We'd love to know what you think!

A bit about you...

*Email address:

*What size and type of shirt do you want?

*Required to win a t-shirt or to be added to the mailing list. A drawing will be held once per month to determine a winner. Only complete surveys will count toward drawing entries. One entry per person.

How did you hear about us?


About your computer...

We're curious what types of computers are customers use, the following will help us better serve our customers.

What operating system do you use?


What internet browser are you using?

What do you use your computer for?

Years of computer experience?


What interests you about Frankenputer?

My computer needs to be serviced I am interested in purchasing a new computer I am interested in purchasing a new/rebuild computer I am interested in working for/with Frankenputer

Let us know what you think about our web site...

Did you find our web site visually attractive?

Comments about the web site layout

Do you like the color scheme?

Was the navigation easy to use?

Did you find the content easy to read?

Was the information we provided useful? Why or why not?

What area did of our site did you like the best? Why?

What area of our site did you like the least? Why?

Would you recommend our site to other?

Frankenputer Gear!

Mouse pads and stickers

Let others know you have a FRANKENPUTER. Check out our stylish t-shirts and mousepads on our products page.

Fill out our survey!

survey image

We're collecting feedback on our website and the interests of our customers.

Complete our survey for a chance to win a FRANKENPUTER t-shirt!