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Admission Essays Page #1

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Question 2

Books have always been a gateway to another world for me. Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka was probably the most bizarre book I've ever had the luck to read. Not only is it a strange story but also stands as testament to human imagination and creativity. Another amazing book is Lord of the Rings including The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien. The fantasy genre in itself attracts me greatly and Tolkien is the master of fantasy fiction. His books are wonderful not only for the stories themselves, but the amount of detail he puts into the maps of all the fictitious worlds he has created. Both the book 2001: Space Odyssey and the movie itself were triumphs in the cinematic and literary circles. I especially liked the beginning of the movie with the primates circling around the big rock. Quite amusing. Walt Whitman's Leaves of Grass caused me to weep after I read it. His poem, song of myself, caused me to sit back in amazement and rub my eyes. The same happened with Tao te Ching by Lao-Tsu, an ancient Chinese philosopher. It was like a religious experience; only it caused me to think at the same time as well. Humankind is truly blessed to be able to read and write.

By: Sara Rezvi

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Do mustard and mayonnaise mix together well?

I stare at my sad, deflated sub so full of vegetable substitutes and processed cheese and wonder what is wrong with the world. I imagine if the world were better, perhaps my pathetic sandwich would be better too. I can blame the chemicals and insecticides for the tasteless vegetables. I can blame the rGBH-treated cows for the processed cheese. However, I am only fooling myself. The blame rests squarely on my atrocious culinary skills. I wonder how I can make this particular construction of processed bread, processed cheese, processed vegetables, and processed meat taste an iota better than before. Success. My eyes fall upon the mustard and miracle whip. They beckon to me and I am entranced by the mesmerizing yellow and white of both ubiquitous condiments. Mustard and mayonnaise, so different, so bold, so hypnotizing, must unite. I slather the strange concoction upon my processed bread and giggle gleefully as the anticipation swallows me whole. One bite, and I know I will be transported to a place where bovine-growth hormones aren?t used, where a film of chemicals cannot be seen on my broccoli, and where there is no such thing as enriched bread... where it's just known as bread. I may be deluding myself but I take that monstrous bite nonetheless. As predicted, I am transported to such a place. I shall refer to it as Canada for non-confusion sake. Here, the cows prance upon the grassy hillsides, grazing as they please. The Butcher looks proudly on at his fine herd. It appears that both Butcher and cow live in relative harmony considering that one eats the other (I don't know who eats whom yet). As that wonderful man George Orwell said, "all animals are equal, but some are more equal than others." I suppose that's the way of the world, survival of the fittest... but I wonder if it must be that way. Why are humans in competition with everything else? Why must we see nature as something to be conquered? And why, oh why, did humans invent processed cheese? These are the thoughts running through my head as I continue my magical journey in Canada. I am quite impressed by the way Canadians run their operations here. I have yet to see any evidence of processed cheese. It appears that nature is still "unconquered" parse. The materialistic, resource-philandering, arrogant species that humans are sadden me. Why must those processed cheese conglomerates individually-package the cheese? I do not understand. After all, cows never asked to be treated with evil chemicals, vegetables never asked to be sprayed with awful insecticides. Bugs, bunnies, and babies should all be able to eat lettuce. Lettuce should not be restricted to only babies. That's unjust to all the other animals. But again, I think George Orwell was the only other human to understand unfairness to the non-human species of the world. Or perhaps he couldn?t make a sandwich either. Alas, my journey has come to an end as I step back through the portal that leads from Canada to Cheez Whiz world (also known as America). I am back in my kitchen once again, as I stare in awe at the vision that is now in my hands. The sub has become beautiful like the ugly duckling. Now it is truly a swan. But then, something catches my eye. I slowly turn the miracle whip around and sigh despairingly once again. The label reads: these chickens were given hormone chemicals to produce more eggs. I remain thwarted. Perhaps I should move to Canada.

By: Sara Rezvi

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