The Maritime Web Awards


The Maritime Web Site Award is completely free and exists to promote the maritime world on the internet. Anyone can apply to have their non-commercial maritime websites considered HERE. The following sites from around Europe (other than the U.K. and the Netherlands) have recently applied for, and have been granted the prestigious GOLD and SILVER awards as they have proven to display an exemplary, informative maritime content.

In the view of the judges, the following sites from around Europe are worth visiting by anyone interested in the maritime world, however, although we found these sites to be worthy of an award at the time of assessment, we have to say, for legal reasons, that we take no responsibility for the contents of the sites listed.


The inland waterways of Poland once rivalled those of western Europe, for transporting goods inland from coastal areas. Andrzej has created a thorough collection of the vessels that still navigate these extensive waterways. He also is involved with the campaign to revitalise the inland waterways of Poland, to relieve the over-crowded Polish road system of cargo traffic. Full English, German and French translations are available including a blog and forum.

This is one for the REAL seamen out there, who need to brush up on their navigational algorithms (I can almost see Chief Officers and Masters shivering with anticipation...). Andr�s Ruiz has created this website to share his work with us all, with just about everything you should need to know about navigating the globe and deviations from the magnetic compass. Now with an English translation as well as in Spanish, the Gold Award has been awarded for the technical content (not website design), just proving that it's the content that is important, not simply how pretty the website looks.

Another excellent website from Sweden. This time from Evert Tryding who shares with us all, his years at sea in the 1960's as a radio operator on dry cargo vessels on the Baltic - Middle East run. Full of facts and lovely photos of his vessels, along with an insight into the life of a radio operator on board cargo ships in the 60's. Even a couple of lovely sketches of the radio room (Heaven knows, there was easily enough time to do the sketches !) but a great site and worth visiting. Some pages are in English as well as Swedish.

Our first Romanian Award Winner. This is a great site for those interested in the Romanian shipping industry, with lots of pictures of the country's fleet. Designed primarily for those involved in the Romanian shipping world, progressively over time, the webmaster (Cristian Munteanu from Bucharest) will be adding historical features, such as the famous INDEPENDENTA loss in the Bosphorus in 1979. Currently only in Romanian, but soon some English translated pages will appear.

Our first Swedish Award Winner (Yes, we were surprised by that fact too !), but a great site by Lars Nielsen, showing an extensive collection of his own ship photos, taken around his home area of Malmo, Sweden. Each (excellent) photo is accompanied by the vessel details and is a very graphically dynamic website, which shows what is possible with a bit of thought and web know-how. An easy-to-navigate website, which now has an English translation to help the British and Americans (!) find their way around. Worth visiting as this site has over 1,000 good photos of the vessels that visit Malmo.

Here's a novel angle on ships ! Jean-Louis has created a beautiful site dedicated to ships commemorated on postage stamps from around the world. But much more than that, in French and English, he tells the story of many old and famous vessels. Who says that Philately will get you nowhere ! ?

Camolgli is a fine old maritime town on the western coast of Italy, (near Genoa) and the historical connections between the town and the sea go back many centuries. The Society of Captains and Marine Engineers keeps that historical link alive and their website gives an insight into Camogli's maritime history and provides fascinating pieces of information about the people and vessels that have been a vital part of the town's history. Mainly in Italian, but with some English translations, this is a facinating website and well worth a visit.

Here is a website that captures the true spirit of the Maritime Web Awards, as the love of ships comes through on every page. Andy, Fr�d�ric, Fred, Freddy and Gerda have created this site about the vessels that frequent the waters off the Belgian / Netherlands coast, providing super photos and ship details, as well as an AIS plot (never more than 250 seconds out of date) of the area around Zeebrugge, Antwerp, the Ghent/Terneuzen Channel, and the Western Schelde waters. A lot of the material is translated into English. Andy proves that you don't HAVE to be called Fred to be a "ship hunter" but it does seem to help..... Great site, worth a visit!

Detlef Stolz has created this great site not only to recall his many memories as a Radio Officer on merchant vessels but also to be a meeting place for former radio officers on the web, with many marine tales and a history of maritime radio provided. Detlev, from Rostock, has provided a very good English translation on his website and photos of the many places he has visited.

Although living in France, Lucas Latreche, (being half Algerian, half Greek) is used to making many trips around the Med. on cruise and passenger vessels, but doing so has clearly become a passion. In this personal website, Lucas has created a masterpiece of great photos and details of ferries and cruise ships, now assisted by a small army of fellow enthusiasts, this is an easy-to-navigate site with superb details of most of the larger passenger vessels. OK, most of you know of my personal dislike of big cruise ships, but this is such a good site, even I had to admit it's a real Gold award winner.

