Directions To Us

Our services are held in the beautiful, award-winning Halladay-Peterson Chapel at Dow Rummel Village. Dow Rummel Village is located just Southeast of West Avenue and Russell, across from the Sioux Falls Arena/Birdcage Stadium in Sioux Falls. Click here for a map. Sunday service begins at 10:00 a.m., with coffee and discussion after the service with our presenter. Click the "About Us" button for additional information.

For a printable PDF map of the extensive Dow Rummel Campus, including where to park and the locations of various spaces that we utilize, please click here.

Where To Park

Parking is available outside the chapel entrance on the south side of Dow Rummel, off of Madison St. There is handicapped-accessible parking and access. For a printable PDF map that includes where to park and the locations of various spaces that we utilize, please click here.

Staff Conference Room

This space is one of Dow Rummel's staff conference rooms. It is near the north entrance (West Ave to Bailey to Dow Rummel Dr.) Once inside, bear left past the reception desk and head straight back towards the mezzanine with a green metal railing, over the wide, granite-paved hall. Once on the mezzanine, head down the left hallway. At the end is the conference room. For a printable PDF map that includes where to park and the locations of various spaces that we utilize, please click here.

Elmen & Warner Conference Rooms

Utilized for conferences, workshops and religious education, these conference rooms are located off of the "main street" in Dow Rummel Village. Come in the North entrance and follow the granite paved hallway right (South). You will come to a T-intersection just past the steps/ramp. Head right again (West). You will head up a gradual incline. The rooms are on your right. For a printable PDF map that includes where to park and the locations of various spaces that we utilize, please click here.

Rose Room

This space features a fireplace, tables and couches. It is best to enter through the North entrance. Once you reach the granite paved hallway ("main street") turn left (North). You will follow this around the pool towards a doorway on the end of the hall. Go through this door and head right down the carpeted hallway (the only way you can go). Keep going to straight (East). You will end in the Rose Room. For a printable PDF map that includes where to park and the locations of various spaces that we utilize, please click here.