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An FTP client is the software that allows you to connect to FTP sites and move files. For this tutorial we will use the WS_FTP Limited Edition which is free for educators and individual home users. While this is a "lite" version compared to WS-FTP Pro commercial edition, the limited edition is easy to use, has display features that can be customized, and comes with a ready-to-use list of popular public FTP sites. 

Downloading WS_FTP

We will obtain a copy of this free software from the site of ZDNet, a leading authority and guide on computer software, technology news, reviews. Right-click the appropriate link which will open the ZDNet Web page and then click the Download command:
  • Windows 95/98/NT - WS_FTP Limited Edition v5.08 released March 17, 2000
  • Windows 3.1 - WS_FTP Limited Edition v4.6 released April 10, 1998
When you see this dialog box select Save it to disk:
Don't forget to write down the directory or folder as well as the file name where you will save your downloads. It is better to save your downloads on a special folder. In the example below there is a separate folder for downloaded files. 
If you don't have one yet create a new one by double-clicking on the icon . Right-click on the "New Folder" so you can name it. This will activate another dialog box 
Name this folder "My Downloads" or any other description you like. 

Now, to save the WS_FTP executable file under this sub-directory double-click on the folder and hit the Open command. When you see this box it means the ZDNet server is downloading the software to your computer:


Notice the highlighted location is an ftp site. You have actually used the FTP through the Web! 

The next lesson will show you how to use the WS_FTP software to download a file by directly accessing an anonymous FTP site. But first you need to "install" the downloaded WS_FTP software first. To do that go and open the "My Download" folder or whichever folder you saved the wsftp.exe file in. Locate the file and double click it (the icon looks like this). A series of dialog boxes will then prompt you to install the software.

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