Contact Lana:
Thanks for visiting! Let me know what other information you'd like to see on this site!
Xush kelibsiz!
Link to the latest happenings in Uzbekistan at
That's "welcome" in o'zbekcha (Uzbek)
Food for the Hungry
Joint Development Associates

Food for the Hungry seeks to walk with churches, leaders and families in overcoming all forms of human poverty by living in healthy relationship with God and His creation.
JDA will assist in the transformational development of Central Asia through constructive interaction with individuals, groups, governments, and other organizations to promote and facilitate education and economic development, social well-being, physical and spiritual health, a just society, and restoration of ecological systems.
Read JDA Exec Director's (Bob Hedlund) account of the opening of the Sultan Abrahim School in Afghanistan in June 2004!
I like old, decaying furniture. How about you?
Wanna pray for me? Click here.
Wanna donate funds to JDA?
Our Microcredit director, Ernazar, who is from Nukus, got married there a few months ago.  Click here to see what a Karakalpak wedding is like!
OLD, but still interesting stuff:
Karakalpakstan - an autonomous republic within the country of Uzbekistan.  It is in the northwest part of Uzbekistan.  Nukus is the capital.  JDA's first programs were in this region and continue today!
Random fact:"Kara" means "black" and "kalpak" means "hat"...
Karakalpakstan is the poorest and least developed region of Uzbekistan (click to see 2003 MSF report). The Aral Sea is there.
Wanna hear from me? Write me an email:
OCTOBER 2004 - FOCUS ON: Karakalpakstan
Wanna show me that you visited my site and care about me? Sign my guestbook!
A little fun diversion....absurd signs I found in Korea...(click on statement to see them..)
Some profound statements....
Bling Bling! (and more...)
Just... simple... clean...attractive..casual...
Salute to Jelly and Regina!
So, where you ... bone?
A whole new world.... of blessings..
I've given in to the pressure and now have a XANGA. So if you want to hear random, often absurd, sometimes irreverent observations of life in Uzbekland, go there!
Coming Soon... Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years in Uzbekistan....