
Summer Camp 


Note:  Payment & Prep Schedules TBP


About Troop 136


Eagles Nest



Order of the Arrow

Summer Camp

Resource Links



Map to Troop 136

Scout Hut



Camp Links

Leaders Guides

Program Guide

Camp Forms

Class 1 & 2 Medical Record

Class 3 Medical Record

MTC Parental Permission Form

Camp Staff Application

 to Camp

Maps of Camp














14 - 20 June 2009

Middle Tennessee Council

Camp Boxwell
Scout Reservation
LaGuardo, Tennessee


Boxwell Reservation is located on Old Hickory Lake in Wilson County on State Highway 109, five miles south of Gallatin near LaGuardo, Tennessee. Its beautiful location features rolling hills with lots of good campsites and hiking trails. The surrounding waters are excellent for swimming, canoeing, fishing and other aquatic activities. For these reasons and because of its central location, it was chosen to meet the needs of Scout units in the Middle Tennessee Council.

The camps within the reservation are named for other outstanding citizens and Scouters. The developed camps include Camp Stahlman, Camp Parnell, Camp Craig, Gaylord Cubworld, and the Percy Dempsey Camporee Site. Camp Light, Explorer Island and Camp Beanie Elam have been kept as wilderness sites. Additional areas at Boxwell include the Venture Center, Swimming Pool and Shotgun Range. Boxwell Reservation is rich in tradition and widely considered one of the very best summer camp facilities in the United States.


2009 Summer
Camp Fees

Camp Boxwell





+ Additional costs for Merit Badge supplies and special At Camp activities.

++ Total Scouters Fee is reduced based on number of Scout Campers.

Payment Schedule

15 Jan 08


17 Mar 08


05 May 08


02 Jun 08

$25.00 +

+ Balance due of all Camper, high adventure, and/or other special program fees.

Medical Forms

Due 05 May 08!
with Copy of Family
Medical Card

 Campers -



under 40

Class 1&2


over 40 (annually)

Class 3


C.O.P.E. or High Adventure

Class 3

Key Dates

15 Jan – 1st Pymt Due

17 Mar – 2nd Pymt Due

05 May – 3rd Pymt Due

§ Identify Merit Badges

§ Identify Camp Activities

02 Jun – 4th/Final Pymt Due (plus added fees)

05 May – Medical Records (Physicals) with copy of Medical Card Due

06 Jun – Load Footlockers & Troop Gear

§ Turn-in extra padlock key or combination

08 Jun – Depart for Camp
At Scout Hut:

§ ARV 7:00AM

§ DPT 8:00AM

§ Check-In 1:00PM

08-14 Jun – Summer Camp Activities

13 Jun – Family Night at Camp

14 Jun – Clear Camp & Depart for Home --

 Location Camp:

§ DPT 10:00 AM

 Location Scout Hut:

§ ARV 2:00PM

Troop 136 2009 Summer Camp Travel Plan:

·   Campers arrive at Scout Hut: Sunday, 14 June 09 by 7:00AM

·   Depart Scout Hut at 8:00AM

·   Arrive at Camp Boxwell SR around 2:00 PM

§ Conduct in-processing

§ Move to Camp Boxwell campsite

·   Clear and depart camp Saturday, 20 June 09 about 10:00 AM

·   Arrive at the Scout Hut around 2:00PM

Note:  Calls to notify parents of arrival time will begin when
  the Troop is about 45-60 minutes from the Scout Hut.


Emergency Phone #s:



(Scout’s Name)(Troop Number)


Camp Boxwell SR



LaGuardo, TN 




Camp Boxwell SR 2009 Website:



Reservations can be made by calling the MTC Camping department at (615) 383-9724 or 800-899-7268

Out-of-Council Fee Schedule   TBD

$65 per registrant by February 1, 2009

$65 per registrant by April 1, 2009

$65 per registrant by June 1, 2009

Balance Due by Check-in at Camp June 8, 2009

Regular Fees Apply After May 1, 2007

Scout Fee


Adult Leaders


A $25 late fee will be assessed to all participants not paid in full by the Pre-Camp Meeting.  ALL FEES MUST BE PAID BY THE TROOP WITH A TROOP CHECK.  INDIVIDUALS CAN NOT REGISTER AND PAY AT THE SCOUT OFFICE!

Other Camp Fees – Payable at Camp










Belt Night









Guest Meals



Indian Lore



Leather Work kit






Muzzle Loading









Rocket kits









WW Rafting






*These are approximate costs of materials from the trading post.  Expect increases.

Camper and Adult Leader Fees

At least two adults are REQUIRED to attend summer camp with each Troop. The Out-of-Council adult fee is $110 each. 

Directions to Camp Boxwell

Camp Boxwell is




From Atlanta...

Take I-85 North to I-985 North (Towards Gainesville)


"Every Scout can go to Summer Camp..."

If you have questions about or need assistance with the Summer Camp Fees,
contact:  Mr. Ken Sweat, Scoutmaster

Updated: 30 October 2008