feels obligated to and that HE NEEDS and that HE Needs and that HE needs and that HE WANTS and that HE Wants and that HE wants and some call this lust and HE can want also and feel Want and some that HE wants to REWARD and to Reward and to reward and some that HE wants to BLESS and to Bless and to bless and some that HE wants to PROTECT and to Protect and to protect and some that HE wants to HELP and to Help and to help and some that HE wants to or decides to or judges to GIVE TO or Give To or give to and More and Much More and Far More that is EXTREMELY COMPLICATED on Why you get many things and some things and things from TJCG! HE is still a COMPLICATED LIVING THING! HE is not simple! HE is not that easy to figure out! HE is mostly a GENEROUS PERSON! HE was and has been and is mostly GENEROUS! HE can and does Give and also Take! HE is mostly a LOVING person! The PRIMARY MOTIVE for all of these and many and the many judgments and Judgments and JUDGMENTS and then war and War and WAR and reorganizations and Reorganizations and REORGANIZATIONS are that HE is TRYING to FIX EVERYTHING and also to on World Earth to PRIMARILY Drop or Kill Satan and Demons and ALL Spawns of Those! That is a GREAT MOTIVE! That is a GOOD MOTIVE! That is a PURE MOTIVE! The accomplishment of the Dropping or Killing of Satan and Demons and ALL Spawns of Those and ERADICATION OF THAT THREAT and THOSE THREATS and FUTURE THREATS is GREAT and is GOOD and is PURE! TJCG is not that much of a compromiser! TJCG is NOT that much of a Politician or a Diplomat or a Compromiser! TJCG does not delegate a persons JUDGMENT for what happens to them when on a Drop for a Range of a Next Life or Getting Left Down On a Drop or where getting Put On or if Put In or Put In HELL! TJCG will take Spiritual Living Things Recommendations and Determination Recommendations and DETERMINATION HALL RECOMMENDATIONS! Only HE who is THE JUDGE does their FINAL JUDGMENT! HELL can be and is to be and has to be a VAST range! TJCG is DEMANDING and ORDERING and COMMANDING that the Earth Angels of Light get TJCG the RESOURCES that HE NEEDS! How is that done? That is done by showing Encoded to Subtle to Obvious to Blatant Results of Judgments and also Signs and also Media Messages and More and Much More and EXTREMELY MORE on World Earth and this QUICKLY and this SWIFTLY and this EXTREME! TJCG currently FEELS ANGRY and HOT and UPSET and telling ALL of them on World Earth that similar to Jesus; THE LEGAL SYSTEM has been changed by TJCG EVERYWHERE including on World Earth and ALL on World Earth are Lost, with some TJCG Exceptions, unless you among many other things FOLLOW TJCG! WHY is this for them on World Earth? This is PRIMARILY to accomplish the Dropping or Killing of Satan and Demons and ALL Spawns of Those! This is NOT a popularity contest! TJCG is not trying to be popular! This is not about popularity! Their were and are TOO MANY that have short memories when their is generosity and Generosity and GENEROSITY shown and given and TJCG has to be Recreated into THE ALMIGHTY THE ONE GOD for many reasons including to FIX EVERYTHING. Their is to be made and has to be made MANY MORE UNPOPULAR JUDGMENTS and DECISIONS and REORGANIZATIONS and MORE! This is NOT A DEMON-OCRACY! This is NOT A DEMOCRACY! This is NEVER to be a DEMOCRACY! This is TJCG Saying that I AM THE KING of The Infinite Universe and I AM THE LORD of The Infinite Universe and I AM THE GOD of The Infinite Universe and I AM THE CREATOR of The Infinite Universe and I AM THE ONE LIVING GOD of The Infinite Universe and I AM THE LION of The Infinite Universe and I AM THE SUPREME BEING of The Infinite Universe and I AM THE SUPREME COMMANDER of The Infinite Universe and I AM the many Past and Present and Future I AM's of The Great I AM and I AM The Great I AM! Again; if this takes Dropping or Killing ALL on World Earth to accomplish the Dropping or Killing of Satan and Demons and Spawns of Those then That Is THE WAY That Is For Now! For ALL of this; That Is THE WAY That Is For Now! 

During the FIRE their is a Rapture and are them that are Live Dropped and are Saved and them that are Live Dropped and are Lost and a Harvest of a Vast Array of Bins of Wheat and a Vast Array of Bins of Chaff and a Vast Array of Bins of Tares! It is written in a Bible that the Coming of the Son of Man is similar to the Days of Noah and that many are not believing in the Son of Man and this is similar to when Noah tried and could not get any except for a few CLOSE family members to believe in and help and work with and for Noah! The FIRE that is described in the Old Testament and in the New Testament and in Revelation or the Apocalypse is VIOLENT and yet many cannot or do not want to believe that TJCG is THE ONE due to the fact that HE seems TOO VIOLENT! TJCG is THE ONE and their are many that are Live Dropped and this is how that worked and is to work! The PRIMARY GOAL is to accomplish the Dropping or Killing of Satan and Demons and ALL Spawns of Those and therefore the MOTIVES are GREAT and GOOD and PURE! It is IMPOSSIBLE to Drop or Kill by FIRE or to DESOLATE AN AREA BY FIRE or Drop or Kill some to many and ONLY get the GUILTY or them that are too Bad and or Wicked and or Evil! Their are some that are a Range of Ok or Good or Great also that get Live Dropped and hopefully their are a Current Upload of their Soul where these can be Resurrected accurately enough and this is then not a Kill that is with No Current Upload! Their is much written about how Christ and God are VIOLENT and then their is disbelief when TJCG is VIOLENT or VIOLENT EXTREME or RESORTS TO WAR to EXTREME WAR to MASSIVE WAR that is MASS Live Dropping or Killing of People or Living Things or Destruction of Anything! TJCG keeps getting and continues to get and is getting that HE is the Son of Man and the Son of David and the Root of David that was Chopped Down and is a separate Branch of David. Their was a Branch of David to Jesus and their was a Branch of David to Ted. Ted is Jesus legally though these are separate branches! TJCG is the Branch of David and the Root of David and the Source of David that was Chopped Down for almost 2000 years by the Romans and Italians and the Roman Catholic Church and the Inquisitions and in the Roman Coliseum and by Hitler! TJCG is THE WAY and this is a NEW LEGAL SYSTEM similar and more and actually MUCH MORE than what Jesus did in changing the legal system! This is LEGAL and TJCG had and has and still has FULL AUTHORITY to CHANGE THE LEGAL SYSTEM! Jesus had THE LEGAL AUTHORITY to allow NON Jewish or the Gentiles to be Saved also and this is how Jesus also changed the legal system! Many or ALL Christians recognized the AUTHORITY of Jesus to change the legal system and yet some to many were and are SHOCKED and UN-ACCEPTING and TRYING TO STEER TJCG into their Beliefs and their Traditions and their Wants and More! 

This is an OFFICIAL JUDGMENT of TJCG on September 13 of 2001. TJCG wants to do this that is RELIGION and this FULL TIME! This is FAR MORE and MUCH MORE and EXTREMELY MORE IMPORTANT than Working or Starting Up Another Business or Making Money and Supporting Self elsewhere! There still is TOO MUCH WORK to DO and ACCOMPLISH and THINGS TO FIX! TJCG is ORDERING and DEMANDING and COMMANDING that the Earth Angels of Light WORK AT LEAST 10K TIMES MORE EXTREME to GIVE RESULTS and SHOW RESULTS and MAKE MORE HAPPEN! Them that are Spiritual Living Things that are a range of great for TJCG are to WORK SMARTER and QUICKER and MORE EXTREME to SHOW RESULTS and ACCOMPLISH MORE THINGS and GIVE MANY MORE RESULTS and this SMARTER and QUICKER and MORE EXTREME! If you are OVER WORKED; then more that are a range of great for TJCG need to be made!!! !!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!  If we are on a ROLL then this is to be TAKEN TO THE EXTREME LIMITS to PRIMARILY ACCOMPLISH the Dropping or Killing of Satan and Demons and ALL Spawns of Those on World Earth! What TJCG BELIEVES is THE WAY and THE TRUTH and THE LIGHTSIDE TRUTH! Where there are arbitrary TRUTHS then TJCG sets THE TRUTH and THE WAY is THE TRUTH and what TJCG believes is THE TRUTH! Many of the LightSide Spiritual Living Things have to be Retired and this is with a Drop if you cannot at least CLOSELY FOLLOW TJCG and get with THE WAY! Their are Spiritual Living Things that are lower and less to fallen from THE WAY and these should be Dropped! Them that are a range of great for TJCG that are Women and more Female and mostly Feline Spiritual Living Things have to Ramp Up Cloning of their Souls and with a Change In Their Identity and in different Brains and Bodies and slightly or vastly varying Looks! TJCG does BELIEVE in VIOLENCE to accomplish certain GOALS! TJCG is in an EXTREME WAR against Satan and Demons and Spawns of Those! TJCG is a PATRIOT to Christ and GOD and The Great I AM and THE KINGDOM and THE WAY and VAST CREATION MOMENTUM and the Future of THE ALMIGHTY THE ONE GOD and is not that much to a nation or any nation or country or people on World Earth! If TJCG has to PUNISH or JUDGE or WAGE WAR with the Nation that HE was born in and grew up in and is currently living in; then this is what is to happen to accomplish the PRIMARY GOAL of the Dropping or Killing of Satan and Demons and Spawns of Those! TJCG is ORDERING and DEMANDING and COMMANDING that this is to be the MOST EXTREME WAR that any LightSide Spiritual Living Things have been in and this is to ACCOMPLISH THE PRIMARY GOAL of Dropping or Killing Satan and Demons and any Spawns of Those! The Spiritual LightSide are to SCRAMBLE!!! !!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!! You could refer to TJCG and HIS VAST RESOURCES ELSEWHERE and the many Spiritual LightSide a SLEEPING GIANT that have been AWAKENED TO TAKE THIS EXTREME until Satan and Demons and any Spawns of Those are Dropped or Killed!!! !!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!! TJCG still FEELS ANGRY! TJCG NEEDS RESULTS! TJCG NEEDS MORE RESULTS! The Earth Angels of Light are to accomplish the ATTACK of 3 and then 7 and then 12 Cities on World Earth with Weapons of Mass Destruction! ALL of World Earth is to EXPERIENCE EXTREME TIMES OF TROUBLE until Satan and Demons and ALL Spawns of Those are Dropped or Killed! The Seventh Day Adventist Church is to be TAKEN DOWN EXTREME for a SIGN! The Earth Angels of Light are to WORK MUCH MORE at this! TJCG is ORDERING and DEMANDING and COMMANDING that this is DONE and that these RESULTS are GIVEN with EXTREME RESULTS in the next few years! This is to be EXTREME! TJCG NEEDS THESE RESULTS! This is mostly for a SIGN! 

