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SAPD wife's Homepage

Money This months new article
BlueWife*copyright 1999

Hi !

My name is Lori I am the proud mother
of three beautiful children
and the proud wife of a San Antonio Police Officer .
We have been married 15 long years
( groan I Know... I Know...)
Whats the secret - LOVE - Trust - and the three Angels temporarily in our care.

Here find my poetry , writings from my son
Daniel J.
articles I have written , stories I have heard ,
life  as an officers wife accomplishments.
I also write articles on making money at home
since this time and age its so hard to work and afford childcare ,
(so please help me out and follow my links !)
And my current hobby EBAY !!!! SALES

Sincerely Yours

The latest update the divorce is final

My husband chose Mary Helen Lopez receptionist in san antonio police dept homicide over his wife of 20 years,
I hear she got a divorce as well , I hope they were both worth the breakup of two long marriages and may they have better luck with each other than me and her husband did !, trying real hard not to be bitter but boy its tough ! I have two boys and one little girl and have to learn to be a single mom now and pick the pieces up , today is October 15 , 2001 we married October 15 , 1983. Sad Huh !

Loretta Gonzales

My son's pokemon webpage

I lost weight here - on line pharmacy - credit card .
In one month I lost 15 pounds !!

Join AllAdvantage.com

FREESTUFF In the mail - You gotta try IT !!!
I love ordering stuff in the kids names , stickers,coupons,posters,
Plus stuff for me - shampoo , candy , medicine , pantyhose etc..

Favorite Links
Places to Go for policewives and officers

Faith Outreach Christian Church
A church that helped me and my kids when we needed Faith



Can you help me and my kids out
with school supplies
by registering with PAYPAL ?

its free and since I started selling on EBAY now I can take
mastercard and visa and email people money.
My son (luv you daniel) Says anybody registering
he will send a free japanese uncommon pokemon card
or a booster pack of digimon cards(3.00 value)
if you email your address to him
and he is also looking for 10-12 yr old pen pals to write to
I really can't recomend it enough!!!
money is direct deposited to my bank account ,
or credited to my credit card
Plus for a limited time they are offering the following deal:
FREE $5!!!!
Paypal.com will give you $5 !!!!
for opening an account with them and an additional $5
for each person you refer, no limit! email me at lal_productions@yahoo.com
for free pokemon holo if you register with paypal

Make payments with PayPal - it's fast, free and secure!

My son's pokemon webpage

I lost weight here -
on line pharmacy - credit card . In one month I lost 15 pounds !! weight-loss

Free babystuff I had fun with maybe you can too!!


Poetry and pages


boys Kids and stress girls
My Garden of CHILDREN stories of my daughter stories of my son making money with your pc - link to these programs like I did for free
He's a police officer and he's changed , what do you do now? My Love -My husband Danny Loving a cop Fireflies
VIAGRA tribute to my mom - patricia felan My Cousin Ladysheriff's Homepage HOLIDAYS
Mothers 1st Grade The Cross in his pocket Shopping for you and kids!! When God made Police

Butterfly Kisses for my baby

Stupid Crooks san Antonio's Feathered Friends Percy - My daughters special friend My Parrot raising days finches
Bird shows Birdy Links Nestboxes Parrots Horse story 2,6

Surviving an Affair and Divorce

Blue Wife

Loving a cop

Giving Up

Poem to the otherwoman

Faith Outreach

Angels in Disguise

The Longroad Home

Recognizing Abuse

Recognizing the danger - Affairs

What defines abuse in a marriage


I need work Can you help us out ?
housecleaning,pet sitting exotics,parrot grooming ,
computer repair ,yardwork, etc

and Now weddings for more information go here


Law Enforcement Links Directory


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