Radio Offiserer til sj�s (RADIO OFFICERS AT SEA)
A delightful Norwegian website dedicated to the life (now sadly becoming a distant memory) of Radio officers at sea. Fascinating background history and noting some famous events, not surprisingly perhaps, including the brave work done by the radio officers on the TITANIC. Currently only in Norwegian, but even so, worth a visit to bring back memories of the days when R/T was king, before the internet came along !

The Wilh. Wilhemsen fleet is now of one the world's premier ro-ro operators, famously now known around the world for their distinctive red car carriers. In this tremendous website Bj�rn Eddy Engelbrethsen has researched and created his own personal history of this century old shipping line, with a huge library of historical photos of the vessels, with fleet lists stretching back to the start, as well as up to date news on the fleet. As a personal unofficial website (in perfect English !) this site is a must-see for anyone interested in this great shipping line.

AMARAD (or Association des Marins Radios to give it it's full title) is a great place for any former or retired maritime radio officers. With lots of information and memorabilia that will bring about quite a bit of nostalgia. But it's not just for radio officers, there is so much of interest on this website, including links to to the latest METAREA weather forecasts. In English as well as French throughout, this site proves that it's not flashy web graphics that are needed to make an award winning site, but good, interesting maritime facts and information.

A wonderful website created by a Polish seaman, showing his life at sea (mainly in the engine room) with tremendous information and photos about the various marine engines and the vessels powered by them. The site has an English translation and provides many areas of information, including ports visited, different areas of the ships (on deck, in the engine room) and is very absorbing. Lots of excellent photographic examples of vessel parts, especially engine room items.

A manificent Spanish website designed by a Master Mariner, Fernando M. Cadenas, that freely offers the knowledge gained from a wealth of experience at sea. Now with at least the first page offering an English translation, there are chapters on International marine conventions, ship design, the papers required for vessels (unfortunately ever more necessary) and even an e-learning resource, along with sections on good maritime films to watch out for. For any Spanish speaking visitors, this is a site you'll want to visit time and time again.

Frank Rogge from Berlin, Germany has had a lifetime passion for ships and his website is a collection of his own experiences and also some general, useful facts - including a monthly listing of maritime related programmes that will be shown on TV ! Lots to see within the many pages of this website, from seamen's stories to advice for ship's crew members on their jobs and rights.

Jesper Andersen is a superb ship's photographer from Fredericia, Denmark and won our Silver Award some years ago, but has, in the meantime massively increased his website and added a lot of technical details about the vessels photographed. The photos are catalogued into vessel type chapters and then alphabetically, making the finding a particular vessel much easier (assuming you know the vessel type !). Now upgraded to the Gold Award.

A very useful website for Polish seafarers, which not only provides news and events, as well as a great gallery of photos taken at sea, but also provides a valuable internet meeting place for discussions and questions that Polish seafarers might want to join in with. The site is currently only in Polish, but the webmaster, Wojtek Surma promises to soon create at least one introductory page in English.

FREGATTE - F220 "K�ln"
Seaman never forget the vessels they served on and Ulli has created a very informative website about the German naval Frigate "K�ln", of the German Bundesmarine that he served on in the late 1970's. Full of technical information, not only about the 1970's "K�ln" but also about earlier vessels with the same name of "K�ln" in the German Navy. The site also gives details about the sister ship "Lubeck" as well. The site is a meeting place for former shipmates with its own newsletter. Currently in German only.

Christian Schmitz is rightly proud of his part of Germany (it is beautiful !) on the River Ems. His website is devoted either to great photos of the river, or to his other love, his 4.3 meter boat. A well designed website that will be of interest to anyone who knows that part of Germany. Currently in German only.

The "BALIMARA" is a Moody 35 Yacht built in 1994 and is the pride and joy of the "crew", Manfred, Barbara and Linda. This beautiful website gives details and the arrangement of the yacht, and a history of their voyages, as well as some useful tips, such as why it is a good idea to keep a pack of Pampers on board a yacht.... Some great photos of the places they have visited with BALIMARA. A great site that is often updated to keep us up to date with their adventures. English version coming...slowly...

Jean Luc Fournier discovered a passion for maritime radios when he started listening in to marine radio traffic in the English Channel whilst in Brittany. We are sure this passion is shared by any former (or serving) radio officers on board vessels. An extensive website that provides an on-line museum of marine radio sets, starting with his own collection, but also a forum and offers of assistance for those who are also as passionate about the subject. Currently only in French.

