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  Finally, I got around to see Shanghai Noon; and just as I expected, it was worth the money.  I would even pay to go see it for a second or even a third time.  If you haven't seen the movie by now you might still know a little about it.  Jackie Chan plays Chong Wang (Hmm?  Sound fimiliar?)  who is an emperial gaurd in China.  Early in the movie Princess Pei Pei, played by Lucy Liu, is obducted and taken to America.  Chong and three other emperial gaurds are sent to America to find her and bring her back.  Chong gets separated from the other three gaurds as he chases a group of outlaws on a train who are led by Ray O'Bannon, played by Owen Wilson.  During his quest to find the princess he runs into Ray many times and eventrally ends up riding with him.  Ray turns out to be a good help to Chong, even though he gets them in a tight situation with a crazy Marshall who comes after them and aids a Chinese slavedriver in his plot.  This is a great movie.  It takes place in the old west and has a few traditional western archetypes present, but it is not the same old western.  Leave it to Jackie to spice things up.  Also, as usual, Jackie lights up the screen with his amazing moves and stunts, and his impossible not to like personality.  If you have not seen this movie yet don't wait any longer.  It is worth getting dressed for.  Yes..even in the summer.
This movie has a great cast who make it awsome.  There are also cool costumes and killer fight scenes.  If you like Jackie Chan that is just one reason to see this film, which I think is the best he's ever done.
Me, Myself & Irene
Well, I recently went to see the very well publicized Me, Myself & Irene, and let me say, I was kind of dissapointed.  It was not what I expected at all.  Sure, it had its funny parts, and at times it had me laughing pretty hard; but compared to Jim Carrey's other work, it was nothing to be marvled at.  For one thing, the movie was partially narrated which to me was quite irritating.  Jim Carrey played a guy named Charlie.  Charlie was in love with a girl named Layla (if that's spelled wright) and she said she was in love with him too.  The two get married but soon after, tradgedy hits.  Charlie's wife gets pregnant and goes into labor.  When the babies are born, they happen to be black.  Well you can guess that this is not a good sign for Charlie.  A little later, Charlie's wife runs off with the childrens' real father, but Charlie doesn't let his emotions out.  This incedent, combined with all the people in his town walking all over him finally make him snap.  He developes a multiple personality who is very mean and will not take any crap from anyone.  So the plot takes form.  Charlie is chosen to take a girl back to her home town because of a report that was sent out on her.  As it turns out there are some people after the girl who want to kill her.  During Charlie's quest to save the girl his other personality comes out from time to time and does all kinds of bad things.  That is pretty much all that I can say without giving too much away.  I don't know if you would like the movie, but if you go to see it don't be expecting much.
Rating This movie was not what I expected.  It had its moments, but overall I was dissapointed.  The story was okay and there were a few times I laughed pretty hard, but mostly they got you with cheap laughs.
   Rules of Engagement is another movie that I have seen recently.  If you are one of those action movie buffs that gets bored if there aren't constant explosions, bodies flying through the air, or non-stop action, you might be bored through a good deal of the movie.  However, if you like action but also like those court room dramas, this movie is for you.  The movie starts out with soldiers in the Vietnam War.  Years later one of them (played by Samuel L. Jackson) has to go to evacuate an american embasey in Yemen where "peaceful" protesters get violent.  The character played by Samuel L. Jackson oreders his squad to fire on the crowd because of the dangerous situation.  There is a huge dispute about whether or not the crowd had weapons so he is put on trial.  He gets his friend (Played by Tommy Lee Jones) to be his lawyer since he knows him more than anyone else.  While Tommy Lee's character is investigating he finds lots of surprising evidence. 
This Movie has great action seens as well as a great plot and an intriguing court room setting.
       If you are an action movie fan than you will love Gladiator, it has a lot of it.  The movie is set in ancient Rome, when there were emperors and of coarse gladiators.  At the beginning of the movie  the main character, Maximus,  is a soldier under the emperor of rome to whom he is very loyal.  The emperor decides to have Maximus take his place on the throne when he is to die.  The emperor's son hears this news and becomes extreamely jealous, so after his father's death he sends Maximus to be killed and takes the place on the throne himself.  Because Maximus is such a skilled fighter he manages to escape the other soldiers but ends up getting captured and forced to fight in fights to the death.  Along with the action; the special effects, costumes, and even the animals (tigers) make this movie great.  I don't want to give away too much, but if you haven't seen this movie yet don't wait for it to come out on video.  The big screen really makes you feel like you are actually there in the Colloseum watching the gladiators fight it out.
Rating: This Movie has a combination of great special effects, an extrodinary story line, as well as colossal action.
I have the Shaft review.  Click here for the Shaft review on my second reviews page.
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