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Hi ! My name is Cristy or as friends and family call me Cris. I'm known online as "TooCute2BeFat", at least for my weight loss thing's. I've created this web page to help me gain some accountability for my weight loss progress. Don't get me wrong I'm motivated to loose the weight, but sometimes even with all of my motivation, I will make excuses as to why I'm not doing well. My goal with this weight loss site is to update it weekly and to keep my progress up to date for my online friends & Family.

I'm 28, and married to my high school sweetie, David who is 30, for the past 11 years. We're a military family currently stationed in Anchorage, Alaska at Elmendorf AFB. We have 3 kids, Dylan Thomas 9, Donavan James 7 & Cierra Elizabeth 5.

Up until September of 2004 I was a fulltime work at home mom, running my own licensed home daycare. I did this to be able to stay home and raise the kids, and in September, Cierra started school. After she started school I started working temporary at a Funeral Home and then they offered me a part-time job, so here I now sit :0)

My weight has always been higher then "average", and on December 8, 2003 I went to the hospital because I was having some problems, and found out that I had Type II Diabetes, Insulin Resistance, and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. Since moving to Alaska in I had gained 59 lbs and we learned that along with some bad eating habits, these complications had caused the weight gain. I started trying to lose weight, although it was a thinly veiled attempt.

On December 20, 2004 I had decided to DO SOMETHING about losing the weight and getting a healthier life style. They say that when your motivated, you will know it...I've known it in the past, and when it started hitting me up-side-the-head in December, I knew it was time to DO IT!

I have been following the Body For Life plan, and I'm currently doing Challenge #1. This is NOT a DIET, it is a healthier life style FOR LIFE plan. It's teaching me ways to eat that are healthier, and ways to exercise to get the most out of it. Do I expect to become a ripped hard body?, HELL NO! But I do expect to lose a lot of fat and learn the proper way to eat AND betcha!

My goal weight is 150 still not "average" size for society but average size for me. Check my journal page to see where I'm at in my goal's. And if you see me slacking...YELL AT ME, or at least remind me of the long term goal!! :0)

So join me in my quest for a healthier NEW ME!










*See how I picked my user name by clicking above*


*Updated 1/2/05*




*Updated 1/2/05*


*Updated 1/2/05*







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