-Enya- Spiritualist of Britannia Oclloan Religion
Oclloan History

Oclloan Religion

Spiritualist Dictionary

Spirits and Occult Creatures






Images of Incarnations

The Twilight Circle

As stated in the history of the Oclloans, they were very spiritual people who developed new religious beliefs than those of their ancient ancestors. Although some of their new beliefs had influence from the old Shinto and Buddhist ways, for the most part it was a new, unique belief system, honored and practiced throughout the years by the Oclloan people until their downfall.

In these new beliefs, there was no heaven or hell, nor a God and Devil like in other Britannian belief systems. Rather, they worshipped the elements of the world itself-- the Light and the Dark, the Fire, Earth, Air, and Water. To them, each element was represented by an ancient spiritual force, or an Elemental, and these Elementals were their gods, the true creating forces of the world.

Although each person honored and worshipped to all the Elementals, every person was born under the light of a specific Element. This Element was considered their protecting Element, and they paid it special tribute. It was to this Element that they would try to better themselves, usually by going on a traditional spiritual journey to find themselves within this Element, and give it honor.

Since there were no heavens and hells in the Oclloan beliefs, it was believed that at the time of their death, they would join their protecting Element. It was then this Elemental's job to prepare the soul for its next incarnation into life. After evaluating the karma of the soul over its many lives and seeing its goals for its next life, the spirit's protecting Element would allow it to be reborn again in a different form, living a different life, to learn all the aspects of life itself within the planet. When the soul had balanced all its karma and had spiritually risen over normal life, it would become part of the creating force of the Elementals, the force of life itself.

The most powerful Elements in the Oclloan religion are the two hidden Elements, the Light and the Dark. These two Elements were created at a higher force than the other four, and their spiritual powers are so vast and strong that they are forced to live off the planet, only resonating their forces on the world below. The other four Elementals that reside on the planet are each a mixture of this Light and Dark force, and so is every other creature on the planet. The Light is the good, harmonious, and peaceful part of our nature, while the Dark is the evil, greedy, warring part of us. These two Elements must keep a balance with the world, but the Dark often wants power over the Light, and will do anything to try to achieve this. If the balance of the planet between these two forces were to be ruptured, one of these Elements could possibly break free and enter the world, or at least be able to send its following spirits, which would have major consequences on humanity.

Those that serve under the Dark are what are known as Devils, Demons, Monsters, and the like, and wish for nothing but unhappiness and power over all. Those that serve under the Light are the Angels, Prophets, and other Heavenly-type beings that come to protect and better humanity. Though a mortal person may choose to worship under one of these two Elements, they cannot serve directly under them. The Light and Dark are outside forces, a part of each of us, and as long as we are born on this world, we still belong to one of the four basic Elements. These Elements are also a part of the Light and the Dark, and through them we become a part of these two great conflicting forces as well.

The four basic Elements that created and reside in this world are the Fire, Earth, Air, and Water. Each of us is a mixture of these Elements, and possess the characteristics of them. It is these four Elements that watch us, help us, protect us, or tear us apart. Their soul purpose is to work together to achieve a harmonial balance with the planet. Although they are all so different, they are very close, and must bind together to create this balance for the better of the planet.

They have many ways of obtaining this balance, including creating sub-relationships between themselves. The Fire and Water, the Elements of emotion, secretly have feelings of love for each other, although they find it hard to express. The Earth and the Water are often called the Sister Elements, for their deep relationship. The Air is close friends with all the Elements, helping to add its qualities to theirs. It is these relationships that help keep the ever-important balance in order.

When one Element becomes more powerful than the others, it tips this balanced scale, and the corresponding consequences apply to the world. An example of this would be if Fire, the Element of aggression, suddenly gained more power, then the world would be bursting with energy and aggressiveness, and wars could be a result. When this happens, the other Elements must try to gain the power they need to even out the balance, especially the polarity (opposite) Element. It is very important that this balance is maintained for the order of our planet.

These four Elements each have a key force, the leading Elemental, followed by their sub-forces, their following spirits. These four Elements are all unique and behave differently, and each serves our planet in different ways. They have different qualities, powers, and names. They are incredible spiritual forces that can take any shape or form that they wish, although the main Elementals have adapted to certain forms and behaviors when dealing directly with people. Each of these four main Elements are explained below in detail.


The Fire is a male force, representing the energetic, outer-directed, and strong actioned part of the world. The characteristics of Fire are energy, aggressiveness, enthusiasm, and impulsiveness, and it is these qualities that the element of Fire gains power from in our world. Those born when the sun is in the constellations of Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius possess these firey qualities, and are bound to the Fire as their protecting element.

In the Oclloan religion, the Elemental of Fire is known as Liam, or in their tongue, Riamu. When dealing with people, Liam takes the form of a strong man with long, firey red hair, pointed ears, and flowing clothing in the colors of fire and smoke. He possesses intiative, drive, enthusiam, and a need for adventure, but also can be selfish, arrogant, and argumentive and violent. Of all the Elementals, he shows himself to people the least, and instead sends the spirits that serve under him out to do his interactions with the world.

