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“The Charmed Ones”

June 1, 1999; Prue, Piper, and Phoebe were created by Aarron Spelling, all others were created by me and are not to be used.

by Brittany McGuire

It had been almost thirteen years since the Halliwell witches had to use their powers. Instead of fighting evil warlocks, they decided to live a normal life with a normal family of their own.

The three sisters Prue, Piper, and Phoebe Halliwell , soon, had children of their own. Prue’s daughter was named Patricia, after Prue’s deceased mother. Piper’s daughter was named Persilla, a name Piper always adored. Phoebe named her daughter Penny. The sisters’ husbands abandoned their wives when their children were only two. The husbands thought the witches’ lives were too un-realistic. The sisters then promised not to use their powers anymore. They read a spell aloud in the Book Of Shadows to isolate their powers of premonition, mind moving, and time-freezing in the book until a spell could release them. The sisters took their children and moved back into their childhood house in San Francisco, their mother’s mansion. They left the book behind.

Piper and Phoebe rushed their teenage children out the door as Prue joined them and sent her daughter, as well, off to school.

“I’m going to auction house now, Phoebes, please don’t forget Patricia’s dress at the dry-cleaners.” Prue said as she put on her shoes and ran her hand through her thin, dark hair.

“ Alright, alright. Cool it. Just go or you’ll be late!” Phoebe’s warm smile seemed to light up the room and her brown eyes seemed to calm Prue’s stress.

“And I am going to ‘Quake’. Our new waiter is a klutz and I better get down there before he breaks anymore dishes.” Piper said in a stressed manner.

“Have fun.” Phoebe joked. Piper and Prue left the house.

“Hey guys,” Patricia called the girl’s attention as they walked to school. “When I was getting ready for school, I saw a witchcraft book in the attic...” Patricia didn’t finish her sentence.

“You were getting ready in the attic?” Persilla smiled.

“Shh! Ok, do you think that our moms are doing witchcraft?” Patricia had a worried look on her face.

“I may be related to you, but I’m not stupid! Why would our parents do that?” Penny joked.

“I am not kidding. Hey! Let’s go there now and check it out!” Patricia exclaimed.

“WHAT?! Are you kidding?!” both girls shouted.

“Come on, our mom’s are at work! And Aunt Phoebe is at the store! Let’s go.” Patricia convinced her cousins.

The girls dragged each other to their house and climbed through their bedroom window to get into the house. They ran to the attic and found the book.

“See, it is full of spells!” Patricia noticed as she opened it. “Look at this one....”

“No don’t read it!” Persilla warned.

“Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, give us our powers, to have them, we must.” Patricia repeated the spell. “That is really cool.”

Suddenly, the ground began to violently shake and the girls lost their balance. They fell to the ground, holding their heads full of dark brown hair. Persilla threw her hands into the air. Then the shaking stopped. They opened their brown eyes to see Persilla controlling the time. The time was frozen.

“Um, ok, wake-up now!” Penny pleaded to herself as she stared at Persilla.

“Um, guys, let’s get out of here!” Persilla hollered. The girls ran down the stairs. Penny grabbed onto Persilla’s shoulder and suddenly rolled her eyes back in her head and began to shake. She stopped shaking after a second.

“That was the weirdest....” Penny started to say just as Persilla fell backwards down the stairs. About an inch from the ground she stopped in mid air. Patricia seemed to hold her there with her eyes.

“That’s what I saw! I touched your shoulder and saw you fall!” Penny took a deep breath. Patricia closed her eyes and looked away and Persilla fell to the ground.

“Looks like we are super heros.” Penny said in a joking manner, but she didn’t have a smile on her face. The girls then heard a voice.

“Uh, I thought you said Aunt Phoebe was going to the store!” Penny whispered. “Look out, she’s coming! Run upstairs!”

The girls ran upstairs, then Persilla had an idea.

“Hey, why don’t I just freeze her so we can leave and go back to school?” Persilla threw her hands in the air as the girls tried to stop her. Persilla did freeze time as Phoebe came to the bottom of the steps, but Phoebe would not freeze. She kept walking and when she saw the girls, she screamed.

“What are you guys doing here?!” Phoebe did not smile. “And may I ask why is the clock not moving?” she exclaimed as she pointed to the clock on the wall.

