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Pearl of the Orient

Pearl of the Orient Award: Explained

The Pearl of the Orient Award is given to a homestead which exemplifies the strict criteria of being the best! Only a few sites are given this recognition within the Tokyo Neighborhood.

The selection process is explained as follows:

  1. A homesteader fills-up an application for listing to the Best of Tokyo. The application will be received by a Steering Committee.
  2. Upon receipt of the application, it would be assigned to a Theme Reviewer within the next two days.
  3. The assigned Theme Reviewer will preview the page, e-mails the homesteader, at least two days upon receipt of the application, announcing that the latter is handling the review.
  4. The Theme Reviewer will review the site, then submit the result of his review to the Steering Committee as well as send an e-mail to the homesteader that he had already completed the application review and had sent in his Report to the Steering Committee.
  5. The Steering Committee will decide on the merits of the review report and deliberate whether the site should be granted the Pearl of the Orient Award and be listed among the Best of Tokyo lists.
  6. Based on the decision of the Steering Committee, the site-applicant will be sent a brief e-mail of acceptance to the Best of Tokyo or a note to improve the site, whichever is applicable.
  7. The accepted homestead will be granted the use of the Pearl of the Orient Award graphic image and a link to this site. The awarded homestead shall also be listed in the Best of the Best of Tokyo page, under the appropriate category.
  8. Usually, it would take at least one week before a final decision is reached by the Best of Tokyo Steering Committee. At most, give the Committee at least two weeks before you ask about your application.

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