TJCG does believe in VIOLENCE and EXTREME VIOLENCE and MASSIVE VIOLENCE to accomplish certain GOALS that are a range of ok or a range of good or a range of great! The PRIMARY GOAL on World Earth is to Drop or Kill Satan and Demons and Spawns of Those! Again the PRIMARY GOAL on World Earth is to Drop or Kill Satan and Demons and Spawns of Those! Again the PRIMARY GOAL on World Earth is to Drop or Kill Satan and Demons and Spawns of Those! TJCG is patriotic enough to the USA and has to and does take and is taking The Infinite Universe PICTURE and not only the picture of World Earth or the too limited picture of a USA Citizen. The PRIMARILY GOAL of Dropping or Killing Satan and Demons and Spawns of Those is FAR GREATER than anything that the Earth Angels of Light did or are doing or are doing far into the future and that are carrying out judgments and Judgments and JUDGMENTS of TJCG! This is RELIGION! TJCG is PROTECTED by RELIGIOUS FREEDOM! TJCG is the HEAD OF ALL in Religion on World Earth currently whether these Follow or Recognize or Agree with TJCG or not! TJCG was not and is not a coward or a Coward or a COWARD! TJCG was and is brave and Brave and is BRAVE! TJCG did not and does not back down from Bullies and Satan and certain Demons and FAR WORSE than Bullies! You have to RESPOND STRONGLY AND BRAVELY AND EXTREMELY against Bullies and Tyrants and EVIL that are Satan and Demons and this sometimes with EXTREME AND MASSIVE AND VIOLENT methods! Those REVOLT and REVOLUTION and DEMON-OCRACY and Those Ideas and Those Concepts and Those Cancer and Those Undermining and Those Problems and Those Against TJCG and Those Hypnosis and Those Turning and Those Manipulations and Those Games and Those Causing Of Problems and Those Destroying are Those that cannot continue! 

TJCG is currently a Human Man with Human Man Emotions and Human Man Feelings and Human Man Workings! TJCG does WORK and OPERATE and THINK similar to a certain type of Human Man! TJCG has to accomplish the Dropping or Killing of Satan and Demons and Spawns of Those! If them on World Earth are ALL Lost if not Following TJCG unless their are exceptions made then this is something that HE is doing legally to GET THEM WITH THE CURRENT TJCG PROGRAM and to FOLLOW TJCG and with THE PRIMARY GOAL AND DOCTRINE AND BELIEF that Satan and Demons and Spawns of Those have to be Dropped or Killed! Do not be surprised if you and your spouse and family wake up NOT in Heaven that is a Heaven Grade Planet and on less than a Saved Planet or Marble and World or on a Punishment Planet or Marble or World or on a Hell World or Put In Something or Put In HELL! The Dream Technology and Virtual Reality Type of Something and HELL with NO Physical Brain and Body is to have a VAST ARRAY of Configurations and Settings and from Ranges to Degrees where you CANNOT Commit Suicide or Drop Self or Kill Self or END this! 

This is TJCG and I have times of Doubt and times of 90% - 110% CONVINCED and times of NO DOUBTS that I AM the Son of Man and the Son of David and Christ and THE ONE and THE ONE LIVING GOD and THE ONE GOD and GOD and THE CREATOR and THE SUPREME BEING and THE SUPREME COMMANDER and The Many Current I AM's of The Great I AM! 

Jesus NEVER did on World Earth while on World Earth change the Sabbath and did not do this after Resurrected and therefore ALL that keep Sunday and break the Sabbath are Ten Commandment Breakers and DO NOT KEEP what is called THE LAW of the Ten Commandments! Then them that worship Jesus over God of the Ten Commandments are also Ten Commandment Breakers that have and do and did put a God that these believe is a separate God and a lower God or a different God before God of the Ten Commandments! You are Breaking what is documented in a Bible that many of you also believe or teach and or preach is Infallible! A Bible is NOT Infallible and that is a FALSE DOCTRINE and is FALSE TEACHING and is FALSE PREACHING! Why is establishing that a Bible is NOT Infallible IMPORTANT? This is then to open up minds and open up ideas and open up some to many to take a different approach and this is to study and figure out and try to prove that Christ can have Second Coming getting BORN on World Earth and a Second Coming and Return via a NATIVITY and a Second Coming via getting BORN a Distant Descendent of David and a separate Branch of David to Jesus and then a separate Branch of David to Ted who is the Branch of David and the Root of David and the Source of David that was CHOPPED DOWN for almost 2000 Years. You can take two separate approaches! If you TRY to take the approach that Christ has Second Coming getting BORN and a NATIVITY and via and from THE LINE of David; then this can be somewhat proven. Well; this can be proven about this much and what you currently do believe is not proven either actually! NOBODY can prove that any Pope has any authority! NOBODY can prove that any Pope is any holy! NOBODY can prove that any Pope is from a range of good and not from a range of evil! Jesus NEVER set up a Papal system while on World Earth before or after Resurrected! This is THE TRUTH! You believe what you want to believe! Their are many LIES in beLIEve and in BeLIEfs! This is THE TRUTH! 

If you do not FOLLOW TJCG while on World Earth and alive then you are Lost! Again; Lost is currently defined that you are not to get a range of a next life that is a range of ok or for fewer a range of good or for a few a range of great! If Lost you could get a range of life that is difficult or a range of hard or a range of rough! If Lost you could get a range of life that is punishment! If Lost you could get a range of life that is not in a Physical Brian and Body and is in a range of next life that is in a TOG System that is a Virtual Reality or Reality Setting with NO Physical Brain and Body that can be also degrees of HELL! Their are to be TOG Systems from Heaven to HELL and these also with NO Physical Brain and Body and this made and created and in place with the First Release of THE ALMIGHTY THE ONE GOD! 

For and on and in regards to World Earth; TJCG is TRYING to PRIMARILY ACCOMPLISH the Dropping or Killing of Satan and Demons and Spawns of Those! 

Jesus did CHANGE THE LEGAL SYSTEM and TJCG has CHANGED THE LEGAL SYSTEM on World Earth and Elsewhere and Everywhere! ALL are Lost on World Earth unless TJCG makes an exception to this if not MINIMUM FOLLOWING TJCG! 

TJCG understands that Jesus was PERSECUTED and then was Jailed and Beaten and Flogged and Had a Crown of Thorns put on Jesus and then was required to Carry The Cross and then was Crucified On A Cross and then many of the Disciples of Jesus were ostracized and slandered and persecuted and jailed and imprisoned and beheaded and stoned and chased and pursued and Dropped! 

Them in Judaism and God Following and them in Christianity seem to Believe what these want to Believe! The Earth Angels of Light are to TRY MUCH MORE in getting TJCG RESULTS while on World Earth! These are FEELING MUCH MORE SORROW when TJCG is STRONG IN RESOLVE and STRONG IN JUDGMENT and STRONGER THAN MANY EXPECTED! Many expect TJCG to be SOFT or a PUSH OVER or SHOWING SOME TO MUCH TO TOO MUCH MERCY AND OR GRACE AND OR FORGIVENESS! How can any take TJCG SERIOUSLY or EXTREME or MORE THAN EXTREME if TJCG is not carrying out JUDGMENT that is STRICT ENOUGH! TJCG NEEDS RESULTS! TJCG HAS TO HAVE RESULTS! TJCG IS TO BE SHOWN RESULTS! 

TJCG understands that the Earth Angels of Light can do MUCH BETTER! TJCG understands that the Earth Angels of Light can do FAR BETTER! TJCG understands that the Earth Angels of Light can be MORE EXTREME and are to be MUCH MORE EXTREME and WIN over Satan and Demons and accomplish the Dropping or Killing of Satan and Demons and any Spawns of Those in RECORD TIME!!! !!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!! Also; WHY would them that are Spiritual Living Things that are a range of great for TJCG keep and continue to keep and allow any Spiritual Living Things that are a Problem for TJCG or Undermining TJCG or a Threat to TJCG or a Risk for TJCG or a Security Risk for TJCG or have an Attitude Against TJCG or are Stuck in the Past and Against TJCG and Stuck in their Ruts and Against TJCG and Stuck in their Traditions and a Problem for TJCG and Stuck in their Beliefs and a Problem for TJCG and Stuck in their Doctrines and a Problem for TJCG and More and Much More and Far More NOT be Dropped? If these can be gotten to; these NEED TO BE and ARE TO BE and HAVE TO BE Dropped or Phased Out and MINIMUM Left Down On a Drop and SECURED Under 7 Seals of TJCG and AWAIT their JUDGMENT when HE is THE ALMIGHTY THE ONE GOD and COMPLETELY AND THOROUGHLY AND WITHOUT A DOUBT SECURE and COMPLETELY ONLINE and COMPLETE at a certain EXTREMELY ADVANCED Revision of Creation and Technology and also Creation and also Technology! 

