Important Information Installation

The following guidelines have to be followed in order to succesfully install Utore Cycad EasyBase.

Content of this Document

1. Step 1: Unpacking UtoreCEBSetup.zip file
2. Step2: Installing InterBase 6
3. Step3: Activating the Interbase Server.
4. Step 4: Installing Utore Cycad EasyBase
5. Additional Information (Database User Name and Password) 

Utore Cycad EasyBase has to be installed in the following order.

Step 1: Unpacking UtoreCEBSetup.zip file
Step2: Installing InterBase 6
Step3: Activating the Interbase Server.
Step 4: Installing Utore Cycad EasyBase

Step1: Unpacking UtoreCEBSetup.zip file

In order to extract the above mention file you will have to have Winzip Installed on your system.

If you don’t already have Winzip installed you can download it at a variety of websites such as http://www.download.com or http://www.winfiles.com or http://www.tucows.saix.net .to name but few.

After you have Winzip installed use Windows Explorer to navigate to the directory you have saved the downloaded UtoreCEBSetup.zip file in. Using Windows Explorer dubble click on UtoreCEBSetup.Zip file.

Winzip will open . Click on the Actions Menu item and Select Select All from the Actions menu. Now Click on the Extract button. The Extract Dialog box will open. At the top left you will see a label called Extract To. To make this as easy as possible select you hard drive (Usually C:) in the Folders/drives section of the dialog box.

The Extract Path (Extract To Label) will display “C:\”. You have now selected the root C: directory. Click on the Extract Button at the top right. Winzip will now extract the entire setup to the directory “UtoreSetup”.

Step2: Installing InterBase

After Winzip has completed extracted all the files, close Winzip and again use Windows Explorer to find the “UtoreSetup” directory located in your root C drive.

After you have opened the “UtoreSetup” directory you will see 2 directories listed in UtoreSetup being 1. InterbaseSetup and 2.UtoreCEBSetup.

Again using windows Explorer navigate to “InterbaseSetup” directory in the last mentioned directory you will see various listed directories being (bin, doc, examples,.....etc) Using explorer dubble click on the Setup.Exe file. Follow the the Setup as it guides you through the process. 

Note: You will not need to make any adjustments to the setup you can just click on next each time until the setup is complete. The selections made by setup by default will do all you need to successfully install Utore Cycad EasyBase.

Step3: Activating the Interbase Server.

After you have completed the installation of Interbase successfully. You will have to start the Interbase server before Installing Utore Cycad EasyBase.

To do this Click on Windows Start Button. Select Settings from the Start Menu and now select Control Panel. The Control Panel Will now open. Looking in the Control Panel Window you will find an Icon labeled “Interbase Manager”. Dubble click on this Icon.

A Small window labeled “Interbase Manager” Will open. At the bottom of this window is a group called “Status” Make sure the status of Interbase displayed there is “running” if it is not running click the button the right of it Labeled “Start”.

At the top of the Interbase Manager Window is 2 radio buttons the determine the Startup Mode. Make sure that Automatic is clicked. This will ensure that interbase is always running when you want to run Utore Cycad EasyBase. 

Note: if interbase is not running at the time of running Utore Cycad EasyBase you will receive an error message that will display a message saying the database could not be opened. This will terminate the application and you will have to Activate Interbase before attempting to re run Utore Cycad EasyBase.

Now you can close the Interbase Manager Window and the Control Panel Window.

Step 4: Installing Utore Cycad EasyBase

Using Windows Explorer Navigate to UtoreCEBSetup directory. Open the directory. You will notice several files one being Setup.Exe. Using Windows Explorer dubble click on Setup.Exe

Utore Cycad EasyBase Setup will start. Go through the setup procedure by clicking on next until setup has completed the installation.

Note: You are strongly urged not to change any of the default values in the Utore setup as changing some of the values or directories might cause Utore Cycad EasyBase not operate fully possibly resulting in severe problems.

After setup has completed the installation you can run Utore Cycad EasyBase directly from the setup or from the windows start > Programs > Utore CycadEasyBase menu.

Additional Information

Utore Cycad easyBase uses the default user SYSDBA of Interbase with the password masterkey to access the database located in the Programfiles > Utore > Data Direcotry.


If you have any Questions or Comments feel free to contact us at utoresoftware@yahoo.com or utoresoftware@hotmail.com We will gladly assist you with any problems you might incure or questions you might have..




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