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What we do: UNCsport and it's chalkful of editors work extrememly hard to provide our viewers with top notch work. UNCsport will provide daily information on topics regarding UNC. As UNCsport get's bigger and better, you will see new features come into play, and maybe a new design.

The lead editor for the site is Jeffrey Green. Green is a 23 year old grad out of Cornell(NY). He is a hotel administrator, which is what he majored in. In his spare time he tracks UNC, and does WEB DESIGNING. He decided to create a website to bring all his information, along with editors, straight to you.

Our goal:UNCsport's goal is not to become the #1 source information. We have to respect the rights of long time greats UNCbasketball.com, and thetarpit. What we want to do is be a main source of information, and bring you guys counter opinions on what we see and hear.

Jeffrey Green