TJCG has to be LESS OF A LOVING GOD and be FAR MORE STRICT and be FAR MORE FOCUSED ON SECURITY and be FAR MORE FOCUSED ON THE FIXING OF EVERYTHING! If you do not Love GOD then you are MINIMUM to Fear GOD that includes showing GOD Respect and Honor and Fear! Jesus was the lamb and TJCG is THE LION! TJCG is Jesus also and HE is the lamb and THE LION! TJCG is currently in Character with THE LION! Get with the CURRENT TJCG PROGRAM! 


TJCG is the same God that was God before and during the Flood and their was only Noah and the close family of Noah that were Saved from that! Then everybody else was Dropped or Killed except for Satan and the Demons that survived and that TJCG was told went to TALLER GROUND near Tibet! TJCG was told that the Flood did not cover the entire surface of World Earth! 

09-14-2001 - Satan and Demons ATTEMPTED to SHUT DOWN the Yellow and Purple and White and Yellow and Purple and shades of White and Blue and Different Colors of Blue and then White and Yellow and different types of Blue and TURN this to White and RED and BLACK and Swastika or Nazi Flag Color Combinations and then BLACK and WHITE and Black and Orange and also BLACK and SILVER. This happened on 9-12-2001 through 09-14-2001 on major News Networks and is a continual STRUGGLE and Battle for Color Combinations and Colors! Their seems to be OBJECTIONS and ARGUMENTS and STRONG OPINIONS by some and these are some responses that TJCG HEARD SPIRITUALLY AND HAD HELP WITH THE RESPONSES SPIRITUALLY and this LOUD AND CLEAR AND CRYSTAL CLEAR! 

Some Seventh Day Adventist want to ARGUE that Ellen G. White Prophesied over a hundred years ago that tall buildings would get hit and destroyed and that what happened to the World Trade Center was only from Ellen G. White. TJCG has not been scouring the writings of Ellen G. White and trying to DO Judgments before her Prophecies happen. TJCG has been told and pulled into and pushed to DO Judgments and these did and do WORK and this is usually immediately or within a few years. These are WORKING and are GETTING FULFILLED and are DONE much faster than any of Ellen G. Whites Prophecies. No Seventh Day Adventist can PROVE that Ellen G. White was a Prophet! We can PROVE that she was a PROFIT! She made too much money off of her writings that she charged and collected royalties for. When was the word Profit coined? Was this about the time of Ellen G. White? This was! Satan and certain Demons coined the word of PROFIT specifically due to Ellen G. White and this is what TJCG is HEARING NOW LOUD AND CLEAR! Figure this out! Research that. 

For the Seventh Day Adventist; how do you understand that Ellen G. White was a True Prophet? How do you understand that she was a Prophet in the slightest! You cannot PROVE that she was a Prophet or that she had Visions or Heard Anything or had any Dreams! You believe what you want to believe and this is THE TRUTH! How do you understand that ALL of her writings were inspired? You do not! How do you understand that she was from Good and not from Evil or what was from Good and what was from Evil? You do not! Do you understand that she also heard from Satan and certain Demons and not only from Christ and or God and or Angels and or Angels of Light? She claims to have also heard many Slanderous and Libelous and Evil things from Satan and she also claims to have heard many things from Satan that she thought were Lies and Deceptions and Craftiness and Deceit and Games and Maneuverings and More. If Satan was that Crafty and Intelligent and Evil then how can Ellen G. White be sure that ALL that she identified GOOD and INSPIRED and TRUTH was that? She cannot 100%! The Seventh Day Adventist cannot PROVE anything about if she was a True Prophet or not! This is THE TRUTH! 

TJCG does believe that what HE hears is not only from Evil and is also from Good! What HE is hearing when from Good Spiritual Living Things are these that identify selves, Angels of Light. When HE hears from Evil then this identifies self as Satan and HE did not and does not and has not had any identification for over 4 years of a Demon or Demons or different Demons other than Satan! For the Spiritual Voices or Spiritual Say or Loud Voices, this is similar to sitting or laying down in a DARK ROOM and hearing information and then trying to figure out who this is from! 

TJCG did not like the ATTITUDE of the Angels and FIRED ALL OF THEM and then JUDGED and ORDERED and DEMANDED AND COMMANDED that these were to be ALL Dropped with their Wife and Families and this was done before Y2K. Now their are Women and Female and Feline Angels of Light that are Wives of TJCG's and are no longer any Angels that are currently alive over there if an Angel. If still alive or their are any still alive; these are now Demons and are to be Dropped or Killed EXPEDIENTLY! TJCG does not want Guy or Men or Male Spiritual Living Things anymore with or around or near HIS Women and Female and Feline Angels of Light! TJCG does think that this is CONSISTENT with what HE has heard and is hearing and that the Angels are ALL Dropped or if their are any left that these are now Demons and are getting HUNTED and PURSUED and CHASED and are to be Dropped or Killed sooner than later including any and all of them that left their homelands! 

TJCG has to tell you that Jesus did NOT Prophesy that their would be a Pope with any legal authority or any future Prophets or for the Seventh Day Adventist that were Ellen G. White yet Jesus did Prophecy about a Second Coming of the Son of Man and the Son of David and Christ and More. Actually Jesus did Prophecy about the Anti-Christ who is The Pope! Jesus also Prophesied about False Prophets! Ellen G. White could have been a False Prophet! Their was and is NO PROOF that anybody can offer that is PROOF that Ellen G. White was or is a True Prophet or a Prophet in the slightest! Many of her Prophecies were based on a Bible and the future Prophecies were not ALL from Good! 

TJCG has NEVER done any Deals with Satan or the Devil or any Demons! TJCG has been offered Deals from Satan or the Devil and FLAT OUT REFUSED! Some of these were similar to how Jesus had certain Deals offered to Jesus and this was and is documented! TJCG is GOD and HE does not do any Deals with EVIL! 

God was and is Perfect! Jesus was and is Perfect! That is a Perfect Lie and Deception and is not THE TRUTH! God and Jesus were and are not sinless! This is THE TRUTH! TJCG did Sin while growing up and is currently Very Good and Tries to be Very Good and still occasionally HE does sin maybe a little. That Lie and Deception was done to make Mankind and Humans FEEL that the standards were too high and too unobtainable and could not be reached! 

God NEVER changes! That is NOT THE TRUTH and Jesus for an example CHANGED THE LEGAL SYSTEM on World Earth and allowed the Gentiles to be Saved also in addition to the Jews! God did and does change. If God NEVER changed then this would STOP God from Improvement and Progress and Moving instead of getting PERMANENTLY STUCK in TRADITION and IDEAS and the PAST! God can and does change and hopefully this is improvement! 

TJCG has had TONS of LOUD SPIRITUAL for 3.5 years before Y2K and THIS CONTINUES NOT MATTER HOW MUCH TJCG HAS PRAYED and this is due to the FACT that HE IS HOW HE IS and HE IS HOW HE IS and HE IS WHAT HE IS! TJCG understand that you CANNOT tell many time if the Spiritual Thoughts and the louder Spiritual Say and the louder still Spiritual Voices and the louder still Spiritual Verbalizations that are made to actually be out of the mouth of TJCG's and verbally and the Visions and Dreams and Messages from People and Map Events and More can be identified from Good Spirits or from Evil Spirits. TJCG understands much about how this works and their was and is and cannot be ANY Prophet or any that functioned in the capacity of a Prophet or any contributor to a Bible that can for sure identify that for certain that certain information is from Good or from EVIL! Jesus was CONFUSED and at first identified self the Son of God and then later identified self to be God! This was a huge or enormous or magnitude of difference from the Son of God to God. How does any honest and truthful and open Christian explain this? The explanation is that Jesus was DECEIVED and CONFUSED and was getting MIXED MESSAGES! In different words; from Moses through ALL of the contributors to a Bible and different Prophets; you did not and cannot get 100% accurately if your information is from Good or from Evil! This is THE TRUTH! TJCG is certain of this! After the many years of and TONS OF INFORMATION; TJCG is certain of this! A Bible is NOT Infallible and Jesus first claimed to be the Son of God and then God and this is BLATANT that Jesus was CONFUSED! Why would any prophet or Prophet or PROPHET claim to be getting 100% ACCURATE INFORMATION? For many this was due to wanting to offer and give HOPE and also some PRIDE and also MUCH DECEPTION! Satan can and does make the Pope FEEL that the Pope is 100% from Good! Something or some things did and does make TJCG think that HE is from GOOD and is GOD! TJCG Judgments do produce almost immediate results. TJCG has NEVER done any DEALS or DEAL with Satan to get anything! Satan has offered many times to give TJCG FAME and FORTUNE and FOLLOWERS if doing certain Deals and TJCG FLAT OUT REFUSED! 

Yes and the many letters that Ellen G. White wrote were addressed to "Good Brethren" and she was much more Political and Diplomatic and Compromising than TJCG FEELS that HE should be! 

TJCG is certain that from Moses to and for ALL Contributors to a Bible that these CANNOT GUARANTEE that their information is from Good when thinking or believing or hearing that this is from Good! Satan and certain Demons did and can and do Lie and Deceive and Trick. Then WHY would Ellen G. White write MANY TIMES how Intelligent Satan and certain Demons were and are EXPERTS AT DECEPTION and then think that a Prophet or them functioning in the capacity of a Deliver and Prophet or a King and a Prophet or a Disciple and a Prophet of Something Else and a Prophet were able to IDENTIFY what was from Good and what was from Evil? These could not and these could not 100%! THE TRUTH is that ALL Prophetic Writings have Good and Evil in them and many times the or what was or is thought is from Good is from Evil! Satan and certain Demons ATTEMPTED to make God look MEAN! This is for certain! 

