The House of Reinz
Live Off The Land Level 100 Challenge

Rules :

Players start off in the Forest, with an empty inventory, no money, & no mag. Players are not allowed to go to the bank at anytime during the challenge. If players have items or money that they cannot store in the bank, the team leader will designate areas in Pioneer 2 for each player. 

Players will teleport & move as a team. The player who creates the room is team leader. It is the team leaders job to keep the team together. No one player can teleport alone. If someone wishes to port to town, the team leader will call a vote, & the majority rules. 

Players are allowed to go to the stores & the nurse, but not the bank, nor their designated item areas.

If a player finds a "ultra rare" weapon, they are to announce it, & show it to the team leader, unless they simply plan to sell it. This does not include regular rares, such as ???/weapons, DB's saber, varistas, & the like. This is only in reference to ultra rares such as spread needles, heaven punishment, double sabers. (see FAQ for details.)

If a player dies, they are out of the challenge. This is non negotiable. Regardless of scape doll or not, if u die, u die, there is no coming back, you are out of competition. The only way for a player to come back is if; when fighting Falz final form, a player is hit with the "soul sacrifice beam" & another player intentionally kills that player in the beam, the PKer is automatically disqualified. & the character who is killed, is revived. When a player dies, it is up to the team to decide, by vote, as to weather or not that player can stay in the room & observe from Pioneer 2 or not. Under no circumstance may a player who is no longer in the challenge, observe with the team. They can only observe from the level entrance, & use the camera trick (see FAQ for details). & on boss battles, they must intentionally die, to observe from the floor.

Team assisting is allowed, as far as healing, curing, & sharing items. Trade is also allowed. The ONLY techniques banned from the challenge is Reverser. Ryuker may only be used when the team has agreed to go to town. All other spells may be used freely.

If a player gets disconnected, the team is to hold their position for 15 minutes before moving on. If the disconnected player returns after those 15 & before the team begins fighting the boss of that stage, it is up to team vote, weather or not the disconnected player may rejoin the team. If the team leader gets disconnected, then the 2nd player who joined becomes team leader.

Violation of the rules is grounds for immediate disqualification.

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