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Rurouni Kenshin is full of amazing and lovable characters.  In this section of the site, you'll get to learn more about the characters of Rurouni Kenshin.  Enjoy!
Name:  Kenshin Himura

Other names:  Shinta, Hitokiri Battousai, Himura the Battousai, Idiot apprentice, Sir Ken, Battousai the Manslayer

Words to know:  Gentle, Troubled, Reliable, Will to live is Strong

Description:  As most of you have known or guessed, this guy is the main character in all of Rurouni Kenshin,(his name's in the title of the anime!!).  Anyway, Kenshin has had a pretty bad past.  It all started when he was very very young.  His name was Shinta back then, and his parents died.  He was then adopted by 3 older women, and took care of him as if he were their own.  Not long after he met with the 3 women, a group of bandits attacked their caravan.  The 3 women did their best to take care of Shinta, but they ended up dying.  Shinta would've been dead too, however, a strong swordsman named Hiko Seijiro saved him.  After that, Hiko decided to train Shinta into a master swordsman, and even changed his name from Shinta to Kenshin.  A little while later in their training, Kenshin ran away to join the rebellion and became a hitokiki,(hired assassin).  He was so powerful that he was given the nickname Hitokiri Battousai.  However, once he killed someone he wasn't supposed to, he swore never to kill again, and became a wanderer that you see in the TV show.  It was then when he met all his friends, made new enemies, and set out on new adventures.  Kenshin is the coolest guy in the series.
Name:  Kaoru Kamiya

Other names:  Ugly, Miss Kaoru, Missy

Words to know:  Impatient,  Bossy, Crybaby

Description:  A very interesting character.  She's the first person that Kenshin makes friends with in the series, and in an unexpecting way.  Her father was a very famous swordsman of the Kamiya Kasshin Ryu.  Now she runs the dojo, and tries her best to take care of it on her own.  Her dojo ended up failing because of a rumor that Battousai uses Kamiya Kasshin Ryu to kill people at will.  That rumor was ended when Kenshin the real Battousai defeated the imposter, and now Kenshin stayed with her to help raise the dojo once again.  She is a really good swordsman for a girl, and she forms a very strong bond for Kenshin.  He becomes so fond of her, that he was willing to kill just to save her.  The only problem with her is that she has self-pity.  She tends to cry a lot because of what happens to Kenshin.  She also has the willpower to stop Kenshin from getting into too much trouble.  Of course, she's very impatient and gets into many fights with Yahiko for no reason at all sometimes.  Overall, she's a very sweet girl and is very beautiful.
Name:  Sanosuke Sagara

Other names:  Zanza, Sano, Fighter for Hire, Weakling

Words to know:  Hard-headed, persistant

Description:  A "sidekick" to Kenshin.  Yet another person with a dark past.  He was with a group called the Sekihotai,(probably spelled that wrong).  Anyway, after his group was annihilated, he became a strong fighter for hire.  He met Kenshin that way, and lost the battle.  Now he sides with Kenshin and the gang, and helps out in the battles.  Most of the time, though, he is the weakest in the group, and is usually the toughest acting one.  Overall, he is a cool guy, who's always reliable.