~*~LilPrincess's Kingdom~*~

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~NIKKI: Hey, girl!! Man, we have been through sooo much together within just like 6 years or so. I can't even believe I've only know you that long, it seems like you've been there my whole life. You are without a doubt my best friend...well, you and AP but you understand :) You have always been there for me and I can never express how much that means to me. You've tried to warn me about all the buttheads who I thought were "so wonderful and great and sweet and..." *gags* Anywho. And even if you have tried to agree with my rants and raves, you've always been rooting for Team AP! Smart girl you are, by the way. You always reminded me or found SOME way to make every guy but him sound bad...does "Oh, guess I'll just hafta find another girl" sound familiar? I seriously could not ask for a better friend. And just like you've always been there for me, I'm gonna do the same for you. You are a very pretty, sweet, and talented girl. God's given you alot and I know you'll make the best of what He's given to you. Don't ever let anyone talk you down or try to ruin your dreams...or they'll hafta answer to me!! *flexes* WHAT?! Anywho :) For real though, never ever give up on what you believe in or think is important because if it's God's will and you just give up...it might not happen. Sometimes you gotta work with God for things to go right. Which sometimes means swallowing your pride and doing stuff you don't want to or making a complete idiot outta yourself, which I know from experience...*sigh* It's worth it though in the long run! Well, this is WAY too long so I'll end it here. Love you sooo much, girl!!

~REBECCA: Well, I hardly ever see you or talk to you anymore, but I've known you my whole life so I couldn't leave you off here! You've been a wonderful friend to me and I hope God really blesses you. I hope you're having fun at college! Just try to be good for me! Love ya, girl!

~MALLORY: You're my cousin so I figured I HAD to put you on here...*grins* Nah, you're a pretty cool girl. I know we've had alot of good laughs together...probably mostly at my expense, but that's cool :) If you ever need anything, you know where to find me!

~ASHLEY: Wow, it seems like just yesterday we were out on the court kicking some poor team's butts...and you've been married and had adorable little Ethan (sorry if I spelled it wrong!) since then. I'm glad to see God's blessed you so well. You really deserve it. Keep God #1 in your life and I know He'll bless you even more. Take care and keep Archie in line, kay?? :)

~JEANNA: I know we have our differences, but I still consider you a good friend. I know I could come to you if I ever had a problem...well, I BETTER be able to... :) I want you to know I'll always be here if you need anything at all. Thanks for being a good friend. I wish you and Ronnie both the best...just remember what I told you, don't ever be afraid to tell him that it's 4 in the morning and your NOT in the party mood!! *grins*

~TABITHA: Well, well, well...yet ANOTHER of my friends that's done and got married. I'm the last one of the bunch who's not married. But I ain't complaining, I still got at least 35 more years!! :) I haven't talked to you in awhile since you moved and all, but I hope everything's going good for you both!

~TIFF: First of all, I love your name! It's awesome, girl! You are so much fun to be around. I still can't believe I thought you was shy and quiet... My, how times change! You've turned out to be a beautiful girl (how dare you! *grins*) and I wish you and Josh only the best! Give me a hollar if you ever need anything!

~HALEY: I can always count on you for a good laugh. You're a great cuz! I know I may pick on you alot...and you pick on me...but I love ya!

~STACIE: Hey, girl! Yet another of my friends who's gone and got all pretty on me. Sheesh, how DO I make it with all these pretty people around me?? Anywho. You are a great girl and you best not change for anyone. If those sisters of yours or anyone else tries to mess with me, they best plan on messing with me too and that won't be pretty! (Did I make that sound mean?? No?? Okay, nevermind then...) Later! :)

~JENNIFER: You've been just like the big sister I never wanted... *grins* I'm kidding! You've been a great friend and I gotta give you credit too for staying with me for 16 years. I know I've gotten on your nerves plenty of times, but for some odd reason you're still my friend. And get you're mom to fix that nun chair...man...


~ANTHONY: Boy, you know I never hated you and I never could...and I DON'T wanna hit you!! I'm sorry things had to go the way they did, but everything happens for a reason. I really believe that. You are truly one of my very best friends and I thank you and God for that. I love you more now than I did before, if that's possible. I do want you to help me out with what we talked about...even if you won't tell me to shut up or slap me :P I just hope things start working out for you and you're not under so much stress all the time. I will ALWAYS be there for you, okay? Don't ever be afraid to tell me anything. And about that fight we had...well, I'm sorry Miss JACKSON... *grins* I love you!!

~BAILEY: Dude, you are like my brother or something. You're fun to hang out with...well, until you get too hyper then it's just crazy! :) You're a really great guy though, so don't change for anyone. One thing though, when you gonna hook up with my girl??? I mean, geez, she's funny and sweet and pretty and...okay, no more or she'll kill me! *grins* I'm just messin' with ya...you bugged the heck outta me last summer with the "hook up with my boy" But, it worked so I figured I'd give it a try. You'll always be my buddy, so if you need me just hollar at me! Take care and be good!

~JAMES S: I doubt you'll see this thing, but I figured I'd add you on here anyways. You've always been a good friend to me and I couldn't leave you off of here. You know, I will pay you if you'll be my bodyguard...I mean, I work at Wal-Mart so it won't be much but I would pay! :) You know where to find me if you ever need anything, kay? Kay!

~DERRICK: Okay, I hope I spelled your name right, if not then sue me... *grins* You're a really sweet guy and I only wish you the best. I know there's someone out there just for you...and you best let me know when you find her so I can be happy for you! :) Take care of yourself and gimme a call if you ever need anything, later!

~PATRICK: I thought it'd be rude if I left you off here, so here you go!! I know things didn't work out for us, but I wish you the best with whatever and whoever God has for you. I'm glad I got to see you and Seth while you was home. Seth is such a cutie...looks just like Lauren! *grins* Thanks for everything, take care and be good!

~BUBBA: You are like my second brother, which is cool. You're fun to hang out with and I can pick on you like I do my brother and you don't hate me. Never change for anyone! You may be a little strange at times, but that's what make you...well, you! :)

~DOUG: Hey, you! I hardly ever get to talk to you, but you're an alright guy. I wish things could've worked for you and...her (I don't wanna mention any names and get slapped later *grins*)...but if it's not meant to be, then it's probably for the best. Trust me, when the right one comes along, you'll know. If you ever need anything, just give me a hollar!

~DANNY: Well, I've known you for like 10 years so I couldn't not put you on here. I could bad mouth you on here, but that's not my style. Yeh, you have your problems...and honestly, I would love to slap some sense into you at times...but I guess no one's perfect. Maybe someday you'll learn some stuff you don't know right now and things will work out for you. Until then, just be careful. You was a really good friend, and I don't hate you or anything. SO take care of yourself, kay?


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