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1895 of Fayette and surrounding counties in Kentucky. File size is 91k and will take a minute to load.

of counties in Virginia.

of Prince William County, VA boundaries in 1731.

of my Granddad's old homestead, near Sterley, Tx in the area of Lockney, Tx.

of area where James P Davis and John Barton Davis moved to from Illinois. Purdon, Texas.

of area where Charles Edward Davis and family moved to from Purdon/Pursley, Texas. Elbert, Texas in Throckmorton County.

1894 of Morgan County, Illinois, that includes Sect 36, Augustin farm land named in will

Map of Morgan County area in Illinois where James B Davis moved his family to in 1835 from Kentucky.

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to page with photos and family history of Alvah and Miriam Davis.

to page of references on James Davis, father of James B Davis.

to page listing James B Davis and family history.

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