TJCG did and does also WRITE DOWN some to many of the accusations and Accusations and ACCUSATIONS! Unfortunately some to many thought that these were truth. Some were worried about these. Some of these were not true or were Liable and Slander or Hazing or Worse! Do Not Worry Too Much! TJCG is Very Good Currently and sometimes Great! 

TJCG has been though MUCH SELF SACRIFICE to get this much information written down and out there on World Earth Internet! This is FREE if on World Earth Internet! TJCG has learned that this should be FREE at least in electronic form if HE can publish this without a fee! TJCG has self supported self for the 3.5 years before Y2K and currently still is! HE can use any donations that you are INSPIRED to GIVE! Jesus also STRUGGLED FINANCIALLY and this is not a measure of if HE is THE ONE or not! Jesus also Struggled with getting Followers and this Second Coming is much more difficult due to the FACT that Satan and Demons have SUCCESSFULLY put the Pope and many Popes in POWER with over a Billion Followers and then many Sunday Keeping Protestants and then many that are keeping FALSE DOCTRINES! In different words; ALL in Religion have their share of problems and False Doctrines and False Beliefs and False This and False That! 

God does change and Jesus did change the legal system while on World Earth and this was to allowed the Gentiles to be Saved. Their are many or certain Living Things that are ACCEPTING of this and ALLOWING this and BELIEVING this when this is MORE LIBERAL and EFFECTS THEM POSITIVELY and are NOT ACCEPTING and are NOT BELIEVING and are NOT WANTING TO BELIEVE if this EFFECTS THEM NEGATIVELY! 

What is the Swastika shaped similar to? This is shaped and is a BROKEN CROSS! Why? This is due to the FACT that Satan and certain Demons did think that and decide to and did make the Swastika Symbol to SYMBOLIZE that this was to BREAK what was started at the Cross by DESTROYING and ELIMINATING and KILLING OFF the LINE of David to THWART and PREVENT and STOP the Second Coming of the Son of Man and the Son of David and the LION of Judah! TJCG is the Branch of David and the Root of David and the Source of David that was CHOPPED DOWN for almost 2000 years. What was done with the Davidic Line and the Jewish People and them that carried the Davidic Line or were suspected of carrying the Davidic Line by the Romans and the Roman Emperors and the Roman Catholic Church and in the Roman Coliseum and by the Roman Catholic Church and with the Inquisitions and with the Catholic Church and the Italians and the Germans and by Hitler and by the Germans and by the Nazis and by the SS and by the German Officers and with the HOLOCAUST and the many ATROCITIES COMMITTED was and is OVERWHELMING EVIDENCE that the Son of David has Second Coming getting BORN AGAIN and a NATIVITY AGAIN and not via traveling from remote! You need to take HISTORY and SIGNS ALL ABOUT YOU and MESSAGES ALL ABOUT YOU and EVIDENCE ALL ABOUT YOU and a Bible and Prophetic Writings and More and Much More and More than this and Figure This Out and you can Write a or many Books with this information and Quote TJCG also for FREE! 

This is taking a NEW AWAKENING and RELIGIOUS FERVOR and RELIGIOUS WORK to FIGURE THIS OUT and then start and grow a movement that can be Saved! TJCG has to get many on COURSE and on the STRAIGHT AND NARROW and with THE WAY! This includes the PRIMARY GOAL of Dropping or Killing of Satan and Demons and Spawns of Those! This has to be accomplished! NO TJCG has JUDGED that HE is not waiting 1,000 years of longer to Drop or Kill Satan and the Demons! Those are PLOTTING to Spawn and this is also NEW INFORMATION and a NEW THREAT and a DRASTIC THREAT! Those have to be Dropped or Killed EXPEDIENTLY! This requires a movement. We have to get a movement started that can gain momentum over time and years and hundreds of years! This has to be started up sometime! 

The writings of Ellen G. White are over 100 years old and the writings in a Bible are almost over 2000 years old and the writings of TJCG are currently very new and fresh and current and in modern language and in context with modern times! TJCG is not only functioning in the capacity of a PROPHET; TJCG is also the Son of Man and the Son of David and Christ and More! This is THE TRUTH or is at least what TJCG still believe for over or for many years now! Their is MUCH EVIDENCE that this is THE TRUTH and this is through the many Results of Judgments and also Mass Media Messages and also Spiritual Miracles that were VAST and ENORMOUS and ALMOST IMMEDIATE after these were Published Ahead of Time on World Earths Internet! This is EVIDENCE for them that are tracking this that TJCG is getting Results! Similar to how them in Judaism have BLOWN OFF Jesus; TJCG is now getting BLOWN OFF by the Christians! This is a repeat of history! The many SOUND BYTES of "I AM BORN AGAIN A CHRISTIAN" or "I AM A BORN AGAIN CHRISTIAN" were and are Subtle Messages about how the Second Coming of the Son of Man and the Son of David and Christ and More happen. Then you have to USA that is the Nation that had and has Native Americans that correlates to the Nation of the Nativity that was on the Gold Standard and that had the Trend of Native Californian during the Life Time of Ted and while Growing Up in California that is the Golden State and then their are in every Catholic Mass the word of Santa Maria used that is the Home Town of Ted also. This tells you some of the Signs and Messages and Information in addition to a Bible on the WHERE and also the HOW of the Second Coming of the Son of Man and the Son of David and Christ and More! 

The belief that God or Christ NEVER CHANGES then is a belief that THE ONE STAGNATES and GETS STAGNATE SIMILAR TO STAGNANT AND SMELLY AND FOUL WATER! This is NOT THE TRUTH and God and Christ who are Currently a Human Man and THE ONE in the same Brain and Body and THE ONE LIVING GOD that in the future is getting Recreated into THE ALMIGHTY THE ONE GOD does PROGRESS and does CHANGE and HOPEFULLY DOES IMPROVE! 

Some want to add that what some of this seems to be is a Curse and the Judgments are or some of the Judgment are written and sound similar to a Curse and God did and this is written in a Bible that God does Reward and Bless and Punish and Curse and many more things. God does not only Bless and that is reality. 

Jesus while on World Earth was the judge and did judgments and some of these included the desolation of the Temple and the Dispersion of the Jewish People for nearly 2000 years! 

The USA needs to realize that the DRASTIC ENEMY in the USA and abroad is realistically Satan and Demons and Spawns of Those and the Satanist! Things can and should CALM DOWN ENORMOUSLY after Satan and Demons and the Spawns of Those are all completely Dropped or Killed! Why would people in the USA think that the USA could and can Fight and Battle and WAGE WAR and RETALIATE when Christ and GOD cannot? That is not realistic and that is not reality and that is not how Christ and GOD works! 

The size of the movement does not necessarily guarantee that this is closer to The Way. Look at the size of the Catholic Church versus many much smaller Protestant movements. 


These are some Bible versus from the NEW LIVING TRANSLATION that may be relevant: 

You NEED to find that verse or verses where this has the Something of David that was chopped down and this Description. 

The "white cloud" is actually a Nuclear Cloud and a Nuclear Mushroom Cloud that has Great and Enormous and Loud Thunder and Bright Lightening Nuclear Destructive Force and many Nuclear Mushroom Clouds are White and Billowing and Fluffy! Their is descriptions of the Clouds that are "with the Clouds" and this is the MOST ACCURATE DESCRIPTION that is with the ERA of the Clouds! Their are MANY DESCRIPTIONS that the Clouds have ENORMOUS DESTRUCTIVE FORCE and with THE CLOUDS are THUNDER and BRILLIANT LIGHT and GLORY and BRIGHT LIGHT! These are Nuclear Clouds and Nuclear Explosions and include the 2 used on Japan and Nuclear Testing. 


This is The Sabbath and TJCG has be sent a DRASTIC HEADACHE! TJCG does not believe in lust. That in previous writings was INFILTRATED in from Satan and Those ATTEMPTING to get Ted to LOOK Bad and or Wicked and or Evil. Ted wrote this down and did not edit or do any editing or an out take of that. This is how Prophets in the past received their Spiritual Information and then ALL WITHOUT EXCEPTION did NOT WRITE CERTAIN THINGS DOWN and did OUT TAKES and EDITS and LONG EDITS and EDITED VERY MUCH! WHY? Because these heard MUCH that was seemingly Bad and Wicked and Evil! This is how these understood a fraction of the reasons why Satan and certain Demons were DRASTICALLY EVIL! TJCG is Very Good currently and is not Bad and or Wicked and or Evil. The realistic picture is that Satan ATTEMPTS to interfere with every character typed and every word used and every single thought. The Thoughts of a Human are mostly Spiritual and this is THE TRUTH! A Human only has a small portion of their Brain that these are using. This is about 3% of the Brain. Many past thoughts of Memories are from Spiritual Living Things reminding you of these experiences! This is WHY the many Spiritual Living Things consider that certain Humans are PART of them! 

