The House of Reinz
Live Off The Land Level 100 Challenge


Player Ranks :

Lord - (x5) Kkaos Reinz  |~ Medal of Anggar ~| | ~ Medal of Hope ~|

Lord - Vort

Lord - DRiK | ~ Medal of Hope ~ | 

Lord - Blade | ~ Looter's Pride ~ |

Goddess - Itolia

Goddess - (((Cloak)))

Goddess - Zelda

Goddess - Dyzab | ~ Looter's Pride ~ |

Lord - Warlord43 | ~ Medal of Hope ~ | | ~ Looter's Pride ~ |

Goddess - Iria

Goddess - Miyoko

Kkaos Knight - Tyrant Syn (martyr)

Kkaos Knight - (x2) Ruhztee (martyr)

Kkaos Knight - Sepiroth (martyr)

Kkaos Knight - Harome | ~ Strength & Honor ~ |

Kkaos Knight - ANGGAR (forfeit)

Demi-goddess - SUMMER FALLS (martyr) | ~ Medal of Hope ~ |

Demi-god - Anarki Reinz (martyr) | ~ Medal of Hope ~ |

Demi-goddess - Mrs. Vort (martyr)

Man-at-Arms - VIAGRA (death)

General - Yumi (death)

Trooper - EGO-BREAKER (death)

Soldier - Natty Dred (death)

Grunt - Defmcane (forfeit)

Mage - midveh (forfeit)


Those who survive Falz & have earned the highest rank, are invited to join the House of Reinz as honorary members. Medals of honor will also be given to those who show  extraordinary skill in battle. Those who have died at Falz will earn special recognition as martyrs, for being brave warriors who were killed in battle.


Medals :

~ Medal of Anggar ~ Given to last survivors.

~ Medal of Hope ~ Given to those who strive to keep their team mates alive.

~ Looter's Pride ~ Given to those who are self proclaimed item whores.

~ Strength & Honor ~ Given to those who get disconnected while fighting Falz.


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