Treasures of the Hermitage Museum

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The Hermitage Museum is Russia's best gallery of world art, one of the most prominent art museums in the world and definitely the main tourist attraction of St. Petersburg.

Nowadays, the Hermitage has about 2.7 million exhibits and displays a full range of world art from Ancient Egypt to early 20th century Europe. It includes works by Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Raphael, Titian, unique collections of Rembrandt, Rubens, French Impressionists (Renoir, Cezanne, Manet, Monet, Pissarro), plus Van Gogh, Matisse, Gaugin and sculptures by Rodin. The collection is huge and very exciting. They say that "you can be absorbed for days in its treasures and still come out wishing for more".

The main building of the Hermitage Museum is the Winter Palace which was once the main residence of the Russian Tzars. Magnificently located on the bank of the Neva River, this green-and-white Baroque-style three-storey palace is truly impressive. The Baroque Winter Palace was built in 1754-62 and Catherine the Great was the first monarch to live there. Many of the impressive interiors have been remodeled after the huge fire of 1837. Some of the best Russian and foreign architects worked hard to make this residence of the Russian tzars one of the world's most laxurious palaces.

It had been calculated that if you decide to spend only one minute in front of each exhibit, you will have to stay in the Hermitage for 11 years, but with us you will have an opportunity to see all the great masterpieces of the world's art at a glance in 2 hours  with a comment of a knowledgeable guide.

Duration: 2 hours

Price per person in USD/EU: 30 (1 pers), 25 (2 pers), 20 (4 pers)  +10 entrance fees

N.B.! The Hermitage is closed on Mondays