fundraising badges and awards
Flower Fairies art property of Cicely Mary Barker estate

About Our Home Town ...

Damascus, Maryland is a small community in upper Montgomery County, located mid-way between Baltimore and Washington, DC. All of our girls attend Rocky Hill Middle School, in Clarksburg, where they are in the 7th grade.

Links to other Girl Scouting pages ...

GSCNC -- Girl Scout Council of the Nation's Capital -- our Council's web site

GSUSA -- Girl Socuts of the USA home page: the place to start

Junior Troop 357 -- Pelican Council of LA

Junior Troop 552 -- of Ft. Washington, MD. Another Junior troop in our Council

GS Troop 715 -- Sister scouts just down the road in Gaithersburg, MD!

Brownie Troop 26 -- of Early, Texas. We hosted their mascot, "Earlene" in October 2000

Listing of every Junior badge -- and links to websites to help you finish the badge.
(This is the "old" Junior badges, but a lot of the links are still great resources)

Welcome to Mascot 101 -- everything you ever wanted to know about hosting (and having) a troop mascot

Brownie Troop 820 -- and the mascot webring home page

Campfire sing-a-long website: the words are all here! -- A GREAT craft resource website

AllGirlScouts -- a wonderful resource place for leaders of all level Girl Scouts

... and other pages worth visiting:

Haldago Bay Cyber Pets -- Junior Troop 1334 is proud to announce that we have adopted a Cyber Kitty! Isn't she darling? Her name is Penelope, and she's modeled after an actual cat (also named Penelope) at RESCUE in Arizona. The original Penelope is one of many displaced dogs and cats in foster or rescue situations.

You can help by adopting a "real" pet!

Click on the links to visit Haldago Bay and meet hundreds of pets looking for new homes all around the country. One is sure to be the purr-fect match for your family.

our troop's webmistress also maintains a website in GeoCities that relates to animal rescue. She'd like to invite you to visit Checkmate's CockerCondo. (Just be sure to bookmark us and come back!)

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This page maintained by KS Alexander; e-mail address:

Page last updated 10/28/03

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