The Giak Scrolls

English to Giak

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When you first enter the makeshift library, you are shocked to see a giak, sifting through papers and nervously scribbling with a quill he continuously dips into the glass inkwell beside him. You notice that the ink is a deep, blood red. The sight of a mortal enemy and the red ink instantly galvanises you into action, but before you can draw your weapon, you look into the creature's eyes, those eerie yellow eyes, and you realise that it does not intend to harm you. As the adrenaline slowly ebbs from your blood, the spawn rises and introduces itself as Grokk. It seems that Night Owl has adopted this studious giak and he now serves as a scrivener of sorts to the outpost. Grokk has been hard at work translating his native tongue into a form that will be recognised by others, and his works are displayed here in what he likes to call 'The Giak Scrolls,' or 'Zegorzadim.'

As a minor introduction to the Giak language, Grokk tells you that the alphabet consists of only twenty letters:
A, D, E, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, R, S, T, U, Z, AA, OR, SH
After saying that, he returns to his scribbling and permits you to peruse his work.

An example of Giak handwriting


above - atog
abyss - okrog
affirmative - gee
aid - niz
alive - shok
and - ash
anger/angry - ganiak
animal - gorak
archer - duldug
arena - magnok
arm - guk
armour - zaggan
army - orgar
arrow - dulag
as - tek
ash/ashes - kega
ask - jok
at - iak
attack (v) - darg
attack (n) - dargag
awake/awaken - rakka
axe - zag


baby - lag
bad/badly - zut
bag - juga
barracks - gazjat
barrel - radgor
barricade - odgoz
battle - gudnak
bay - egiza
be - narg
beast - gorak
bed - shardar
before - nug
begin - ekar
behind - raneg
belly - dugdug
bend - ika
berserk - hegez
betray - stag
big - gudjag
bird - dikrak
bite - dig
black - hel
blind - ekig
blockade - odgozeg
blood - adez
blow - duza
blue - gug
boat - muzar
body - hak
bog - nodog
bolt - shaz
book - zad
boot - hagor
border - gagjak
bottle - adag
bow - tuk
bracelet - mutaz
break - jez
bridge - mok
bright - gadaj
brown - klag
bucket - edak
build - dag
burn - azgad
bury - adug
but - ka


call - huk
camp (n) - nadulheza
camp (v) - gogak
canyon - okrog
captain - egud
carry - kag
cask - radgor
castle - gazad
catapult - tegdarg
cavalry - nozodim
cell - lizog
chain - shuk
champion - kookar
charge - shaag
cheat - noza
cheer - jegka
chest - tadzar
child - iggi
church - zazgog
circle - aduz
city - gedad
claw (n) - hag
claw (v) - hagag
clean - stug
climb - ezar
cloak - nozosh
close (adj) - naj
close (v) - kot
cloud - mugtaz
coat - tugga
cold - gour
come - dez
come back - raneg
coming (adj) - dogez
company - nadarog
construct - dag
cook - lazag
corpse - hak
courage - rugga
cove - egiza
coward - odogon
crazy - hegez
creature - gorak
crossbow - nuzog
crown - reknoz
cup - iok
cut - shez


dagger - ogsha
damage - aduk
dance - jantok
danger - jatnar
dark - nad
Darklord - Nadoknar
dawn - zugguz
day - eguk
deaf - akog
deep - lenag
defend - akag
demand - jok
desert (n) - adar
destroy - ruzzar
detest - nig
die - gaj
dig - nar
disease/diseased - ezog
dog - sheg
doomwolf - akamaz
door - etaar
down - tot
drink (v) - gag
drink (n) - gajog
dwarf - shegtar


east - dej
eat - raz
eight - sha
eighteen - dasha
eighty - shazoz
eleven - da-aki
enchantment - jigi
end - zoz
enemy - gaz
escape - ozon


fail - magak
fall - ekor
far - ish
fast (adj) - tagog
fear - tuz
female/feminine - zizi
fen - nodog
fetch - ek
fifteen - daishrak
fifty - izraz
fight - nak
fire - kaggaz
five - ishrak
flank - nartag
fly (v) - dikoz
foliage - zika
follow - dajo
food - googa
fortress - gazad
for - tor
forty - roraz
four - rorag
fourteen - darorag
free - loga
friend - lug
front - azga


gaol - lizog
gate - etaar
get - ek
giak - zegor
go - der
going (adj) - naka
grass - zika
green - shug
guard (v) - odak
guard (n) - odakar


halt - koga
hammer - moggador
happiness/happy - hoki
hard - tadat
hate - nig
have - jokog
he - dok
head - nogjat
hear - tan
heart - kaan
helm/helmet - gorgagat
help - niz
her - zizi
herb - zug
hide - zek
high - joz
him/his - dok
hog - jaguz
hold - jokog
horse - nozod
hot - razi
house - heza
how - dak
human - orgadak
hunt (n) - kon
hunt (v) - shegga
hunter - konkor
hurt - zutag
hut - heza


