Welcome to my Web Page, as American ...

          The Thomas                   Weekly.com
              Webmaster Extraordinaire,
                   Thomas Farren

             est. January 24, 2000
(last updated 9-5-2000)
located in Maple Glen, PA
(just outside Philadelphia)

Even my little brother has a site!

You need Java to see this applet.


Drink Mixes

B-Day List

as Apple Pie and the RNC in Philadelphia!!



                   Where do I start???
I can not apologize enough.  Life has been very hectic since last I updated (7/24/00 for those of you keeping track), what with me quitting my old job, taking a new one, part time working, going to St. Thomas, and getting started at my new job.  I will get to this soon, I actually miss working on it.  But work must come first.  This weekend should afford me some time.  E-mail any thoughts!!!

Rugby injury or not... this site is always...
     If you have any suggestions, please don't just complain about the webpage -  e-mail them to me to help make this a better site, just like K Eberle (of B-Day List fame) did.  I only do it for the readers.
Webmaster, Editor-in-his-Head Farren

Remember, I add things to various components randomly, so check around to see what is new (hint:Poetry, Current Events and...??). Right now this is mostly a reference source.  Click on links to get to personal pages or business opportunities or just time-consuming sites.  I'll have my own stuff, like opinions on current events (as of 7/4/2000), writing - poetry (NEW) and prose, and links to different things (isn't that mandatory anymore?).  I am still adding new components as they come to me. Hopefully this will only get better with time.  So, bookmark this and hang on for the ride (I know, no matter what I say - it'd sound corny).  There are several kinds of links here.  Some are just my personal choices, like Big Daddy Matt Wilson's.  Other are Guest Commentaries, and still other links are like sponsor links, at the bottom of the page, so check them out.  I have ticket information, to flowers, to shopping, to Barnes & Noble.  Personal stuff follows my links.  Isn't technology great?
     I think that is it for now.  Later.

Check out the "Tommy Grelsh Chronicles"!!  Little teasers will placed here randomly to give you a taste of the flavor!!

All Other Links

Game of the Week!!

Fairytale of New York

On the internet is a site similar to those refrigerator magnet poetry pieces - www.poetry.com - and here is one of my creations.  Sometimes I amaze myself.

       That Moment - 6/21/2000                                5/18/00  
          Copyright 2000 Thomas Farren                                                    Copyright 2000 Thomas Farren
a weaver                                                            Sitting in my same chair with the
          serene                                                                                 same book.
          awaiting dark while candles sleep                        And the same coffee.
          birds a chirping orchestra                                   Watching the same world.
                 where                                                        But tonight
                         gold fades                                                         it doesn't matter.
          chilling shadows charm the rays                         Last week
                                                                                                it changed my world.
                                                                                                is for tomorrow.

Louis Farren III marries Ms. Margaret Brennan in 2001.  Here is the official countdown.  Any advice on bachelor party ideas, or gifts is greatly appreciated!

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