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Shipmates Reunion List

If you were part of the CREW OF THE USS SEATTLE AOE-3 please e-mail me (OR SIGN MY GUESTBOOK ... SEE LINK) with your name, rank, what division you were in, and the dates you served. Please provide an e-mail or mailing address or a link to your home page or a phone number because others may want to contact you. Please keep in mind that any information you send me may be published on the page, unless you request it to be held in confidence.

Free E-Mail

Before you send me your information to post on this site, You may want to consider getting a Yahoo e-mail account. Why? Should for some reason, things change for you, and you no longer have the same e-mail address, your Yahoo account will still remain the same. Heck Provide me with more than one e-mail address, I'll post it. And should any of your information change, please notify me so I can post that too. Thanks, I am sure as traffic picks up that people will soon recognize others. Check this site out from time to time, You never know who will be posted next.

New Formats For Updates
Updated 7-2-2000

Due to some time restraints that I have encountered I have chosen to provide updates via the following methods.

The following updated files also contain the most current email address I have to date.

To view the text file CLICK HERE, this file will open within your browser and provide Crew Members Name and Email information. Remember! If you do not see updated information to reload or refresh the page using your browser button.

To Download the MS Office 97 Excel Spreadsheet RIGHT MOUSE CLICK HERE and use the save as type command in the dialog box that appears and save it to your hard drive. This file will then download to your hard drive and you get all the information of those who have signed up on this site. You must have MS Office 97 Excel in order to open this file!!!