Home Interests Career History

S/T Transhatteras
Overseas Dinny
SS Comayagua
SS Green Forest
SS Mormacgulf
ST Sandy Lake
A Free Paid Vacaton
ST Gulfspray
ST Overseas Vivian
SS Aimee Lykes
SS Gulf Shipper
SS Mayo Lykes
ST Overseas Ulla
ST Gulfpride
Other Assignments
SS Atlantic Spirit
Am. Pres. Lines
SS Lurline

Computers I have two one for games and one for surfing.

Ham Radio

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Please tap on the key above to visit my Ham Radio home page. 


Photography I took most of the photographs in this homepage. Most of the older pictures were taken with a NIKKORMAT 35mm camera and then digitialized years later or more recently by one of the new internet photofinishers that will send you your developed pics on the net. I have a new toy! In October I purchased a Sony Mavica FD-81 digital MAVICA camera and I have been using it for 3 web pages and take it everywhere. I apologize to those poor folks I have pestered to pose for my new camera.

Organizations, Professional and non-professional.

Veteran Wireless Operators of America

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Images below taken on a recent  visit to Battery Park NYC 2/99.

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Society of Wireless Pioneers. (SOWP)