The "EAGLE SPIRIT II" is a 12.2m Jeaunneau Sun Odyssey yacht, with which Hans and Rosi have been sailing all over northern Europe/Scandinavia since May 2004. This delightful (and beautifully designed) website is a log of their adventures, sailing to Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Germany, through the Kiel Canal and beyond. Lots of technical data about the boat, lots of photos of their adventures and a light-hearted bio of them both. Initially written in German but a very good English translation is now available.

A former merchant seaman AND Hamburg River Policeman, Hans-Erich provides a wonderful collection of his excellent photos of the vessels in and around Hamburg (our favourite port on the Elbe !!!) Constantly updated, this site has recently been up-graded from silver award to gold and is really worth visiting, especially if you want to see up-to-date pictures of vessels visiting the port of Hamburg (In German and English).

A wonderful historical record of the Poseidon Shipping Company, stretching back to the Kohlen Import A.G. in Konigsberg the early part of the 20th century, right through the time in Hamburg ending in the late 1970s in Lubeck. Recently upgraded from Silver to Gold Award status, this site is full of vessel photos and stories of a true seaman. As Peter Jensen says, working on these cargo vessels was not the romantic experience of a modern cruise ship -it was hard work ! Peter provides a great historical record and a forum for discussions. Now with an English version being created, even more useful to the shipping enthusiasts around the world.

Frank Rogge from Berlin, Germany has had a lifetime passion for ships and his website is a collection of his own experiences and also some general, useful facts - including a monthly listing of maritime related programmes that will be shown on TV ! Lots to see within the many pages of this website, from seamen's stories to advice for ship's crew members on their jobs and rights.

A tremendous searchable database of all Turkish commerical vessels (even found a tanker I was on in the 1980's, now long since scrapped). Ship's data researched by William Schoonmaker and the website managed by Salih Aydin. Very extensive, easy to use and well organised site.

A joint effort between Oddvar Larsen and Ragnar Iversen , this is a wonderful record of famous Norwegian owners, with biographies of such famous owners as Anders Jahre, Thor Dahl, and A.C. Olsen along with the hitories of other famous lines, such as Haldor Ridiks Rederi. This website has photos, histories, a maritime forum and even a selection of movie clips. In Norwegian only currently.

Between 1871 and 1974 the Empresa Insulana de Navega��o served the Azores from the mainland of Portugal. Carlos Alberto Monteiro has tracked the history of this shipping line with a full history and pictures of all the vessels (paintings in the early years !) right back to the start in 1871 and has a special feature on the more modern FUNCHAL, with postcards, photos and deck plans of this fine vessel which served these Portuguese islands of the Azores so well. Website is in Portuguese and ENGLISH

It is time we had another Spanish award winner, and the photograph collection of Carlos Poveda from Barcelona manages that very well. The photos have full information about the vessels and Carlos has also included general facts like Morse Code (remember that, everyone ?) and some very useful links. Auto-English translation is available on the site.

A wonderful historical record of the Poseidon Shipping Company, stretching back to the Kohlen Import A.G. in Konigsberg the early part of the 20th century, right through the time in Hamburg ending in the late 1970s in Lubeck. Full of vessel photos and stories of a true seaman. As Peter Jensen says, working on these cargo vessels was not the romantic experience of a modern cruise ship -it was hard work ! Peter provides a great historical record and a forum for discussions. Currently only in German, but ...eines Tages...

A previous Silver Award winner, this stylish French website has been hugely expanded into an encyclopaedia of the French Merchant Marine, with a wealth of information including details of the French merchant fleet, world shipping statistics, convention information for crews, and links to shipping movements at French ports. Although only in French, Master Mariner, Herv� Cozanet has created such site that it is now an easy Gold Award winner.

"If you ever go across the sea to Ireland..." - Hey, they should write a song with that line in it.... For anyone who has an interest in the ferries and coastal vessels of Ireland, then this is a very valuable website. Lots of photos, often updated, links to all the main Irish ferry companies and a forum for discussions. Kieran obviously has a passion for these vessels and enthusiastically runs this site for...fellow enthusiasts.

Matthias Barth from Germany runs a very impressive website focussing on the yachting world. There are sections on sailing news, a forum, discussion board, picture gallery, book corner and over 1,000 links to other yachting sites around the world. Regularly updated, you will need to be able to speak German to enjoy this site fully, but many of the subjects are easy to understand in any language.

