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The very unique technique that Saito Hajime uses.  It is unique that there are barely any slashes to this style, just straight-forward attacks.  It's very strong if you're quick, and are very focused.  There were modifications that Saito made for this technique, and were basically follow-ups after he attacked with a piercing.  The advantage to this stance is that the one getting attacked can only dodge in the last minute.
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The Attacks:

Fang Stab/Gatotsu Stance 1:  The most basic move.  The user just runs really fast at the opponent and stabs with great speed.

Tai Ky/Gatotsu Stance 2/Anti Air Fang Stab:  Same as the move above except that it stabs the opponents that air airborne.  A great defense, because it's hard to dodge an attack going straight for you in the air.

Zero Tsuki/Gatotsu Stance 0/Fang Stab 0 Stab:  Basically the same again, except that this is used faster, and is stronger.  The user uses his greatest speed and combines it with his greatest strength.  A lot more effective than the other 2 stances, but harder to use.

Saito's Gatotsu:  I don't know what the name is, so bare with me.  Anyway, this is Saito's Gatotsu.  It is used with his left hand, and his stance is the same.  The only difference is that when he attacks and if he misses, he slashes real fast to the opponent's side, finishing them off.