The spirits under him are Fire Sprites and the souls of dead mortals that served under him during their life and are now spiritually inclined enough to work for him, rather than reincarnating right away. Fire Sprites tend to help people with their goals, enterprises, and aims toward success, but can be willful, pushy, and get jealous easily. Like all serving spirits, they take many different forms, such as flames, smoke, or small males and females dressed in reds, golds, ambers, grays, and black. They are not as reclusive as their master Liam, since they show themselves for Liam so that he may remain hidden. Usually when there is a lot of aggressive going on, such as wars, they will start popping up to see what is going on.


The Earth is a female force, representing receptiveness, magnetism, and a possession of strong inner resources. The characteristics of Earth are practicality, conservation, stability, and materialism, and it is these qualities that the element of Earth gains power from in our world. Those born when the sun is in the constellations of Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn possess these earthly qualities, and are bound to the Earth as their protecting element.

The Elemental of Earth is known as Mana. When dealing with people, Mana takes the form of a young girl with long brown and green hair, pointed ears, deep brown eyes, and clothing that looks like the leaves of the earth. She possesses practicality, realism, and the material aspects of life, but also can be possessive, greedy, manipulative, and stubborn. She is the least elusive of the elements, and will sometimes show herself to those that are good to her planet.

The spirits under her are Earth Faeries, Dryads, and the souls of dead mortals that served under her during their life and are now spiritually inclined enough to work for her, rather than reincarnating right away. Earth Faeries tend to be very curious, and sometimes act mischieviously around people. Faeries usually always take a small, female form, usually dressed as plants or flowers, or unclothed. Dryads are more reclusive and serious helpers under Mana than the Faeries, and go to help people with career problems, property, and possessions, but can get worried and very nit-picking easily. They usually take the form of small males or females that look like plants, having a green aura too them and plant-like hair and clothing. Although Faeries come about just out of curiousity, Dryads usually come about when they feel their planet is being hurt, and try to heal the plants and animals that humans destroy.


The Air, like Fire, is a masculine force, the energetic, outer-directed, and strong actioned part of us. The characteristics of Air are intellect, reason, and communication, and it is these qualities that the element of Air gains power from in our world. Those born when the sun is in the constellations of Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius possess these windy qualities, and are bound to the Air as their protecting element.

The Elemental of Air is known as Xael, or in Oclloan tongue, Zeru. When dealing with people, Xael takes the form of a man with long, flowing white hair, long, flowing transparent white robes, and angel wings. He possesses intellect, the ability to look at things from both sides, and determination, but also can be bitter, inward, and sarcastic. He is almost as elusive as Liam when showing himself to mortals, but often will aid them in an invisible form, speaking into minds.

The spirits under him are Air Pixies and the souls of dead mortals that served under him during their life and are now spiritually inclined enough to work for him, rather than reincarnating right away. Air Pixies are also very curious like Fearies, but much more elusive. They are also very talkative, and spread the word about all that is going on around them. They usually help people who are having mental problems, and try to help them overcome it, but they can get critical, suspicious, and judge things strongly. They usually take the form of little gusts of air or transparent fearies, in both small male and female bodies. They are usually always around, just in an invisible form, noting everything that is going on it the world, and spreading it with other spirits.


The Water, like Earth, is a feminine force, representing receptiveness, magnetism, and a possession of strong inner resources. The characteristics of Water are emotion, imagination, sensitivity, and spirituality, and it is these qualities that the element of Water gains power from in our world. Those born when the sun is in the constellations of Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces possess these watery qualities, and are bound to the Water as their protecting element.

The Elemental of Water is known as Rasa. When dealing with people, Rasa takes the form of woman with long flowing gray hair, pointed ears, the head adornment of water spirits, and long robes in purples, blues, greens, and grays, always shifting in color, representing the ever-changing water. She is very loving in different kinds of relationships, creative, imaginative, pacifistic, and psychic, but also can be emotional, unrealistic, overly sensitive, self-destructive, and self-defeating. She is very elusive to those not bound under her, but will show herself and give aid often to those that are under her or that show great respect for her. She doesn't like to watch suffering, and will usually come to comfort any good soul that asks for her help.

The spirits under her are Water Nymphs and the souls of dead mortals that served under her during their life and are now spiritually inclined enough to work for her, rather than reincarnating right away. Water Nymphs help people who are having emotional and relationship problems, but can get suspicious and worried, and see things in an unrealistic, emotional haze. They most often appear as small males and females that either look like the water, or are dressed in the colors of the sea. They are fairly reclusive, but will always come to aid if they feel the person is good in heart and truly needs it, although sometimes they will aid in an invisible state, or during a person's dreams. Usually any strong emotions or relationships can bring them around, and they are easily attracted to spiritual or paranormal activity.