For those who think that working at sea is purely for the males of the species - think again ! As Essi Pihkala from Finland proves, young ladies can have a rewarding career at sea as well. A wonderful website in perfect English, not only showing all the vessels she has worked on and/or seen (great photos and information provided on each), which range from huge ocean passenger ships to tugboats, but also provides a large and well categorised list of links to Finnish shipping lines and maritime training websites.

Those of us who spend a lot (too much ?) time focussing on cargo ships sometimes forget the vital work done by the emergency services in ports around the world. In this great site, Louis van Looy shows us in pictures and words about the work of the Antwerp Port Medical Ambulance Service.It's a service he is proud to be a part of, and rightfully so. In Dutch and English.

The days when ship to shore radio was the main communication link with ships at sea, is now but a nostaligic memory from the 1950s and 1970s, but Lino Esposito has a fine site dedicated to the Collins radio set (Rolls Royce of Ship-to-Shore radios) and a photographic history of the shipping radio station in Genoa, Italy, in pictures and text. This site is in very good English and also in Italian.

For anyone who has even the slightest interest in the historic, traditional flat-keeled coastal sailing boats of northern Europe, then this site of Ralf Lenzing is an absolute MUST ! Just don't be at sea in one of these flat-bottomed boats in a heavy swell, as you'll quickly realise the benefits of going to sea with a decent keel beneath you (your stomach certainly will !)!!
Although it is only in German, this excellently designed website is easy to navigate around and Ralf's collection of facts and photos about these elegant old vessels is worth a visit. Ralf is also creating a German maritime dictionary on-line on his site.

Given the geography of Iceland, it is not surprising that the sea features heavily in their view of the world. This a wonderful site created by Captain Hilmar Snorrason, that provides tons (both GT and DWT !) of information about the Icelandic merchant shipping lines, their vessels, as well as a fascinating look at Hilmar's own marine career. A very well put together and easily navigable website in perfect English.

Henrik has changed ships from the HEIMDAL to the LODBROG, and has now created a website about his new ship. Like his previous award winning site, this site gives a tremendous insight into life on board a cable lay ship, always with a slightly humerous tone. But the information provided and the tour around the vessel are first class and very educational for those who wish to see how these important vessels operate, explained by a serving crew member. Henrik is working on an English translation, but even in Danish it is still an outstanding site.

C�dric Grosjean from France has created this regulalry updated website showing the vessels that have visited Port La Nouvelle in France. Previously only in French, C�dric has now expanded his website and provided some English and Spanish translations, plus some information about Port la Nouvelle itself, so we are pleased that his award has been up-graded from silver to gold.

The MS HEIMDAL is one of the world's largest Cable Laying ships, travelling all over the world laying or repairing subsea telecommunications cables. In order to keep family and friends up to date with the events on board, Henrik Larsen (no, not the Swedish football player!) maintains this great website, often getting the crew to write up events in the diary. Great photos of the HEIMDAL and its crew at work (and play !). Although largely in Danish, there are some pages in English.

An excellent website from Iris Klempau, which is beautifully designed on the theme of the world's lightships. These great aids to navigation, (clearly a passion of Iris), are now sadly passing into history, so this website provides photos, facts and information from around the world that makes it unique. In perfect German and English, this site will keep you absorbed for ages, even with a quiz on lightships and details of who to contact, should you ever feel the urge to get married on a lightship !!!

In the sands off the Elbe estuary of north Germany lies the wreck of a British registered ship, the "ONDO", which came to grief here in 1961. Christian Wiemeler has created a great website that explains what happened, and why the ONDO is still visible today. A previous SILVER award winner, Christian has now added further information on another wreck, that of the Italian vessel, the "FIDES", which came to grief only 46 days later ! A great record of these sad monuments. (Anyone who has sailed between Helgoland and Cuxhaven may well have seen them). Lots of details and photos, this site is in German only, but worth a visit for the photos alone.

Another great German maritime website that again has managed to beat the usual requirement of an English translation, simply because it is SO good ! Christian Biedekarken, a former nautical officer (before he left the merchant marine) from the days when ships really looked like ships, provides us with a wealth of information about the German merchant fleet - photos - vessel liveries - and great stories from the sea. You will need to have an understanding of German to undersand it all, but even without, it still has some memorable pages worth visiting.