The girls had to lead her to the attic and show her the witchcraft book entitled The Book Of Shadows.

“How did this get here?” Phoebe started with an astonished look on her face. “I haven’t seen this in ages. But, are you guys, did you, um..” Phoebe was confused.

“Patricia read a spell and I had nothing to do with it!” Persilla teased.

“Well, I guess you guys are the charmed ones now.” Phoebe finally smiled and the girls felt comforted. “You see, when your mothers and I were in our twenties, we read a spell from the book and got the same powers you did. We fought off evil every week. Until we were married. Your fathers didn’t like our witch-lives. So we moved here and left the book in Salem. Before we left, we turned in our powers. But I guess you can’t leave heritage behind.”

Just as the girls finally smiled and felt comforted, the Book of Shadows lit up and opened to a particular page. A blinding light appeared and a cloud of smoke filled the room. A tall man appeared. He smiled a bloody smile.

“So, you charmed children want to fight evil? Here’s your first chance!” the warlock bellowed. He grabbed the nearest witch, Persilla, and disappeared. The rest of the girls were frozen in fear. They ran to the book. They read the spell silently in their heads. Phoebe was the first to speak.

“I’m gonna call Prue and Piper and we’re all going to get Persilla back.” Phoebe reassured. She ripped the page from the book and ran out of the attic to call her sisters.

As soon as Prue and Piper arrived at the house, they went to the attic and joined the rest of their family.

“Here is the spell to bring him here and on the other side is the spell to vanish him.” Phoebe said.

“But- what are they doing home from school?” Prue confusingly asked.

“They have the powers.” Phoebe explained.

“But-“ Prue and Piper started to say in unison.

“Later, guys!” Phoebe shouted. “We have to get Persilla back.”

“What? My Persilla is missing?! I told you not to bring that stupid book with you!” Piper snapped.

Phoebe placed her hand on Piper’s shoulder to calm her and then read the spell.

“Dark is Dark and Light is Light, bring the warlock into sight.” Phoebe looked up as she finished to see the man slowly appearing before her eyes. Persilla was in his arms.

“It’s no use you witches! I have already taken her power. I need no more.” the warlock grinned and threw Persilla to the ground. Persilla’s face was white with fear and her eyes had changed from their normal brown color to a color as dark as the warlock’s evil. The warlock then froze time in order to get his next victims and to receive all of the witches’ powers. Phoebe and her sisters froze from the warlocks power, but the witches didn’t freeze and they stared back at the warlock.

“What? Why aren’t you frozen?!” the warlock looked terrified.

“You lied. You said you needed nothing more!” Patricia yelled.

“Well, I was going to achieve the power of three. And I will!” he snapped back as he pointed his finger to Patricia. A force pulled her to the warlock and into his clutch.

“Power number two!” he laughed as he starred into her eyes. Her face’s color seemed to drain out of her. Penny tried to help her cousin, but her power of premonition was useless. She grabbed the Book of Shadows and leafed through it. Then she realized Phoebe was frozen, holding the page she needed. Penny ran to Phoebe and grabbed it, reading the spell.

“The power of three will set us free. The power of three will set us free.” she read. She looked at Persilla lying on the ground, suddenly moving her lips.

“The power of three will set us free.” Persilla murmured. She repeated and soon Patricia found the strength within her to say the spell. The three cousins continued.

“The power of one has just begun. The power of two, it’s me and you. The power of three will set us free.” The warlock slowly started the burn. His eyes smoked and blood rushed from them. His nails began to crumble and his skin melted. He fell to the ground screaming and soon, he was gone. The girls felt a sensation of relief and found that they gained their powers back. Time unfroze and Phoebe, Prue, and Piper ran to their daughters.

“You guys are in so much trouble for skipping school!” Prue said.

“Phoebe said you can’t leave heritage behind. We only did what our instincts told us to do!” Penny laughed.

“That was the scariest thing that ever happened to me!” Persilla said.

“That was pretty cool!” Penny joked.

Patricia stared back at Penny. “I think we’ve had enough excitement for one day.”

Penny smiled back at Patricia. “Are you kidding? This is just the beginning.”