I - ok
if - dar
ill/illness - ezog
in - kog
insane - hegez


jacket - tugga
joy/joyful - hoki
jug - adag
jump - agoz


key - ruz
kill - taag
knife - ogsha


lake - nengud
large - gudjag
lead (v) - okgan
leader - oknar
leap - agoz
left - daz
life - nan
light - edzar
like (prep) - tek
listen - tan
little - liga
live - shok
Lone Wolf - Aki-amaz
long - lozon
loose - kao
lose - magak
low - hug


magic - jigi
magician - ziran
make - dag
male - dok
many - kez
map - edaz
march - tak
marine (n) - shadegina
marsh - nodog
masculine - dok
me - ok
merchant - kikago
mix - shushum
money - kika
monster - zutgorak
moon - dajdok
mountain - ritzag
move - daka
much - kez
my - ok


near - naj
negative - naog
new - haag
night - nadul
nine - shak
nineteen - da-shak
ninety - shakoz
no/not - naog
north - aztar


obey - okja
ocean - egina
of - kor
officer - oknar
old - jet
one - aki
open - tok
or - nart
orange - stak
order (v) - zaz
order (n) - zazdak
our - oka/okim
own - jokog


pail - edak
pain - zutag
parry - nashez
path - adog
pedlar - kikago
pig - jaguz
plan - tuja
pleasure/pleasurable - hoki
poison - zejar
possess - jokog
prison - lizog
problem - ketki
punishment - ekug


quagmire - nodog


red - ak
rest - dat
retreat - ogot
return - raneg
riches - kika
ride - kluz
right - jag
ring - ditka
river - odnenga
road - agna
rock - lajak
room - ligaheza
run - dakagog


sack - juga
saddle - togdar
safe/safety - tanoz
scout (v) - rek
scout (n) - rekenar
sea - egiza
see - zee
sergeant - kordak
servant - kuz
seven - na
seventeen - da-na
seventy - nazgiz
shallow - kaat
she - zizi
shield - danak
shpi - muzar
shoe - hagor
shoot - zaj
short - moton
shut - kot
sick/sickness - ezog
sit - dandon
six - narga
sixteen - da-narga
sixty - nizgaz
slave - kuz
sleep - jat
slow - jatnek
small - liga
smell - zinoz
smoke - kokog
snare - anak
soft - zendod
soldier - shad
Sommerswerd - Gadajok-shezag
sorcerer - ziran
sorcery - jigi
soup - nenigooga
south - zand
spear - zuk
special - enoza
spy - dik
squad - kezneg
stand - dan
start - ekar
steal - dog
stone - lajak
stop - koga
store - tekim
strong - tukor
stronghold - gazad
stupid - egor
succeed - leka
sun - gadajok
swamp - nodog
sword - shezag


take - jek
temple - zazgog
ten - ishrakig
their/them/they - doka/dokim (m), zizim (f)
thief - nenrak
thirteen - da-ga
thirty - gagaz
threaten - gan
three - ga
thrust - zourg
tight - doddog
time - ekko
to - eg
tool - toz
town - gedad
track/trail - adog
trap - anak
treasure - kika
tree - konon
twelve - da-ig
twenty - gogoz
two - ig


undead - zutaagon
up - tog
us - oka/okim
use - oza


vegetable - zug
vegetation - zika


wall - zendod
want - aga
war - nadgaj
warn - rigi
war party - dorgar
waste - tezna
wasteland - adar
water - nen
way - tuztor
we - oka/okim
weak - stuzor
wealth - kika
weapon - ogg
west - tozaz
wet - neni
what - teg
when - on
where - ega
white - orgad
who/whom/whose - an
why - ka
win - leka
wind - duga
window - zogak
wine - jogg
with - ar
wizard - ziran
wolf - amaz
wood - kona
wrong - zut


yellow - staz
yes - gee
you/your - okak (sg), okaka/okakim (pl)

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