Maritime students often use their free time to sign on cadets on cargo vessels. Here is an example of a summer voyage on board the 1979 built Ro-Ro M.V. SKANDERBORG, with maps and great photos. For those who can speak Polish (!) there is also a journal of the events and experiences. A great record of a voyage in 2003. When he finishes his university studies at Szczecin this summer, Marcel will be off on another voyage again, so more photos and adventures coming !

A delightful site (one of a number) created by Ela and Jan, but this one gives a lot of interesting information and links about the European inland-waterways fleet that sail up and down the Rhine, the Main, the Danube and the Mosel, either with cargoes or as passenger vessels; with pictures, routes and a history of the German inland waterways. Well worth a leisurely voyage through this site. Although in German, the pages are so well designed that non-german speakers should be able to navigate.

A great cruise ship website (and a clever idea !) Free and quick registration allows visitors to search a powerful database of the world's cruise ships and ferries, as well as reading (and submitting) photos and reviews of the vessels, thereby increasing its usefulness. In perfect English, this is a VERY easy-to-navigate-around website and the database has records over well over 1,400 vessels with some photos even submitted by us !

This is a fantastic site for anyone interested in the offshore oil industry. Bjarne Holter, now retired from working on rigs has created one of the best Marine Energy websites we have seen. Very artistic and full of information about the Norwegian sector of the North Sea, with superb photography and maps. Don't worry if you can't speak Norwegian (who can ?) the photography on every page is breathtaking.

Being such a strategically placed island, Malta and maritime history have gone hand in hand over the centuries. In a tremendous website that Louis Henwood has created, we learn about the city of Senglea, Malta, but also a wealth of history about Malta generally. No such website would be complete without reference to the most famous convoy of World War 2, the Pedestal convoy, and Louis gives graphic detail in text and pictures of that crucial event, as well as a full account of Malta's role and battle for survival.

Erik Ask has created a lovely photographic website of vessels visiting the Norwegian port of Bergen. For each vessel, Erik has recorded the date of the visit, the tonnage and type of vessel. Very clear resolution photos on a very well organised website (in good English). Well worth a visit. All photos in date of visit order.

Ronny Jansen manages a tremendous website that gives thorough and extensive information about the port of Antwerp, in Belgium, including a growing database of contacts around the port. Antwerp is a major commercial port and the links, maps and general information provided will be of use to anyone who is looking for Antwerp links. Although there is some translation to English, knowledge of Dutch would be useful when visiting the website. (The same is true of the REAL port of Antwerp !!!!).

The Latvian Navy has 4 fast patrol boats and the Commanding Officer of LVNS LINGA, Lieutenant Artis Tirzmalis has created a tremendous website about his vessel, its crew and great links to other naval websites. In perfect English (as well as Spanish and Latvian) it is a neat, easy to navigate website, with lots of photos and information. He and his crew are rightly proud of their vessel and we're delighted they share this with all of us, to become our first LATVIAN award winner !

After 26 years as a merchant seaman, Ivan has finally found time to create this great website that not only charts the vessel's he served on and the places he's been, but also tells us about his home port of Kolby Kaas on the Danish Island of Samso. In English and Danish, a true mariner's website !... Denmark is suddenly winning some maritime web awards (and deservedly so !)

A nice Norwegian website with lots of vessel photographs including a few "mystery" ships. We have tried to help by identifying at least one for Lars (the webmaster). See if you can help with others. Lots of good links.

Providing you have a reasonably quick internet access, this has got to be one of the best maritime websites around. Anyone who has served at sea on cargo ships will immediately feel at home with this great site by Andrej in Germany with some worryingly good storm-at-sea movies, that he took himself (anyone with any sense would have already gone to the lifeboat !) Lots to see and do on this site, with very flashy graphics.

A spectacular site about the most famous British Passenger line, Cunard, created by Heinz Nederkorn. Tremendous facts about the history and vessels of this legendary fleet,presented in a highly graphical and stimulating way. When a site is THIS good, it proves that English translations are not always essential (but they have to be THIS good !) A really authoritive work and worthy of a visit by anyone with an interest (who couldn't have ?) in the Cunard Line's history.

Link removed and award rescinded as the website has failed to display the award symbol.

OK, OK, we've broken the rules for this one ! This is a (partly) commercial site, but it's the most entertaining maritime website we've seen for some time. Everything you want to know about the tugs of Antwerp. V-E-R-Y visual site with so much information and action on every page. In Dutch and (if you find the British flag quick enough !) in English too.

Another very well organised gallery of commerical vessels, but with a novel twist, in that the website is joint venture between Finland and Germany (Juha Hartman & Florian Schulze) so they have the Baltic pretty well covered ! (They chose the Finnish flag....Well, the German flag is already flying a lot on this page ! ) A good site in English, with each vessel type categorised.

