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Flower Fairies art property of Cicely Mary Barker estate

Troop Fundraising Info

Fundraising activities now in progress:


Kathi is coordinating. Envelopes were passed out at the Oct. troop meeting. Please return *sealed* envelopes to Mrs A. She does not open the envelopes. She will turn them in at the Nov. Service Unit meeting. Please be generous. SHARE funds our camps, day camps, science tubs, printed materials, financial aid and leader training.

Calendar Sales:

Also now going on. The troop gets $1.50 of each calendar ordered. This year there are three style to select from: pocket calendars are $3.00 each, wall calendars $4.00 and day planners $6.00. This is a great fundraiser to start us on our way to Savannah and the birthplace! Mrs J is organizing this. Please return orders and payment at next meeting.

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This page maintained by KS Alexander;

E-mail address: troop1334@yahoo.com

Page last updated 10/28/03