Dark Legion Rank Structure
Rank is shown in the Dark Legion by the color of the warrior's ><.
Cadet is > &8< &DL(name)
Lieutenant is > &8&R< &DL(name)
Captain is > &8&G< &DL(name)
Major is &G> &8&B< &DL(name)
Colonel is &R> &8&B< &DL(name)
General is &B&b> &8< &DL(name)
A khan can be whatever color. A Khan's >< is prefixed by a symbol that he designates. The Loremaster has no rank per se, rather Loremaster is a title. his >< is prefixed by a : .
Rank is attained in Dark Legion by trialing.Upon acceptance to the clan, the new member will be assigned a Lance, that will normally be the same Lance as the members that recruited him/her. It will be the Lance Commander who will normally trial the new member for rank, and be responsible for their training, although all members can train with whomever they wish IN ADDITION to their Commander. The Lance Commander will be responsible for the new member's training, and the structure and administration of their Lance. To accomplish this, the Lance Commander is granted certain powers. He or she is the only one that can promote a member of their Lance. If the Commander is absent, the Founder or another Khan may promote. The Lance operates as a mini-clan, and within the limits of Dark Legion rules, the Commander has essentially a free hand. The Commander may also appoint whomever he wishes to act as his second-in-command, preferably the next senior person. Any member who seems to have vanished may be submitted to the Khan for assignment to the Reserve. ALL LANCE ASSIGNMENTS ARE MADE BY THE KHAN- NO ONE CHANGES LANCES, SWAPS, ETC UNTIL PERMISSION IS GRANTED.
DEMOTION/DISCHARGE FROM CLAN (DEZGRA) - A member may not be demoted in a trial. Members may only be demoted or kicked from the clan by the Founder. NO ONE CAN DEMOTE THEMSELVES. If a warrior is ejected in a state of Dezgra, he or she may NEVER return, and is considered an enemy of the clan for all eternity.
1st Rank: Cadet. This rank is automatic upon acceptance to clan.

2nd Rank: Lieutenant. To attain this rank you must display good mech handling skills, and a never - say - die fighting spirit.

3rd Rank: Captain. For this rank, one must show good usage of jets on the ground, and wise mech/weapon selection.

4th Rank: Major. This is a Field Grade officer. To attain this rank, you must show good usage of mechs in the air (both piloting and aiming in flight), be able to wage battle effectively in all standard missions, and (THIS IS IMPORTANT), show good leadership skills and judgement. A Major may be assigned assistant command of a Light Cavalry Lance

5th Rank: Colonel. To attain this rank, one must have exceptional combat skills in all areas- air and ground, and with all standard missions and all settings. A Colonel's honor must be unquestionable, and his ability to lead and make wise decisions outstanding. A Colonel may be assigned as Commander of an Oriental Lance.

6th Rank. General. A General must be outstanding in combat, but even more important, you must be able to instruct new cadets with patience, and the guidance neccesary to allow them to improve their skills. These new people are the future of our clan. A General may be assigned command of a Heavy Cavalry unit.

7th Rank. Field Marshall. This is a provisional rank. If the SaKhan is defeated, he becomes a Field Marshall until he wins his title back. He can keep the same colors while holding the rank of Field Marshall. This rank is higher than general, and basically is a "Khan without command". Field Marshall is not a rank a member can trial for.

8th Rank. MetaKhan. This rank is the 3rd Khan. He serves as part of the council and is responsible for maintaining order in the clan.

9th Rank. SaKhan. The SaKhan is responsible for upholding the honor of the clan, and is Marshall of the Field in wartime. He is the Khans "right-hand man", and the Executive Officer of the clan.

10th Rank. Khan. He is in command of all in Battle, and all administrative affairs. Rules, regulations, decrees, structure,...all are the responsibility of the Khan. This is not a rank one can trial for. The Khan is only replaced when he steps down, or by council decision.

The Loremaster. As stated before, "Loremaster" is a title, not a rank. the LM holds no rank. His purpose is to serve as an advisor to the Khan, and since he is also the Founder of the clan, keeper of clan history. Because he has no rank, he can offer his opinion without fear of reprisal. He also maintains the web site, and handles requests to join the clan.

Council. The Council is comprised of all three Khans and the Founder. It may also include Lance Commanders.