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Holy Spirit - 14 January 2009


Service to God




Today I will like to highlight the tremendous amounts of Light that shall descend upon you when you serve our God Most High, creator of all things, our true source of being. If you want your force fields to strengthen and your Light to expand beyond your current capacity, it is of utmost importance to be and do things that serve the goodness of our One Heart of everything – Humans, animals, minerals, plants of our planets and life beyond planetary, galactic and universal planes of existence.


It is common for those who read this to be already on the spiritual path or serving the Light, whichever you call it. No matter which travels you had at different stage of life homeward to God, I would say share the information. Sharing can simply be over tea-time, meals or other appropriate interaction opportunities. Be flexible. Some may be called to be facilitators in healing and spiritual classes or some serve by being able to be there for others with their presence of Light, Love, Wisdom and tender.


Are you doing something meaningful today to serve God? God who is present inside and outside everybody and everything. This is not a judgement but an awareness of your daily activities. Doing need not be actions, it is also a state of mindfulness and feelings of joy, inspiration etc to others. It is also playing or even doing nothing as sometimes more is less and less is more. Do you know when to do more and when to do less? The cycles of life needs flexibility in order for you to move around smoothly and swiftly.


Suffering comes from attachment like what Buddha says. Sometimes getting used to and attachment to the good old ways of doing things can be a suffering for the present and the future. Change is the only constant in life. Are you really open to learning new things God will like to help you to shift in consciousness and bring positive changes and expansion to your life?


Are you listening?


Or have you listened and feel so uncomfortable in changing?


Learning and realizations is ever-lasting and continuous. Do not be complacent, my friend. Or else things will happen to make sure you learn it, if not again and again.


The ultimate is to be courageous to change in order to adapt to new ways of living and be constantly comfortable because you are open to God’s wisdom and vastness.



Email: universalmiracle@yahoo.com


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