ST Sandy Lake
Home Interests Career History

S/T Transhatteras
Overseas Dinny
SS Comayagua
SS Green Forest
SS Mormacgulf
ST Sandy Lake
A Free Paid Vacaton
ST Gulfspray
ST Overseas Vivian
SS Aimee Lykes
SS Gulf Shipper
SS Mayo Lykes
ST Overseas Ulla
ST Gulfpride
Other Assignments
SS Atlantic Spirit
Am. Pres. Lines
SS Lurline

S/T Sandy Lake/KGPM
Timeframe: joined 29APR70 Jacksonville, FL
Departed Singapore, 07SEP70
Keystone Shipping Co.
313 Chestnut St.
Philadelphia, PA

philipp.gif (1760 bytes)bahrain.gif (1629 bytes)japan.gif (1431 bytes)india.gif (1562 bytes)venezuel.gif (1392 bytes)

Philippines          Bahrain                     Japan                 India                Venezuela

My assignment to the Sandy Lake began I believe in Jacksonville, Fla. I joined her while she was in the shipyard. For some unknown reason my recollection of this ship is foggy. I remember that we were on a MSTS charter carrying jet fuel for the US Navy. I remember we proceeded thru the Panama Canal to the Western pacific. I remember loading fuel once at Bahrain and once at Ras at Tanura, Saudi Arabia. Discharge ports were Subic Bay, Phillipines and Naha, Okinawa. While we were in the Arabian sea off of Mumbai (formerly Bombay), whe had some sort of engine problem and had to put in to that port for 3 or 4 days of repair. I moved ashore to the Taj Mahal Hotel where I lived like a king. 

The Sandy Lake was named after a minor battle of the Civil war. She was a converted T2. The house aft and midship house were both original T2, but the hull was new.



This is Capt. Sandy Powell who was our harbor pilot in Bahrain. He is a British subject who was employed by the Bahrain ports trust in the 70's. He notably had a part in a Disney movie "The Boy from Bahrain."



I was on this ship about 5 months when the permanent Radio Officer noted that he wished to return to his job. The company told him that he could but since the ship would not return to the Continental US for quite some time he had the option of waiting for that event or paying my airfare (first class) all the way back to my home port. The permanent R/O a Mr. Adolph Hess returned aboard in Singapore where we stopped for fuel on the way to Cam Ranh Bay, SVN and relieved me. He paid me $1009. in cash, which was the First Class Air Fare Singapore to Washington, DC.

This began a whole new story which I will put on a different page.

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