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Rurouni Kenshin

Our saga begins over ten years after the bloody Meiji Revolution that marked the end of the rule of the Shogun and the Samurai in Japan. In Tokyo, where swords have been banned, Kaoru bumps into the wandering Kenshin while looking for the man that is tarnishing the name of her fencing school. This proves to be the beginning of a long, exciting adventure for her - a master swordsman with a reverse-blade sword, and a heart of gold. Now the adventure starts as we are thrust into an era long gone, not only of blades and duels, but where honor and reputation were still a person's most prized possessions.

Rurouni Kenshin is a marvelous anime, the story line, the character development, the animation and also the soundtracks, all of them are good. RK is also very-very funny, I bet you people will laugh when you watch this anime. When my brother brought this anime back from USA, I went straight to my computer and start watching it like ... 4-8 episodes a day, I was like addicted to it in some way ... It has got 93 episodes if I'm not mistaken, a Movie, and also OVA's. Last time I updated this I haven't seen the OVA's rite, well now I have seen all of it, thanks to my Brother ^_^. It was great, the OVA nice touching storyline and lots of blood :) Well be sure to watch it! ^_^

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