Martin Witte must have a very powerful long-distance zoom lens on his camera, because he lives in Osnabruck, yet has provided a wonderful collection of his ship photos on the River Elbe !!! Each vessel type has its own section along with technical data for each vessel. In English and German, a very well organised site with good photos.

A growing site with facts and photos of the ferries and passenger vessels on the Baltic Sea (OstSee), past and present. This site submitted by Markus R�cker, is currently in German, but has plans for translations soon, as well as sections on the ports around the Baltic Sea.

An important part of history has been preserved by Mike Oborski, in creating this site about the Polish passenger liner M/S PILUDSKI, a Gdynia-Amerika line ship with a proud history but a sad end. Memorabilia and facts about this fine vessel, speak of much more than the vessel itself, but also of the fate of Poland in the 1930's.

Reinhard Stenzel has created a wonderful website (in English and his native German) about the restoration project on the historically important Ice breaker, the "Stettin", now moored in Hamburg, Germany and lovingly cared for by a small group of enthusiasts. A vessel with a long and proud history - a floating (but still mobile) monument and museum with "the worlds largest steam engine still active which is powered by coal boilers charged by male and beautiful young female stokers". . Great site.

A well researched site that lists current naval vessels within both NATO and elsewhere, with full histories and pictures. Creating this large reference guide, Eugenio, from M�laga in Spain provides full English translations as well as his native Spanish.

English version now available of this superb site that Javier Somavilla Gutiirrez has created about the fast patrol boats of the Spanish Customs Service (on which he serves). Constantly updated news of their successes against crime at sea and details of related services in other north European countries. Great site !

Hans-J�rg Pust Website
Marine radio is a specialist interest, but Hans-J�rg has created a website that goes far beyond this single interest (borne of being a long serving radio officer on cargo ships) to give a great insight into his fascinating life at sea and the ships he sailed on. Excellent English versions of every page available. Gold award winner because Hans-J�rg has gone that bit further with his site than others.

The Maritime Research of Uddevalla Website, created and run by Rolf Skiold (former seaman) of Uddevalla, Sweden. Lots of facts (in perfect English) about Ferro-Concrete ships and information about the vessels built in Uddevalla. Also lots of photos of vessels visiting Uddevalla. If you can't actually visit Uddevalla in Sweden, then you should visit Rolf's website !

A tremendous website created by Johnny Balsved, that provides a full history, stories and photos of the Danish Navy since 1801. A fascinating and well researched site that epitomises a GOLD award winner.

For anyone interested in the great passenger liner ships of the past, then this site is an absolute must ! Created by Daniel Othfors and Henrik Ljungstr�m, this artistic and well researched website is a delight to visit.

Ronny Saxe in Belgium has created this unusual site that gives a great historical perspective to the world's submarine fleets.

Award rescinded as the website no longer appears to exist.

Termalona Photo Gallery
Olav and Terje Moen from Stavanger in Norway, have created a wonderful and massive gallery of vessel photographs. Previous winners of the Silver Award, Olav and Terje have recently been up-graded to the Gold Award following extensive expansion of their website. Make a visit - you'll enjoy your stay.

This site, created by Fco. Javier Garc�a Jim�nez (which is in both English and Spanish) is full of great vessel photos, taken in and around Vigo, north west Spain plus maritime disaster photos that even rival our own site !!!!
Fran's website (the first Spanish winner !) is easy to navigate around and is well worth a visit. Fran's passion for this subject is very obvious !!!

A great GOLD award website from Sicily, where the "Sea" and "Radio" are married together. An English transalation is available and some great pages on Italian naval history make it worth the visit.

No, it isn't a joke ! Switzerland, although a landlocked country, has a merchant marine that they are rightly proud of. This is a great site, great graphics and information on ALL the individual Swiss merchant fleet vessels. A very well researched website.

Tharros Marittima S.n.c.
A history of sea rescues and shipwrecks that occurred in the Mediterranean Sea and elsewhere around the world, plus the adventures of Commander Camedda. Although an Italian (Sardinian) website, there is an English version available. - A really good website, easy GOLD award winners, covering a lot of subjects including the "ESTONIA" sinking. well worth visiting. The gallery of storm pictures will probably make you feel glad that you weren't actually there taking them !!!

If you have a maritime website or know of one worthy of the Maritime Web Award, then CLICK HERE to apply, with an e-mail headed "Award Application".