Our mission is to make quality computers at affordable prices based on the specific needs our customers. By easing the process of buying, upgrading and repairing computers, we aim to change the way people think about and shop for computers. We recognize that superior customer service defines a business and strive to make every customer interaction a memorable one.

Please take a moment to review the small print...

All used/rebuilt computers are sold as-is. We offer no warranty on these products however we do test them to make sure they function properly.

All new parts are covered by manufacture warranty; FRANKENPUTER offers a 90 day labor guarantee.

All of our new custom built computers have a 90 day part and labor guarantee.

We do not guarantee any hardware repair performed if we didn't perform the diagnostics to determine the failures and defects with the system.

We offer no guarantee that virus removals will leave full system functionality. Some viruses require a system restore to remove. Operating system restore is included in the virus removal charge. Operating system restores do not include any software other then the manufacturer issued restore disk contents. FRANKENPUTER can only use licensed software.

FRANKENPUTER is only responsible to back up files listed on a back up request sheet. FRANKENPUTER cannot be responsible for unlisted files and or data contained on dead hard drives.

FRANKENPUTER offers a 90 day guarantee on all tech work performed by our techs. FRANKENPUTER will not assume responsibility for damages or loss brought on by user/owner error.  Regular fees will apply to reverse any errors caused to parts or services caused by user/owner error.

Frankenputer Gear!

Mouse pads and stickers

Let others know you have a FRANKENPUTER. Check out our stylish t-shirts and mousepads on our products page.

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