Area where James B Davis family moved to in 1835 from Kentucky.

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This is a map of the Cass County, Illinois area. The map was made in 1834 and shows only Morgan County for that year. Cass County now includes Beardstown, Illinois. Cass County was formed in 1837 from the parent county of Morgan. James B Davis moved his family to the general area of Beardstown, Illinois in 1835 from Kentucky. The county boundaries between Morgan and Cass changed again in 1845. Elija, Davis his son would have been about 17 years old when they arrived in Illinois. Edward Davis, his brother, would have been about 15 years old at that time, and Richard Lee Davis about 9 years old.

Details of the move from Kentucky to Illinois are unknown except for the year of 1835. They may have relocated from the Lexington Ky area to Nelson County before moving on to Illinois. I suspect one of the prime reasons for moving the family was acquisition of farm land for future generations. Large families provided help on the farm till the children married and needed land for their own families. I think some of the original land acquisition in Illinois was in the form of Land Bounties or Warrants to veterans of the American Revolution. I think this is one of needs that drove westward expansion then.

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