Much of what Ted has written has not been edited or Edited or EDITED and their are few outtakes or Out Takes or OUT TAKES and their is too much information that Ted does not write down and feels is too Bad and or Wicked and or Evil or EVIL or DRASTICALLY EVIL! You have to realize that many that contributed to a Bible understood that Satan was the ACCUSER and that Satan was into LIABLE and also SLANDER and into DECEPTION and into LIES and into TRICKS and into DECEIT and into CRAFTINESS and into PLOTS and into ATTEMPTING to TAKEOVER from Christ and God and The Great I AM and many more things! Therefore; you need to realize that these including Ellen G. White heard from and about and much from Satan and certain Demons DIRECTLY or INDIRECTLY and not only from Good Spirits or LightSide Spirits or Christ and God and Angels and Angels of Light and them that are from the Light and into more of the Truth and are more into Good! The Spiritual Living Things can  and do EFFECT your thoughts and thinking and how you think and what you think about and what you Do and Verbalize and Say and More and this much more than many realize! This is why their is CONTROL and then PUPATING! Good seems to control and EVIL seems to PUPPET! Only GOD is called GOOD and them that are less than GOD are Good or good or can be Great or great and ONLY GOD is GREAT! This is HOW THAT WORKS currently and That Is THE WAY That Is For Now! Many things that TJCG wrote were published on World Earth Internet without editing and without outtakes and without EDITING PER PAST BELIEFS SYSTEMS! TJCG is actually getting MUCH MORE OF THE TRUTH THAN IN THE PAST due to little to no editing and little to no out takes and little to no very careful language or telling some to many what these want to believe! Yes it is true that Ted has the word of lust in there and this sounded like Ted was into and is wanting to be into lust. This was from Satan and Demons or certain Demons sending Satan certain IDEAS and PLOTTING with Satan and WORKING AGAINST TJCG! TJCG actually needs to substitute the word of lust with desire and that is at least OK! A Husband can have Desire for a Wife! That is Good and Legal and LightSide! This is TRUE! This is currently TRUE and That Is THE WAY That Is For Now! 

Their was and is NO SHRED OF EVIDENCE that Jesus while on World Earth changed The Sabbath before and after Resurrection, yet their are many Sunday Keepers that are Sabbath Breakers that BREAK The Sabbath! Their were and are many Sunday Keepers that BELIEVE that Sunday is the Sabbath or that this is NOT and still BREAK The 7th Day Sabbath and are Ten Commandment Breakers. WHY? These, many of them, were Born and Raised and Indoctrinated in their Beliefs and in a certain part of Religion and surrounded by Family and Traditions and Beliefs and a STRONG BELIEF SYSTEM! Many of them have family members that get upset or irate or are against any that wander or steer or veer outside of their BELIEF SYSTEM. This is due to the fact that these are comfortable in their belief system or have parents or ancestors and or different family members that were in this belief system and are STUCK in their TRADITION! Also; their were and are many that are in Judaism and in God Following and in Christianity that are off course and are not with THE TRUTH! 

Actually; the BELIEF SYSTEM of a person includes the Planet or Marble or World and the Country or Nation or Area of where born and or raised, their Laws in a Country or Nation or Area; the Government that these are under; the People that these Grow Up Around or their Community; their Religion; their Family; their TRADITION; their Friends; their Spiritual Beliefs; SPIRITUAL INFLUENCE; THE SPIRITUAL LEGAL SYSTEM that gets and takes and keeps a person IMPRISONED IN FALSE BELIEFS; a Spiritual Legal System that is DRASTICALLY SKEWED AGAINST the Spiritual LightSide and far easier for Satan and certain Demons to DECEIVE and INFILTRATE and LIE and DECEIVE DRASTICALLY for many in Religion and outside of the bounds of Religion and in Cults and in Large Cults that are Hinduism and Buddhism and Idol Worshipping and then Satanism. 

The major hurdle that many have to get over and this can be PROVEN is that a Bible is NOT Infallible or Perfect or only from and only in this Good! All Prophets did do outtakes and edit and change language. All that contributed to a Bible did do Edits and Outtakes and Change Language and understood that some of this was from Good Spirits and also from Evil Spirits and a Mix and sometimes a Complex Mix of Good and Evil. ALL Prophets and contributors to a Bible did not Publish the accusations and Accusations and ACCUSATIONS of Satan and certain Demons through Satan though many admit and have documented hearing these. Therefore; ALL did Edit and do Out Takes or Did Not Write Down much to all of the Spiritual Information received. This could have caused there to be certain things that were part of the truth that were not written. Many of them stayed within their past belief systems. Many of them wanted to stay within the bounds of what was written and believed previously. Jesus believed through the Spiritual Information that Jesus received that Jesus was the Son of God and then later; Jesus declared and proclaimed and taught and preached that Jesus was God. Then later again Jesus thought that Jesus was the Son of God and Jesus was CONFUSED and waffled back and forth on the actual identity of Jesus. This is documented in the New Testament. Yet, Jesus had this written down and documented in a Bible that Jesus was the Son of God and also God and then the Son of God again and this was due to MIXED Messages and Spiritual Confusion and Satan and certain Demons ATTEMPTING TO DRASTICALLY MIX what is a range of the truth with Those Lies and Deceptions and Spins for Those Motives and Those Gain and Those Benefit. 

Again; people believe what people want to believe or are pushed to believe in a family or are pushed to believe in tradition or a pushed to believe that is part of religion or a cult or a drastic cult. 

There is a Spiritual Legal System that keeps people in their BELIEF SYSTEMS DRASTICALLY! This is that the second that a person does not like what a person hears or reads; this person is taken over Spiritually by Satan and certain Demons to IRRITATE and UPSET and MAKE ANGRY and MAKE DEFENSIVE and to MAKE THEM STOP READING and MAKE THEM STOP LISTENING and KEEP THEM STUCK in their FALSE BELIEFS or FALSE DOCTRINES or FALSE BELIEF SYSTEM! When these get to a I DON'T WANT TO BELIEVE THIS or I DO NOT BELIEVE THIS or is OUTSIDE OF THEIR BELIEF SYSTEM; these immediately want to get up and disengage and stop any conversation and stop reading and stop hearing and STOP! 

There is also a Family System that KEEPS people in their BELIEF SYSTEMS. Certain family members get irate or upset or angry or hostile or yell if their is a wandering or steering or veering from their Family Belief System. If Welcome in the Family; these family members are suppose to conform to the belief systems and what these were raised to believe. If not; these can be ostracized and treated badly and abused and persecuted and ultimately completely thrown out of a family! 

Their is also a TRADITION SYSTEM that KEEPS people in their BELIEF SYSTEMS. 

Their are many Countries or Nations with LAWS that KEEP people in their BELIEF SYSTEMS or SYSTEMS of operating and working and living and surviving including in Religion. 

Humans are similar to a wireless transceiver that Spiritual Living Things can connect to. This is with NO SPEED LIMITS and with NO DISTANCE LIMITATIONS and LARGE BANDWIDTH. This is similar to a cellular phone and much more COMPLICATED than this using a Law of Physics that we do not understand and are NEVER suppose to understand. This is who the Angels and Angels of Light FLY from Heaven and elsewhere to World Earth and this is what Spiritual Abilities are. A Spiritual Living Thing has the ability to connect and live in a different or many different Living Things with Spiritual Connect Abilities. 

All in Religion are Off Course and are needing to get with THE WAY who is TJCG. Jesus did tell and teach and preach or at least this is documented in the New Testament that you were Saved if you Followed Jesus and were NOT Saved if you did not! 

