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Policeman having affairs

Police Code of Ethics

I will keep my private life unsullied as an example to all
Honest in thought and deed in both my personal and official life, I will be exemplary in obeying the laws of the land and the regulations of my department.

For the purpose of definition, the following constitute misconduct.... Engaging in any conduct unbecoming of a Police Officer.

Mary Helen Lopz

- The Homicide receptionist ,The other woman who destroyed my marriage

today i called she answered the phone
we silently duel in smug little tones

i know where he was when he called last night
i wept in my pillow after the fight

who would have thought that i would be here ?
i thought from this man i would have nothing to fear..

seventeen years i gave this man
seventeen years i was his number one fan

three babies have we little gifts from above
three little angels that show our love

what will we do ? how will I cope ?
i lay in bed bed and cry and mope

I wonder if she knows what she destroyed
i wonder if he knows just with what he toyed

I give up now i have to let go
for seventeen years i have nothing to show

not a ring , not a home , not even goodbye
just i deserved all of those lies

well goodbye my heart my one true love
Till next we meet up above

till next time i think of you while i'm all alone.
For all the hurt you'll never atone

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