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Please Visit One Of The Stars
Sammi Cheng
Cheng Sau-Man
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Updated 2/1/98
Jacky Cheung
Cheung Hok-Yau
±i ¾Ç ¤Í

Updated 2/1/98
Vivian Lai
Lai Shui-Yan
¾¤ ·ç ®¦

Updated 2/1/98
Amanda Lee
Lee Wai-Man
§õ ¿· ±Ó

Updated 2/1/98


Gigi Lai
Lai Chi
¾¤ «º

Updated 2/11/98
These Stars Have Reservations With Us
Leon Lai
Lai Ming
¾¤ ©ú

Comming Soon
Faye Wong
Faye Wong
¤ý ¹t ¶²

Comming Soon

Important: HKPC needs YOUR help! We are still growing and may have missed something
during the ongoing construction of this page. If you have any scanned images or info that you
wish to share or corrections that we should know about... then please let us know. All credit
will be given and any comments or suggestions are welcome.

Comments: E-Mail
Page me online UIN# 876575
Guestbook: Sign The HKPC Guestbook
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Created by Vincent Lim.
Last Modified February 11, 1998.
Copyright © HKPC (tm) 1997, 1998.
All rights reserved.
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