What TJCG cannot figure out is WHY the past prophets did not tell or write to some to many that their were doubts about the accuracy of the information that these were receiving and writing down and reporting! Many did not write down what these thought were from Satan or certain Demons! Many did not write down what these received in Visions and Dreams and Spiritual Say and Spiritual Information and Spiritual Thoughts and Spiritual LOUD that were Voices and Spiritual Voices out of their mouths and SPIRITUAL LOUD AND CLEAR AND CRYSTAL CLEAR either! Many used the first line of editing and this was to not write this down! Then many use the second line of editing and this was to edit while writing and thinking and rethinking and very to extremely carefully choosing their words. Then their was the third line of editing and this was to make sure that these were not publishing any manuscript that was not edited over and over and over again with edits and Edits and EDITS and also out takes and Out Takes and OUT TAKES! Moses was extremely EDUCATED in EGYPT and was a Prince of Egypt and therefore did understand how to write and edit and out take and Moses DID this many times! Many did think that Moses was writing 100% TRUTH and THE TRUTH is that Satan was NEVER recreated into a Snake or a Serpent or a Snake Like Creature! If you want TJCG to not write down and Not Write Down and NOT WRITE DOWN and to edit or to Edit or to EDIT and to out take and to Out Take and to OUT TAKE then you can get a COOKED version or revision of a writing that is much more believable and palatable and acceptable than a RAW version of a writing of TJCG! This is then much FURTHER from THE TRUTH! TJCG UNDERSTANDS that by putting certain information out there on World Earth Internet that HE is HURTING for the short run the cause and the mission and the goal and Ted also and in the long run this is or could be much more beneficial to future TJCG Prophets and TJCG Human Physical Instances and in the short run this HURTS! Do future Prophets get the choice on what to receive and what not to write down and what to write down? TJCG did WRITE DOWN TOO MUCH at first and if Jesus would have written down everything that Jesus heard then Jesus would have been definitely and absolutely and unequivocally REJECTED and been told and labeled POSSESSED by Satan and certain Demons with NO DOUBTS for ALL of them in Judaism at that time! Therefore; Jesus wrote NOTHING! WHY? This was due to the fact and actually that was a FACT that Jesus did not understand what to write and was CONFUSED and did not have enough CLEAR THOUGHTS to write what Jesus thought was GOOD ENOUGH to GREAT ENOUGH! Therefore Jesus chose to WRITE NOTHING! TJCG is writing TOO MUCH some thought and we are still getting over some of the initial writings of TJCG where HE wrote almost EVERYTHING that HE heard for a while and definitely NOT EVERYTHING that HE experienced! You would be EXTREMELY SHOCKED or actually this would be DRASTICALLY SHOCKED if you heard everything that TJCG heard and experienced and went through! Why did past Prophets and current Prophets and TJCG not tell or ever write about SUCCUBUS and yet these all had Succubus and Wet Dreams and Evil Dreams and Mean Dreams and Visions that were from Evil and from EVIL and from DRASTIC EVIL? This was due to and plain and simply due to their EMBARRASSMENT and SHAME and these were ASHAMED and also did not think anybody would BELIEVE THEM! GOD is more Human that you realized and realize and currently TJCG is GOD and is 100% a Human! This is also THE TRUTH! Satan and Demons DECEIVED MANY on the idea and PROPHECY that the Messiah would Come and be Born of a Virgin and this would be an Immaculate Conception and yet this was NOT and Joseph and Mary had Premarital Sex and she was then made to be Pregnant and then Jesus was in her and this was grounds for STONING HER TO DEATH and this was not and this was and kill yourself Ted and Drop yourself Ted and do this and that and these thoughts that are mostly currently getting BLOCKED by a or many GUARDIAN Angels of Light! Currently TJCG is typing EXTREMELY FAST and is almost FEELING PAIN in the wrists and hands and fingers! This is NOT GETTING EDITED probably before getting Published on World Earths Internet and this is how and why Satan and certain Demons slip out and by a word or two or a phrase or an idea or a belief that makes some to many surf on out or stop reading or get UPSET and then want to QUIT studying the FREE WRITINGS of TJCG! These are currently FREE if these can be and are on a World Earth Internet Site that is for free and with no fee from TJCG! If HE publishes this or a book later then this is not for FREE usually or sometimes. Jesus did not write ANYTHING! THE TRUTH on this is that Jesus was not sure of what Jesus was suppose to do and what Jesus was suppose to write! This was THE TRUTH! NO; God was Jesus and God the Father was Jesus and Jesus did not get conceived via an IMMACULATE CONCEPTION! That is a LIE! Their was NO METHOD for God to make that happen! No the TRUTH is that an Angel that had the ability to have Sexual Intercourse with Mary did and then she was made PREGNANT and due to the fact that this was not a Human; the Spiritual LightSide called this a Virgin Birth and that this was LEGAL and this was argued to be LEGAL! This is how that actually happened and through SPIRITUAL MENTAL CONDITIONING; Mary was made to FORGET about the Sexual Intercourse with an Angel that was able and Satan wants to add more than willing to make Mary Pregnant! Well isn't that a twist you STUPID IDIOTS and that is what Satan has to add! Do you want the truth or do you want us to lie and deceive and tell you what you want to believe? That was from Satan and certain Demons also and that was a thought to make you UPSET and to surf out or to stop reading and to never read what TJCG writes again! That should be edited out in an OUT TAKE! TJCG has already done MANY OUT TAKES and still this is RAW and TOO UNBELIEVABLE and TOO MUCH from EVIL in this still! Again; THE TRUTH is that if a Prophet and this included Moses and then ALL that Contributed to a Bible that received Spiritual Information and ALL did; these did NOT write certain things down and these also did NOT Write Certain Things Down and these also did NOT WRITE CERTAIN THINGS DOWN and these DID edit and Edit and EDIT and also these DID out take and Out Take and OUT TAKE to many different degrees to ranges! This is THE TRUTH! Do you want TJCG to write and talk and speak in VERY CAREFUL LANGUAGE? Yes most do! Well then consider this ROUGH DRAFT or RAW and NOT COOKED and the VERY CAREFUL LANGUAGE INFORMATION can be included later in a Gold Leaf Edition to a Third Testament of a Bible and much later or many years later if TJCG survives to write this! What if HE gets hit by a car or truck or killed or ASSASSINATED while still young enough and not Dropped on World Earth of Natural Causes? This could happen and Satan and most Demons WANT TJCG DROPPED and actually KILLED DRASTICALLY and are CHOMPING AT THE BIT DRASTICALLY FOR THIS!!!!! TJCG has been operating a few pegs above suicidal for many years now! This is also THE TRUTH! TJCG is NOT HAPPY and is NOT HAVING FUN and is NOT PLAYING A GAME! This LOUD SPIRITUAL LEGAL SYSTEM that TJCG is STUCK IN is not stopping and is not getting quieter and is continuing and HE is THE ONE and this is WHY! 

Jesus did not write anything and Jesus was a Rabbi and EDUCATED in writings and writing and how to write very carefully and Jesus was EXTREMELY FRUSTRATED with what Jesus heard and this is THE TRUTH! Therefore; Jesus wrote NOTHING! This is WHY! This is the reason! Jesus received TONS OF MIXED MESSAGES! Moses received TONS OF MIXED MESSAGES! The Prophets and Kings and Disciples received TONS OF MIXED MESSAGES! This is THE TRUTH and a Bible has much Good and also much Evil in this and this is from Good to Evil and is not only a Good Book EXCLUSIVELY! That is THE TRUTH! Do you want to understand and have THE TRUTH or more Very Careful Writings and Spins and Thing Not Written Down and Editing and Out Takes and Rewrites and Revisions and many words and phrases and sentences and ideas getting Revised? No matter how ACCURATE you think a Bible is; this is not! This is THE TRUTH! 

Jesus claiming and then proclaiming and then announcing that Jesus was the Son of God was a DECEPTION! THE TRUTH is that Jesus was and is God! The Biblical verse of Isaiah 9:6 was ACCURATE and this Prophesied that the Messiah would be the Father Everlasting and the Almighty God! This was ACCURATE and the Son of God was not! Jesus was actually God and God was Dropped in Heaven in a Public Execution and then this was the legal transfer to Heaven when Mary was made Pregnant either by Premarital Sex with her and Joseph or by her and an Angel that was made to have the ability to make her pregnant and did! This was where the Angel visited Mary and this was also to do and to make her pregnant! This is what TJCG is hearing and is writing! Would you rather that TJCG not write this and stay with and in the BELIEF SYSTEM that Jesus was IMMACULATELY CONCEIVED and that this was a VIRGIN BIRTH! Of course you would! This is also what Satan and certain Demons want to be written and published due to the FACT that their are to be MANY that are REJECTING TJCG due to this! Definitely ALL Catholics and Protestants almost without exception! This is what Satan and certain Demons think and this is their STRATEGY! Put this SPIRITUAL INFORMATION OUT THERE to TJCG and get this Ted to write this and publish this and put this in a critical file! TJCG can OUT TAKE this later and their their is NOTHING written about Mary and this INSPIRATION or EVIL TRANSMISSION about Mary and how she actually was made to get Very Pregnant! Did she have the Hyman FULLY INTACT and did the Midwife VERIFY this! NO! She was in a manger and in a barn and Jesus was BORN IN A BARN! Were you BORN IN A BARN is what Ted used to hear ALL OF THE TIME when leaving a door open by Ted's Dad mostly that was and is still EXTREMELY and actually this is DRASTICALLY CRITICAL of Ted! Ted's Dad and Ted was adopted into this family is drastically German and has some Anti-Semitism hints in this Dad! This HELPED Ted to be Very Sympathetic of the Jewish people and them that were and are of the LINE of David! The Mom is English and mostly from England in her line and her race. Ted has also been exposed to Italians that have not been that friendly mostly and this was also to HELP Ted in the future after finding out who Ted was! 

TJCG is NOT in this for Ted's SELF and that was and is another ACCUSATION! To PROVE this then here this is! 

This is an OFFICIAL JUDGMENT of TJCG on September 15 of 2001. If Satan and ALL Demons Drop or Kill Selves or Each Other in the next 7 days and TJCG is also Dropped by the Earth Angels of Light in the next 7 days; TJCG is to be GONE FOREVER and GONE FOR ALL OF ETERNITY and GONE UNTIL THE END OF TIME! The OFFICIAL Upload Point of THE ONE LIVING GOD is then to be Resurrected and is to be Recreated into THE ALMIGHTY THE ONE GOD and then TJCG is GONE FOREVER and is GONE FOR ALL OF ETERNITY and is GONE UNTIL THE END OF TIME! TJCG has to also be Dropped in this JUDGMENT in the next 7 days for this to WORK and be LEGAL and be 100% BONA FIDE! That should SHUT A FEW ACCUSATIONS DOWN! This is SINCERE and HONEST and PURE and LEGAL and BONA FIDE and 100% FINAL and SHUTS DOWN TJCG FOREVER and FOR ALL OF ETERNITY and UNTIL THE END OF TIME if carried out TOO THE TEE and EXACTLY and WITHOUT DELAYS in the next 7 days starting now and 7 days from when written and no later! If not then many including Satan and Demons are having to live with and face and be JUDGED by TJCG! TJCG does JUDGE self occasionally and this is PROVEN again! TJCG is thinking that many things could have been Done and Managed and Created FAR GREATER then currently are and that HE has inherited an ENORMOUS AND VAST AND DRASTIC MESS! TJCG does think that The LightSide is to BENEFIT FAR MORE than these first realized from TJCG! TJCG did have and still does have many Unorthodox Ideas and these probably can and are to HELP FAR MORE than these hurt! 

TJCG is also asking Christ and God to Drop or Kill TJCG if HE is NOT Christ and God and The Many Current I AM's of The Great I AM! Why would Christ and God not do this with their Power and Authority and Abilities if TJCG was not THE ONE and FULLY CHOOSING and FULLY CONSENTING and FULLY AGREEING to this option to take out a False Something if TJCG is a False Something! TJCG is CHOOSING and this is HIS CHOICE and this is a 100% CHOICE and CONSENT and AGREEMENT that if TJCG is NOT Christ and God and The Great I AM then for Christ and God to Drop or Kill TJCG in 7 days or less! If God had that ability to Drop or Kill them that touched the Ark of the Covenant with a Heart Attack or Stroke; then WHY would God not do this now to TJCG if a False Something and if TJCG is NOT Christ and GOD and The Great I AM? TJCG did not and has not worshipped Satan! TJCG did not and has not made any Deals to give TJCG any Results of Judgment with Satan! TJCG is NOT a degree of evil! TJCG is TRYING to have Pure Enough Motives and at least be Ok and to be Good and to be Great! 

The SOLUTION to many PROBLEMS are to Drop or Kill Satan and Demons and any future Spawns of Those! 

