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Know the Secrets of your Birth Date & Name?



Learn Numerology as a Divination Tool !



Master Numerologist,

Kelvin Khemery


Your birth date is unique and embodies your inborn talents and traits, and holds the key to your Life Path (or what you are born in this lifetime to do). Your Name is Your Personality and What You Become. Your Name is no accident. Your birth cert name foretells the rise and fall of your fortune, your relationships, marriage, relocation, etc. It's your karmic blueprint. The secrets to your future are locked in your birthdate and name!


This basic numerology course blends the important aspects of Pythagorean Numerology and the mystic Chaldean Numerology for compound number symbology. It equips you to enjoy giving personal readings to self and loved ones.



You Will Learn:


* What Your Birthday Means

* The 9 Archetypes and Master Numbers

* What Is Your Lifepath

* Name Analysis - Instant Personality Detector

* Case studies of celebrities

* Power Number

* Heart's Hidden Motivation Number

* Pinnacle

* 9-year Personal Year Cycle

* Your Lucky Numerology Planner

* Gemstones and Colours to Enhance Lucky Vibrations





Please register for our one full day workshop from 10am to 6pm. Class size is limited to 10 pax. Course fee is $370. Graduates can come for repeat classes at no charge.


Private reading session is also available at $120 per 1 hour session.




Venue of Workshop

Concorde Shopping Centre

317 Outram Road

#01-58 Singapore 169075

(inside Holiday Inn Atrium)



Register Now to Know The Secrets Your Birth date and Name Hold!


Please call Kelvin at 98638603 or email khemery@starhub.net.sg for enquiries & registrations.


Kelvin Khemery is also the founder of Melchizedek Symbols Spiritual Development Workshops. His profile can be read at his official website: www.melchizedeksymbols.com




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