Welcome to my SYNthetic home. You will be treated to some brain droppings of poetic stupidity if you follow the SYNthetic Words link to the right. The syte is always being manipulated. Come back soon. SYN
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SYNthetic Words
Artwork from the Master
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A band on the move: Mushroomhead
                                                   The Ledgend of SYNthetic Man

In the beginning, there was a small child, he was an odd youth. His parents raised him to be respectful of his elders at all times, seeing as though his parents were still children themselves. They lived in an apartment in the small town of Manville, where his mother and father had lived their whole lives. Little SYN began playing baseball at the age of 4, not long before starting kindergarten. The only knowledge he had going into his first year of schooling was Star Wars and E.T. other than that, there was nothing. SYN quickly picked up the ability to be creative, but lacked any grasp on the concept of logics and rules. Assignments dealing with writting and drawing were bright spots in his education, along with music and science. Math became an early problem for SYN, by the first grade his skills in the English language and Sciences had begun to form, but his general mathematic skills were non-existent. By second grade SYN was changing classes throughout the day (something none of his friends would do until the 4th grade). By the 3rd grade he was in the highest level English class and the lowest level Math course. Upon reaching the 4th grade and changing schools from Weston Elementry to Alexander Batcho Intermediate School (ABIS) new placement tests placed SYN in distinctly different circumstances. Because of his low test scores in Math, all his classes were lowered, but he soon defeated the system by a near flawless first marking period in Science, English, Art, his newfound love of the Trumpet and even his Math began to show some improvement. It may have been the fact that SYN felt a twinge of hatred for people believing he was stupid or slow. In the 5th grade SYN had wrangled his way into the advanced English class with all the egghead students (he made two lifetime friends in this class, Jake and Vincent later to become Harley and Malrboro). It was in this class that he wrote his first real story, a short story exceeding 100 pages and showing much promise (shocking the hell out of his teacher). The 5th grade also introduced SYN to Cactus, another friend who would stick around for quite some time.The 6th grade showed much promise for our burgeoning writter and comedic genius. SYN met two more of his partners in crime, the pudgy catholic school transfer Vinnie and the recently immigrated from Ireland James, Derek to friends and family....don't ask. This was also the end of ABIS and the beginning of 7th grade, which just so happened to reside inside the High School. High School came and went in a blur, too much went on to sum up, too much of everything. It was in these 6 years that SYN first challenged the system by outstanding performances in all classes except Math (which he eventually got to beginning calculus believe it or not). His love of writting was now rivaled by that for computer graphic design and mechanical engineering. His uncle being an engineer was incentive but not enough, his Math level wasn't high enough to go to school for that so he fell back to what he enjoyed, writting. So came college and the state of North Carolina, the school...St. Andrew's Presbyterian College. This was a dark time for SYN, and eventually led to the death of his real self and the birth of the creature known now as SYNthetic Man, this was such a dark time we will skip over it for now.
Outside of his schooling, SYN grew up in a tight knit family. He was the first grandchild born to either side of his family, this made him a ginuea pig for his parents and aunts and uncles. He has two Aunts on his father's side, and two Uncles on his mother's side. In his direct family unit is a mother and father and a younger brother, 5 years younger, and a younger sister, 7 years younger. SYN being much older, took alot of flak from his parents for being a poor older brother, this haunts him. SYN has four cousins, all female, all younger, he was also a poor role model for them as well. At the time of this report, SYN has lost both Grandparents on his mothers side and his Grandfather on his father's side. If you read SYN's Ramblings you will see his outlook on family and marriage.
The Ledgend of SYN grows, some scarcely believe he still exists, some believe he never did. Either way, no one really knows who or what SYN is. What we do know is if he does exist he is a head banging psychopath with 27 kills and a temper not to be trifled with.  He also believes that there are Aliens and that someday Henry Rollins will be president. SYN is a weird cat man!
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