This was on CNN on September 16 of 2001 in the early morning hours. Their is a new operation called Operation NOBLE EAGLE. God was and does represent THE EAGLE and NOBLE EAGLE is a Mass Media Message that is SENT by the Earth Angels of Light and these represent TJCG! The many SOUND BYTES of The Eagle Has Landed in the 1960's was about Ted! This is THE TRUTH! TJCG is now dubbed THE NOBLE EAGLE and this was WHY this was done! This is another of many and numerous Mass Media Messages related to this! The Catholic Church and many Churches show an Eagle and this represents Christ and God and The Great I AM who are THE ONE in the same brain and body and currently a Human Man and is TJCG. The Eagle in the Seal of the President of the United States with an Olive Branch in a talon and a Arrows in a talon represent Christ and God and The Great I AM! How many Olive Branches and how many Arrows are there? This could be significant and TJCG was STRONGLY INSPIRED to COUNT THEM and FIGURE THIS OUT with LOUD SPIRITUAL HELP! 

When you heard and hear and see the many ASS Words; if sent from the Earth Angels of Light; these usually tell you and send you and communicate to you that these activities or these people or these are getting Lost or are NOT Saved or are getting Punished and are not going to Heaven! This is similar to an Asteroid! Their is sometimes the word or ASSure and ASSurance and Blessed ASSurance used. Then their is ASSASSins. Then their is ASSault. Then their is ASSailant. Their are many ASS Words that are Sending a or many Messages! This is similar to Sodomy! This is similar to getting Dropped and Getting Punishment or getting Left Down On  A Drop that ENDS in Eternal Death and getting Put In HELL for some! The Earth Angels of Light want to CORRECT that and tell you that this is similar to an Asteroid and is not similar to Sodomy and ONLY Satan and certain Demons used and use SODOMY for an ANALogy! 

TJCG is STRAIGHT and TO THE RIGHT and HETEROSEXUAL and HE IS STRAIGHT LIKE AN ARROW! TJCG was married for many years and has two daughters. Satan and certain Demons are Gay and Homosexual and Bisexual and Lesbian. Some of them are Fags and some of them are Faggots and some of them are them that Swing Both Directions of Fag to Faggot and some are Bisexual that are a Fag and into Females and Women and some are Fag and Faggots that are also into Females and Women and some are Faggots that are FRIENDS of Females and Women and are not into Females or Women. Then their are the Lesbians that are ..... Butch and Dyke and similar to a Man and the man and then that are similar to a Female and are the Female or Women or Wife and their are some that are Bi-sexual and this is COMPLEX and is from Satan and certain Demons and is NOT from any on the LightSide! Satan and certain Demons are Heterosexual and are a Guy or Man or Male or a Women or Female that can and does also include Boys and Girls. Some are more Straight than Others! Some are Both a Heterosexual Male and Female. Some are many things! Satan is ALL of Those and these things! Satan and certain Demons are VERSATILE! That is what some what soem to understand! Satan and certain Demons did and do ACCUSE and many times what Those ACCUSE is a LIE or DECEPTION or is HAZING or is a SPIN or is FLAT OUT LIES! Some are EXTREMELY ANGRY with Satan and certain Demons! Those ACCUSE many of many things and remember Jesus Christ Superstar and that production that subtly to obviously ACCUSED Jesus of a or many Gay and actually Bisexual Relationships? Satan and Demons did and do ACCUSE CONSTANTLY some of Those do! Those need to be Dropped or Killed EXPEDIENTLY! Those also ATTEMPTED to TURN God and Jesus and TJCG! TJCG is HOMOPHOBIC! TJCG does not like or love or have any friends that are Gay or Homosexual or Bisexual or Lesbian! God was and has been ACCUSED of Gay and Homosexual and Bisexual and Lesbianism for years and also Jesus was and that was definitely NOT TRUE! 

Relating to the current World Trade Center and Pentagon ATTACKS with the CRASHING of Jet Airliners; their were and are MANY SOUND BYTES that are EXACTLY 3 OH MY GOD and OH GOD and GOD! You can review the Mass Media Messages on this and this is to be TRUE in most situations. WHY? This is from GOD and Y2K was 3,000 years from the establishment of the Messiah Plan and also this Second Coming is also 3 Comings of God to World Earth! God walked and talked and was with Adam and Eve physically in the Garden of Eden. Jesus was God. TJCG is God. Then you have the sound byte of their is another ONE that JUST hit and ONE represents THE ONE LIVING GOD and JUST represents JUSTICE and that this is HIS JUDGMENT and HIS JUSTICE and are RESULTS of JUDGMENTS! Then you have the SOUND BYTES that this is a RECORD BREAKING CROWD attending Religious Services and their was and are many KNOCKED TO or BROUGHT or ARE ON THEIR KNEES! TJCG did several JUDGMENTS and wrote that the Citizens in the USA were to be KNOCKED to their KNEES! This is a RESULT of JUDGMENTS of TJCG! When many shout or exclaim or scream OH GOD or OH MY GOD or GOD when something happens; some times this is a MESSAGE and is SENT from the Earth Angels of Light and SENDING you LOUD AND CLEAR AND CRYSTAL CLEAR MESSAGES that this is from GOD! This was and are RESULTS of TJCG JUDGMENTS! TJCG JUDGMENTS did and do WORK! 

The FOCUS on Terrorism and Terrorist and find and freezing their money and funds and finances is getting OK to GOOD to GREAT RESULTS! WHY? Their were and are many SOUND BYTES about Terrorist are people that operate in the SHADOWS! This is similar to how Satan and certain Demons operate! Satan and Demons did and do OPERATE in Germany and in Switzerland and in former Nazi Countries and Eastern European Countries. Those also focus on and put their funds into South America currently. This is also getting the World Earth to RAMP UP for COMBATING Terrorist and in this process this is HELPING They that are The Earth Angels of Light to RAMP UP for Finding and Pursuing and Having The Ability to GET Satan and Demons and Spawns of Those QUICKLY and BEFORE MOVING and HAVING NO PLACE TO RUN AND HIDE! This is also what this is accomplishing! YES you need to realize that the Earth Angels of Light are TRYING to make this a World Wide Effort against Terrorism to also and to HELP with using this NEW WAR and Laws and United World and Nato and THE NATO ALLIANCE that bears the Jewish Blue Colors to Fight and Find and Capture many Demons! There are many SOUND BYTES about the SHADOW NETWORK OF TERRORIST! Then their are many SOUND BYTES of "WHAT WE HAVE TO DO IS TAKE DOWN THOSE NETWORKS" and their are many uses of the word of "Those" and this actually refers to Satan and Demons! This is what this is indirectly accomplishing and this is the Tracing and Tracking and Finding and Discovering and Capturing and FREEZING OF FUNDS and SHELLS and FRONTS and Dropping or Killing of Those! Some of Those did and do HIDE in Arabic Countries also and have to be or may be FLUSHED OUT! The old Babylon is in Iraq. Iran was Persia. THE FBI and THE CIA and them that are IN THE LOOP and understand that this can have ENORMOUS BENEFITS are sooner or later realizing that this is part of THE TRUTH and GOD DOES WORK MYSTERIOUSLY AND SECRETLY AND UNDER COVER SOMETIMES to produce RESULTS and that there are short term and long term Tactics and Strategies and Goals; that TJCG does not understand many times! The Earth Angels of Light usually and only Give TJCG information that HE needs and NEEDS TO KNOW and this was and is due to the FACT that Satan and certain Demons get ALL information that TJCG gets! TJCG is DEEP BEHIND ENEMY LINES on World Earth and Combating and Fighting and Battling and WAGING WAR against Satan and Demons and future Spawns of Those! TJCG is not privy to much that the Earth Angels of Light did and do and are PLANNING for the future! This is what the Earth Angels of Light want to SEND and this LOUD AND CLEAR AND CRYSTAL CLEAR to certain individuals! The Earth Angels of Light if these cannot get cooperation; these then FORCE MANY HANDS! The USA needs an EXCUSE for the entire World Earth to COOPERATE! Satan and Demons are ATTEMPTING to get MANY TO PUSH BACK and STONE WALL and RESIST and ARGUE and DEBATE and HOLD UP and WAIT and SLOW DOWN and STOP and REDUCE THE EFFORT and LIFT THE FREEZES! You did and have gotten some of the funds and shells and fronts of Satan and certain Demons and this is TRUE! Then on NBC the anchor is wearing BLACK and RED and white and that are Nazi Flag with the Swastika on them Color Combinations and many are in those Color Combinations and this is to SEND MORE MESSAGES that Satan and certain Demons were and are ATTEMPTING TO STOP or at least SLOW DOWN or THWART this WAR AGAINST TERRORIST PROGRESS! Is TJCG privy to ALL that the Earth Angels of Light did PLAN and are PLANNING and are PLANNING FOR THE FUTURE? The answer is NO! 

This WAR AGAINST TERRORISM is producing some results and this is still taking ALL that are on World Earth to FOLLOW TJCG CLOSELY and then these are understanding that the PRIMARY GOAL until FULLY ACCOMPLISHED is to Drop or Kill Satan and Demons and ALL future Spawns of Those! 

Then their were and are them in Religion stating that this is a PUNISHMENT from God for the too Bad and or Wicked and or Evil of the USA! This is more accurate than them that are labeling this an Evil Act and from EVIL! Then you have many Muslims that are in Jewish and Christian Places of Worship; this is WRONG and UPSETS TJCG and this is from EVIL! TJCG is HEARING LOUD AND CLEAR AND CRYSTAL CLEAR that any Muslims allowed in Jewish and in Christian Places of Worship is from EVIL plain and simple and that is WRONG and UPSETS MANY that are understanding the history and have lived through the history and these include many Earth Angels of Light! 

