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Information for Prospective Members

If you are reading this, you have probably received an invitation letter and an application to join Alpha Lambda Delta at UTPA. Congratulations! We in Alpha Lambda Delta wish to invite you to join our society.


  • Applicants for induction must be first-year full-time students at UTPA. Hours earned during high school will not be considered against the applicant.
  • Must have a cummulative GPA of 3.5 or higher as of the end of Fall 2009.
  • For transfer students only: Transfer students who attained the above requirements for eligibility at an university with an Alpha Lambda Delta chapter are eligible to apply. Transfer students coming from a university that does not have an Alpha Lambda Delta must have obtained a GPA of 3.5 during Fall 2009. However, they must still be classified as first-year students.

Alpha Lambda Delta Purpose

From the ALD constitution:

The purpose of the Society shall be to encourage superior academic attainment among students in their first year in institutions of higher education, to promote intelligent living and a continued high standard of learning, and to assist students in recognizing and developing meaningful goals for their unique roles in society.

Alpha Lambda Delta Activities

Alpha Lambda Delta is an honor based Society. New officers will be chosen from among the new inductees. The new generation of inductees will have the oppurtunity to get involved with Alpha Lambda Delta in community service activities. It will be up to the new generation of inductees to become active in many projects designed to embody the ALD values of Honor, Service, and Leadership.

Application Process

If you have received an application through the mail, please return it to Dolores Villarreal (ALD Faculty Advisor) at UC 305 along with the $35 application fee. Please don't forget to attach a copy of your transcript to the application. Unofficial transcripts are acceptable. If you have not received an invitation but you meet the requirements stated above, you can request an application at UC 305. (The UC building is located in the southwest corner of campus across from the cafeteria.)

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact the officers at utpalambdadelta@yahoo.com.