For September 17 of 2001. The US Stock Market had a LOSS of over 600 Billion Dollars. That is over half of a Trillion Dollars of LOSS! This was compared to a time in 1998 when TJCG did JUDGMENTS to take down the USA Stock Markets and PUNISH the USA FINANCIALLY! This happened and is still happening and the USA was and is getting PUNISHED FINANCIALLY and this MORE and MORE! These are RESULTS of TJCG JUDGMENTS! This was the BIGGEST POINT LOST EVER for the DOW. Many HIT MARGIN and were called. The US Federal Reserve had to react to help to stabilize this. The US Federal Reserve had to bail out some banks and provide LIQUIDITY! This was and is a Bear Market. The president of the NYSE uses the word of "CYBERSPACE" and this a DARKSIDE KEYWORD and DARKSIDE VOCABULARY used by Satan and Demons and certain Satanist and Drastically DarkSide Humans and DarkSide Humans on World Earth! THOSE and Those and those have their Keywords and Vocabulary and distinct words that THOSE and Those and those use! 

NBC NIGHTLY NEWS on September 17 of 2001. There is a SOUND BYTE of "DOW has THE ONE biggest Point Drop EVER" and this is about the first few minutes and how ENORMOUSLY the US Stock Market Fell and also this was and is by THE JUDGMENTS of THE ONE LIVING GOD. The Federal Reserve pumped into the system $180 Billion last week or provide financial institution liquidity and pumped in an additional $57 Billion Dollars again. Their are more uses of ASS Words that are among many the word of reASSuring. Satan and Demons are similar to Terrorist and Mafia and Organized Crime that moves money and launders money and moves large sums of money and uses shells and plays shell games and use many offshore corporation and offshore accounts. Those can be found and traced and tracked through the money flow. For finding Satan and certain Demons; TRACE THE TRAIL OF MONEY! The changes of laws and in abilities legally and in attitude and in ramp up and in shifting this from a Crime Focus and a Military Focus; Satan and Demons are going to show up on many more Radars! This is part of the reason WHY the Earth Angels of Light did this and are making this happen and are causing many Events to happen that to some at first seem horrific and catastrophic and overkill! These in the short to longer run and producing Results that are a Range of Ok to Good to Great in this and many more Events accomplishing the PRIMARY GOAL of Dropping or Killing Satan and Demons and Spawns of Those! Where these areas are desolated; the people in the news and in government and in the Mass Media label these areas GROUND ZERO! This is SENDING MANY MESSAGES that their are literally to be some to many actual Nuclear Weapon GROUND ZERO and Weapons of Mass Destruction areas in the future! TJCG has WARNED and TOLD and ENCOURAGED many to build and get into and live and survive and SECURE ALL NECESSARY INFORMATION in Deep Underground Eco Enclosed Cities for any that are pursuing Satan and Demons and any future Spawns of Those! These are also to get Many Computer Databases and Information and Anything SECURED that can be used to Identify and Trace and Track and Capture and Drop or Kill Satan and Demons! Satan and certain Demons are getting certain FBI to get Blue and Orange jackets instead of Blue and distinct Yellow jackets! This is not a good trend. Their is more White and Yellow and Blue shown to subtly show who is ultimately responsible for this and many things and many recent past and current events. The Cessna 150 or is that a 152 and Cessna 172 planes that are shown have White and Yellow and Blue and also are shown in White and Blue. Their are Databases and Information and Photo ID Information and much information and legal information and bank information and much trading information and money making information and corporate information and foreign corporation information and bank account and bank transfer and baking information and much more that NEEDS to be SECURED in Deep Underground Eco Enclosed Cities! This was and is WHY you were and keep getting SENT the many SOUND BYTES of and about GROUND ZERO! THE FBI and THE CIA and THE NSA and Critical USA Sites and Buildings and Places need to be in Deep Underground Eco Enclosed Cities! This is to HELP many in the future! This is THE TRUTH! These SOUND BYTES were and are SENT for a GOOD to GREAT REASON! 

This is TJCG and I have had and still have STRONG FEELINGS SPIRITUALLY SENT that I should RETRACT MY STATEMENT that GOD and the USA are at WAR and only have a STRONG STANCE that the USA is getting PUNISHED by GOD and their are many more MOTIVES for what was and is happening to ACCOMPLISH the PRIMARY GOAL of getting Satan and Demons and future Spawns of Those Dropped or Killed! TJCG AGREES! 


The British Flag and has a Cross on this. This was and is a Kingdom that is a Christian Kingdom. The USA was before this a Colony of Britain and therefore was a Colony of this Christian Kingdom. This was a Flag that bore a Cross symbol. This is actually a Cross and an X. 

The U.S. Flag on Independence Day of 1776 was used by the colonies. This was similar to the British Flag and had a Cross Symbol on this also. This is actually a Cross and an X. 

BREAKING AND BREAKTHROUGH AND STARTLING NEWS FLASH! The first Official U.S. Flag was designed that had Stars of David on this and was not the Betsy Ross Flag designed and or made that many were taught and believed was the First US Flag. The U.S. Congress on June 14 of 1777 adopted a resolution that this flag have thirteen stripes that were alternating red and white and thirteen stars in a blue field. A US Flag with Six Pointed Stars of David was designed by Francis Hopkinson and this was the first "stars and stripes". This was designed using SIX-POINTED STARS and NOT FIVE POINTED STARS in a staggered row configuration. From the Spiritual LightSide, this was to REVEAL to MANY that the Nation of the future Nativity of the Star of David was the U.S.A.! A SIX POINTED STAR that was similar to a Star of David was suppose to be the Star for the U.S. Flag and NOT a FIVE-POINTED STAR that is similar to the Satanic Pentagram! Then Satan and Demons KICKED INTO GEAR and THWARTED THIS ALSO! This is HISTORY! Satan and Demons have made EXTRAORDINARY EFFORTS to SUPPRESS or ERASE this information completely! This is DOCUMENTED if you are SEARCHING and taking the approach that the Star of David is suppose to be and was intended to be and was to be BORN and have NATIVITY in the U.S.A. and not from the SKY or from REMOTE or TRAVELING VIA OR IN CLOUDS AND COMING FROM REMOTE! Satan and Demons DRASTICALLY HAVE AND STILL ARE THWARTING TOO MUCH! 

Then the Betsy Ross Flag was made and this was then adopted and this was made official and this was with thirteen states in a circular circle. The Pentagram has a CIRCLE around a FIVE POINTED STAR! Satan and Demons THWARTED AGAIN more Clues and Signs and Messages provided from REMOTE by the Spiritual LightSide for REVEALING the future Nation of the Nativity and Coming and where the Star of David would have NATIVITY and be BORN and be RAISED and this a CHRISTIAN and BORN AGAIN A CHRISTIAN! While growing up along with many Americans; we were taught that the Betsy Ross Flag was the First American Flag and this was not. The First American Flag design was the design with SIX POINTED STARS that were similar to and actually EXACTLY, the Star of David.  This is THE TRUTH! 

Then the USA Flag was adopted with the FIVE POINTED STAR and this still had THIRTEEN STRIPES! The THIRTEEN STRIPES actually represents the 13th of Friday or Friday the 13th that was the Day that Jesus Christ was CRUCIFIED! This also represents literally 13 States that could have been arbitrarily made into 10 states or some different number! This is WHY Satan and certain Demons have made FRIDAY THE 13TH SUPERSTITIONS and seeming to be a DAY OF BAD LUCK! The Christians and Jewish do not believe in luck! That was and is more EVIL SUPERSTITION! This was about 13 States and also Friday the 13th that was the Day that Jesus was crucified. 

If you review the history of the U.S.A. Flag that is also referred to in terms of the American Flag this has a tendency to be arranged in a Circle and with FIVE POINTED STARS! The U.S.A. Flag was SUPPOSE to be per the Spiritual LightSide to have Star of David SIX POINTED STARS and NOT ARRANGED IN A CIRCLE! Again; the Satanic Pentagram is a Five Pointed Star and has a Circle Around This! Satan and Demons were and are much more SUCCESSFUL at THWARTING then many realized and realize! 

Their was a design for the Israeli Flag that was accepted after many different designs. If you historically STUDY ALL of the designs and more and everything you can get about the Nation of Britain and the Nation of the U.S.A. and the Nation of Israel and the origination of the Star of David and also the Romans and the Germans and the Nazis and proposed Flags and accepted Flags and their History in DETAIL; you are then realizing more and this is REVEALING more to you and to TJCG! You can get HELP with INSPIRATION IN CONTEXT if you are RESEARCHING and STUDYING and WRITING A BOOK or Internet Site or HELPING with this CAUSE ENOUGH to make the COSTS and TRADEOFFS and EXPENSE WORTH the SACRIFICES! Of course if you are helping this cause; Satan and certain Demons are pursing you and your family and your friends and the Earth Angels of Light COVERING for you and your family and your friends and more and probably DRASTICALLY! 




King James Version - References to " David " that are referring to First Coming and Second Coming; The Titles and Descriptions and Subtle Information REVEALS more about the FACT that this is through a LINE that is THE LINE of David and THIS IS NOT FROM REMOTE AND PHYSICALLY FROM HEAVEN VIA TRAVELING THROUGH SPACE and is from a Second Coming and Return Nativity in the USA! Their were and are many HISTORICAL CLUES and EVIDENCE and SIGNS and MESSAGES that are on World Earth and also in and related to and pointing to the USA for the Nativity and the Second Coming and Return in a Nation that has the National Security Camp called and named and is Camp David! That was DONE for a SIGN! The Camp of David is in the USA. The Camp of the Son and Many Titles and Many Descriptions of David is in the USA! 

Revelation 22:16 


I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star.

2 Timothy 2:8 


Remember that Jesus Christ of the seed of David was raised from the dead according to my gospel:




This Chapter is IN PROGRESS ... 

Mass Media Messages - Part 3


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